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Managing dependencies


Dependencies in this project are managed using pip-compile and pip-sync (from pip-tools).

Direct production/release dependencies are specified in (which is manually edited). These are pinned to a specific version to make it easier to control and track upgrades to direct dependencies. A small number of indirect dependencies are also included in where we have previously had breakages caused by updates to those libraries.

requirements.txt is a lock file generated using pip-compile and should not be manually edited.

Anything that does not need to be in production should be inluded within the (which is manually edited). The requirements-dev.txt is the local generated lock file and is what will be released for circle-ci but the staging/releasable environments should be setup like production, with a reduced footprint.

Installing dependencies

Dependencies should always be installed using requirements.txt. The first time you do this, you should run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

After that, you can run pip-sync instead. (Note that pip-sync will also remove any installed dependencies that are not specified in the lock file, such as removed dependencies or packages manually installed using pip.)

How to add a new dependency

  1. Add the package to the relevant section in, specifying a particular version (typically the latest at time of adding).

  2. Run pip-compile --upgrade --output-file requirements.txt to regenerate requirements.txt. Note: This will also update indirect dependencies.

  3. Run pip-sync to install the new locked dependencies locally. (You can also use pip install -r requirements.txt, but that may leave behind redundant packages that have been removed which can cause problems.)

  4. Commit the changes as part of your feature branch.

How to upgrade dependencies

  1. Check for out-of-date dependencies. You can use piprot for this by running piprot -o Alternatively, you can use pip by running pip list -o.

  2. Update the versions in to the new desired versions. Make sure you check the change logs for dependencies that are being updated in case they have any breaking changes.

  3. Run pip-compile --upgrade --output-file requirements.txt to regenerate requirements.txt. Note that this will also update indirect dependencies.

  4. Run pip-sync to install the new locked dependencies locally. (You can also use pip install -r requirements.txt, but that may leave behind redundant packages that have been removed which can cause problems.)

  5. Create a PR. Include links to the change logs for dependencies in that were updated to make it easier for other developers to have a look at them.

    Example of such a PR.