Json-auto-validation is a library for automatic validation of incoming json data in a spring-boot API.
A full documentation is available here : Documentation
Based on the automatic generation of json schemas and validation beans using annotations, its aim is to validate json data before deserialization, thereby minimizing deserialization errors and lightening the workload involved in verifying data after deserialization.
Let's take an example. Consider an end point on our API as it is:
class CarController(
private val carService: CarService
) {
fun getCarByFilter(
@Validate filterDto: FilterDto
) = carService.getCarsByFilter(filterDto)
fun getCarById(
@Validate @IsUuid @PathVariable id: String
) = cartService.getCarById(id)
The FilterDto class:
class FilterDto(
val brand: BrandEnum,
@field:IsInteger(minimum = 3, maximum=5)
val nbDoors: Int,
val gps: Boolean?,
val groupId: String
The BrandEnum class:
enum class BrandEnum {
Therefore, tells json-auto-validation to intercept and verify requests before they are processed by the controller handler.
non-exhaustive list of requests that will be in error:
GET /api/v1/cars?brand=Ford
GET /api/v1/cars?brand=Audi&nbDoors=one
GET /api/v1/cars?brand=Audi&nbDoors=42
GET /api/v1/cars?brand=Peugeot&nbDoors=5
GET /api/v1/car/84
GET /api/v1/car/7856486875
non-exhaustive list of requests that will succeed:
GET /api/v1/cars?brand=Ford&nbDoors=5
GET /api/v1/car/4d9199af-decf-42d4-8f14-d9e6fc94729c
You can also create a custom Validator that perform more validation treatments before deserialization:
class FilterDtoValidator(
private val groupController: GroupController
): JsonSchemaValidator<FilterDto>() {
override fun validate(json: String) {
try {
val jsonObject = JSONObject(json)
} catch (exception: GroupNotFoundException) {
TODO(deals with GroupNotFoundException)
} catch (exception: ValidationException) {
TODO(deals with ValidationException)