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Export Wins MI

A front end project to show some MI data for Data Hub

Build Status


All dependencies come from NPM


After checkout run:

npm install

You will also need some environment variables created before you can start the app, take a look at the env template file with command source .env.template.

To make life easier setup an shell extension to read a .env or .envrc file and setup env vars for you, like direnv, then ensure you have the correct env variables set.

Starting the app



To start the app in production:

npm start

This will use server.js to run the app as a child process, if the child process crashes then it will be respawned.

If the SERVER_WORKERS env variable is set to more than 1, it will use the cluster module and will spin up x amount of workers as specified.

To run just the app directly (not as a child process from server.js):

npm run app


To run in development mode (watching files for changes):

npm run watch
Fake stubs

To run in development mode and also use fake stubs, first you need to generate the stubs:

node src/data/create-backend-fake-stubs.js

This will generate and write the stubs into src/data/fake-stubs/ and will log a message to say how many files were written, now you can run the app with those stubs:

npm run watch-fake-stub
Real stubs

If you want to be able to run the app without a db and backend running you can run a script:

node src/data/fetch-backend-stubs.js

That will fetch a response from all the APIs and write them to disk. To avoid losing active stubs, a folder called "backend" will be created with the current date and time appended, you will need to rename this to "backend" in src/data/stubs/ and then these are the responses that will then be returned if you enable stub mode:

npm run watch-stub

Now you can stop the db and backend from running and the app will still work.


The image for this project is created automatically in Docker Hub, to run it you need to have some env variables created, as specified in the env template and then use the following command:


To start the app:



If you want to run this app and a backend in docker, there is a little trick that needs to done. As the network integration for OSX is not as nice as Linux, you will need to create an alias to enable the app container to talk to the backend container.

Run this in terminal:

'[[ `ifconfig -r lo0 | grep | wc -l` -eq 0 ]] && sudo ifconfig lo0 alias'

It will check whether the alias exists and if not it will prompt for the sudo password and create it.

Now start the app:


Now visit your localhost on port 8080 and it should be running.


To stop the container run:

	docker stop datahub-mi

And if you want to easily restart it, you need to delete the container

	docker rm datahub-mi


To test the Node code:

npm test

To test the client side code:

npm run test:client


If you have a small branch with minimal commits then run the commands below on the branch. If you have a lot of commits over a long period of time then create a new release branch.

First check the current version:

npm version

Now decide what the next semver version will be and create the branch:

git checkout master
git checkout -b release-vx.x.x

The commands below will change the version in the package.json and the npm-shrinkwrap.json and then it will create a git tag and try to push the branch and the tag.

Choose the next correct semver version and run the appropriate command:


Bug fixes and small changes.

npm version patch


Backwards compatible changes and new features.

npm version minor


Breaking changes.

npm version major

Once the branch has been merged to master, pull the latest master branch and then tag the release:

npm run tag-master

This will take the version number and tag it in git i.e. v1.2.3-master and then push the tags


If you have not pushed the local branch then running the command above will output an error. Just copy and run the git push command (output in the error) and then run:

git push origin --tags

To push the tag up to origin.

Now you can create a PR in github, but you will have to wait for CircleCI to build and run the tests before you can merge. Once the merge is complete CircleCI will run the build and tests again.



Heroku will auto build and deploy from develop onto the ITHC env.


The staging and production environments both require manual deployments. To to this, go to the Jenkins project datahub-mi and click on Build with parameters. Select staging from the dropdown list and enter the git tag you have created into the Git_Commit field. Once you have done this, press the Build button.

Once your changes have deployed successfully to staging, you can deploy to production by following the same process, but selecting prod in the dropdown.

Docker compose

Docker images are built automatically by docker hub for all branches and version tags.

To start all the services you can use docker compose:

docker-compose up

Which will require a database to be running and DATABASE_URL env var to be defined

You can start a database by running:

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=export-wins-data postgres:9

And use a script to generate some data, or to start a clean db, use compose with the over ride file:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.clean.yml up