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Package for tracking any custom events and logging them to influxdb or prometheus in Laravel framework.


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Event tracker

Package for tracking any custom events and logging them to influxdb or prometheus in Laravel framework.


  • Install
composer require umbrellio/event-tracker


  • Out of box it has few ready trackers:
    • Response time - middleware for logging response-time of different endpoints
    • Jobs duration - set of listeners for logging execution time of all jobs
    • Jobs log - set of listeners for logging all executed jobs
  • Log anything you want by multipurpose classes - EventRepository and PrometheusRepository
  • Log into influxdb directly or by telegraf
  • Prometheus support
  • Application metrics exporter

Known issues

  • Prometheus integration. If your app deployed to kubernetes and it has more than one pod, where Prometheus gets metrics, then your metrics will be doubled. The reason it happens is one storage for metrics (Redis). Prometheus requests metrics from every fpm pod and they give same metrics, which prometheus sums up.



  1. Execute php artisan vendor:publish for publishing config example in your config directory
  2. Write your credentials and settings in config. If you don't need some connections or trackers you can delete them.


Each instances of your application must have own storage for your metrics. You cannot use shared storage with several replicas of your application. In that case scraping will return metrics for both the current replica and other replicas.

You could still use shared storage if you have only one fpm replica.

In distributed systems like Kubernetes probably your application is likely running in multiple instances and in different modes (fpm, horizon). Each of them produces metrics and each of them has to be monitored by Prometheus. The exporter provided by this package will solve mentioned above problem. Correct setup should include:

  • Each replica has its own (local) redis instance to store metrics
  • Each replica has its own exporter which exposes /metrics-endpoint and grabs metrics from the redis instance. The provided exporter is available: event-tracker/exporter
  • Application writes metrics to that local redis instance
  • event_tracker.php config has correct credentials for local redis
return [
    'connection' => 'prometheus',
    'connections' => [
        'prometheus' => [
            'redis' => [
                'client' => env('EVENT_TRACKER_REDIS_CLIENT', 'phpredis'),
                'credentials' => [
                    'host' => env('EVENT_TRACKER_REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),
                    'username' => env('EVENT_TRACKER_REDIS_USERNAME', 'redis'),
                    'password' => env('EVENT_TRACKER_REDIS_PASSWORD'),
                    'port' => env('EVENT_TRACKER_REDIS_PORT', '6379'),
                    'database' => env('EVENT_TRACKER_REDIS_DATABASE', 0),


Response time tracker

This tracker collects information about time, that your application spends for handle request on different endpoints.

All you need for integrate this tracker is include a middleware - ResponseTimeTrackerMiddleware in your route's list. This middleware has to be last one in your routes. Use Laravel's feature


Records have follow format: app_prefix.response_time,action=ExampleController@index val=1608201916", where url is tag's name, and val is field's name.


  • Buckets can be configured in config
  • Metrics have follow format: app_prefix_response_time_bucket{namespace="app-nc",action="ExampleController@index",le="1"} 1

You can change measurement name instead of 'response_time' in config at trackers block. All trackers have this opportunity.

Jobs duration tracker

This one collects metrics about duration time of jobs in your application.


This tracker will write records in follow format: app_prefix.jobs_duration,jobName=App\Example\JobName val=160820191 .


  • Buckets can be configured in config
  • Metrics have follow format: app_prefix_jobs_duration_bucket{namespace="app-ns",jobName="App\Jobs\JobName",le="1"} 2

This tracker allows you to skip any jobs, you don't want to track via config.

Jobs log

This one collects information about amount of each kind of jobs in application.


Format of writing will be: app_prefix.jobs_log,event=processing,jobName=App\Example\JobName


Metrics have follow format: app_prefix_jobs_log{namespace="app-ns",jobName="App\Jobs\JobName",eventName="processed"} 2

You can skip any jobs similarly like in previous tracker.

External api response

This one collects information about requests, that your application sends to external apis.

For integrate this tracker you need create all GuzzleClient's instances with config on_stats. During creating GuzzleClient in your ServiceProvider you need write something like:

$callbackCreator = app(Umbrellio\EventTracker\Trackers\ExternalApiResponse\GuzzleClientOnStatsCallbackCreator);
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(['on_stats' => $callbackCreator->create()]);

In this case you can modify client as you want. But if you dont need it - you can create new ServiceProvider and use tracker's binder:

class GuzzleClientServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(Umbrellio\EventTracker\Trackers\ExternalApiResponse\GuzzleClientBinder $binder): void


Format of writing will

be: app_prefix.external_api_response,,status=200,total_time=1.0,connect_time=0.5,namelookup_time=0.5 val=1.0


  • Buckets can be configured in config
  • Metrics have follow format: app_prefix_external_api_response_bucket{namespace="app-ns",host="",status=200,le="2"} 1

You can configure last three tags in metrics option, if you don't need something. Beside of this tags you can specify any fields from handlerStats attribute in GuzzleHttp\TransferStats object.

By default, option group_redirects_in_one_request is set in false. It means every request will be tracked. Even if it was response with redirect status code. However if you want track common time of response, set this option to true.

Field val can be configured by option main_metric. This field must be one of list in metrics option.

Custom trackers


You can create your own wrap for EventRepository class and log any custom events from your app. Pass timestamp attribute in write method for use specific time of event instead of current one. Use only nanoseconds for specify time. For example - 1612369449000000000.


Similarly, like in Influx case, you can use PrometheusRepositoryContract for write custom metrics. There are methods for each type of Prometheus metrics: counter, gauge, histogram, summary.

For disable all trackers - use enabled field in package config.



This connection allows you to send event directly in influx db. This way is not recommended, because there is can be problems with performance.


This connection just like previous one, but all events is sent to Telegraf daemon. This way is faster and more optimized than previous one.


This connection uses Redis for temporary storing metrics. All your events will be written to redis. All metrics can be fetched by /metrics endpoint (it will be automatically added to your routes). You can configure endpoint name.


Package for tracking any custom events and logging them to influxdb or prometheus in Laravel framework.






