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Zac Tolley edited this page Mar 20, 2018 · 2 revisions

The idea of the tutorial is to walk a dev through a fictitious new entity.

What we want to achieve

Getting started

Git - co, branch, get dependencies

Check the environment setup

Fire up the server

Create a sub-app

Setup simple index and router

Create a repo and test it

Create list item transformer and test it

Create a middleware and test it (seeing a pattern?)

Create a controller and view

Viewing a record

Add getItem to repo

Parameter handler

Detail transformer


View entity form

Transform API to form format

Define the form

Generate the form with state

Render the form

Posting form data

Transform form to api format

Save entity repo function

Handle form post with middleware

Redirect on success

Fail through on failure

Finish things with an add button

One more thing... Acceptance Tests

Test you can add add an entity, view it in the list and edit it