PHP Social Connect Class (based on Hybridauth Library)
created by Vladimir S. Udartsev
Based on Hybridauth v 3.0.0
PHP SocialConnectClass - This simple example class illustrate how to authenticate users with Facebook and Vkontakte.
Based on Hybridauth Library and returns normally PHP Array output instead object array.
Most other providers (which includes in Hybridauth/Provider) work pretty much the same just replace Vkontakte/Facebook provider names to another provider name.
Providers List:
- Authentiq
- BitBucket
- Discord
- Disqus
- Dribbble
- Foursquare
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Odnoklassniki
- OpenID
- PaypalOpenID
- Spotify
- StackExchange
- StackExchangeOpenID
- Steam
- Tumblr
- TwitchTV
- Vkontakte
- WeChatChina
- WindowsLive
- WordPress
- Yahoo
- YahooOpenID