A social platform (full stack MERN application) to share free web fonts with full technical specifications for ease of use.
Open the deployed application on Heroku at bopomo.herokuapp.com which will direct you to a Sign In page with a link to a Sign Up page for new users.
Once logged in, you'll see an index of posted fonts and a form to upload new font files.
Bopomo is a MERN stack application hosted on Heroku and MonogoDB atlas via a GCP cluster. Server functionality is handled by a REST API written in ES2015 (JavaScript) with the Express.js framework.
User stories following a "AAU I want to <action>, because <reason>" format and sorted by milestones are stored as cards on a Trello board. Said cards are also linked to GitHub issues on this repo for more thorough planning within contributions.
The database is planned with an ERD saved as a Lucid document using the crow's foot ERD template.
Wireframes are currently sketches that can be found in the docs/img folder on this repo.
Future plans for development include:
- More user interaction
- Comments on fonts
- Comment replies
- Comment votes
- Following users
- Shared font pairings
- Integrations
- Repo links on fonts
- Continuous integration font updates
- OAuth signup and sign in
- Security options
- Password updates
- Locked/private accounts
- Blocking users
- Disabling comments on fonts