or download the Underworld3 image at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/julesg/underworld3/
To run the image locally we recommend using either podman or docker, either via the desktop-GUI or command line application.
- podman - https://podman-desktop.io/
- docker - https://www.docker.com/get-started/
- podman - https://podman.io/docs/installation
- docker - https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
Some ways of running the container via command line. NOTE: In examples podamn
can be swapped for docker
# create a persistent I/O volume to transfer data
podman volume create uw3_vol
# run image with jupyterlab on localhost:9999
podman run -p 9999:8888 -v uw3_vol:/home/jovyan/vol_space underworld3:0.9
# alternative run with an interactive bash prompt (no jupyterlab) and extra volume mount.
podman run --rm -it \
-p 9999:8888 \
-v uw3_vol:/home/jovyan/vol_space \
-v ${HOME}:/home/jovyan/host \
Docker management
# see your containers and delete them
podman ps -a
podman rm <container_name>
# see your images and delete them
podman images -a
podman rmi underworld3:0.9