A simple x64 hooking library for Windows and Linux.
Trampolines are allocated near the hooked site and any relative instructions are patched in order to effective address is the same.
If the provided ChunkAllocator
interface does not suit your needs, you can write your own implementation similar how you'd write a custom std allocator implementation.
const std = @import("std");
const zz = @import("zigzag");
fn sqr(n: u32) u64 {
return n * n;
fn sqr_detour(n: u32) u64 {
return n * n + 1;
pub fn main() !void {
var pca: zz.PageChunkAllocator = .{};
defer pca.deinit();
const ca = pca.allocator();
try std.testing.expect(sqr(2) == 4);
const sqr_hook = try zz.Hook(@TypeOf(sqr)).init(ca, @constCast(&sqr), sqr_detour);
// deinitializing a hook may fail when the page execute permission can't be removed
defer _ = sqr_hook.deinit();
try std.testing.expect(sqr(2) == 5);
try std.testing.expect(sqr_hook.delegate(2) == 4);
Run zig build example.<name>
to run a specific example.
For example zig build example.basic