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659 lines (492 loc) · 34.1 KB

Building Unicode Tools

This file provides instructions for building and running the UnicodeTools, which can be used to:

  • build the Derived Unicode files in the UCD (Unicode Character Database),
  • build the transformed UCA (Unicode Collation Algorithm) files needed by Unicode.
  • run consistency checks on beta releases of the UCD and the UCA.
  • build 4 chart folders on the unicode site.
  • build files for ICU (collation, NFSkippable)


  • This is NOT production level code, and should never be used in programs.
  • The API is subject to change without notice, and will not be maintained.
  • The source is uncommented, and has many warts; since it is not production code, it has not been worth the time to clean it up.
  • It will probably need some adjustments on Unix or Windows, such as changing the file separator.
  • Currently it uses hard-coded directory names.
  • The contents of multiple versions of the UCD must be copied to a local directory, as described below.
  • It will be useful to look at the history of the files in git to see the kinds of rule changes that are made!
    • Unfortunately, we lost some change history of about 1.5 years(?) leading up to April 2020.


General Setup for Maven

  1. Configure Maven settings (including Github tokens) according to these instructions:
  2. Get your github account authorized for, create a fork under your account, and create a local clone.

In-source / Out-of-source build setup

Some of the tasks within the Unicode Tools generate output files that can also be input files into other steps. For this purpose, we create a folder named Generated to store these files. This folder can be a subfolder inside the local working copy root (called an "In-source build" workspace layout), or this folder can be outside (ex: a sibling folder) the local working-copy root (called an "Out-of-source build" workspace layout). Both workspace styles are described below.

Out-of-source builds keep a separation between source files of the repository and their generated output files, which are not tracked in the repository. Out-of-source builds allow developers to maintain a clean view of changes to tracked source files, without mixing generated output files. (Out-of-source builds are also useful for C++ repositories in which multiple configurations can be invoked to generate independent sets of makefiles that result in corresponding different output compiled binary files.)

Setup for an out-of-source build workspace
  1. Create directories for cloning the Unicode Tools and CLDR repositories:
mkdir -p unicodetools/mine/src
mkdir -p cldr/mine/src
  1. Clone the repositories' contents into their respective source directories:
git clone unicodetools/mine/src
git clone cldr/mine/src
  1. Create the Generated folder structure as a sibling to the local working copy root:
mkdir -p unicodetools/mine/Generated/BIN
Setup for an in-source build workspace
  1. Clone both the Unicode Tools and CLDR repositories:
git clone
git clone
  1. In the root folder of the unicodetools local working copy, create the Generated/BIN folder structure
    1. (Eclipse users can do this graphically by following the corresponding step in the Eclipse section below)
    2. At the command-line: cd unicodetools; mkdir -p Generated/BIN
Notes for both out-of-source and in-source build workspaces

Currently, some tests run on the generated output files of a tool (ex: in order to test the validity of the output files). After converting these tests into standard JUnit tests, these unit tests are then run in isolation by default. Our code has been updated to support this behavior because it now checks for generated files in the Generated directory, and falls back to the repository's checked-in version when a command does not invoke the generation of a new version.

Java System properties used in Unicode Tools

(Note: The following example values for Java system properties are paths to local working copies that are organized using the out-of-source build workspace layout, as described above.)

Property Example Value
CLDR_DIR /usr/local/google/home/mscherer/cldr/mine/src
IMAGES_REPO_DIR /usr/local/google/home/mscherer/images/mine/src
UNICODETOOLS_REPO_DIR /usr/local/google/home/mscherer/unitools/mine/src
UNICODETOOLS_GEN_DIR /usr/local/google/home/mscherer/unitools/mine/Generated

Editing and tool execution setup

Source code formatting

Like other projects, Unicode Tools uses a source formatter to ensure a consistent code style automatically, and it uses a single common formatter to avoid spurious diff noise in code reviews. This is now enforced via a formatter that is configured in the Maven build via a Maven plugin and checked by continuous integration on pull requests.

When creating pull requests, you can check the formatting locally using the command mvn spotless:check. You can apply the formatter's changes using the command mvn spotless:apply. Continuous integration errors for formatting can be fixed by committing the changes resulting from applying the formatter locally and pushing the new commit.

Some IDEs can integrate the formatter via plugins, which can minimize the need to manually run the formatter separately. The following links for specific IDEs may work:

  • Eclipse: Follow the instructions in the "Auto format" section. You can alternatively use this link for android-formatting.xml.
  • VSCode: Follow the instructions in "Applying formatter settings", but use the same android-formatting.xml link mentioned for Eclipse (ex: "java.format.settings.url": "",). Also use the profile name corresponding to that XML file: (ex: "java.format.settings.profile": "Android",).
  • IntelliJ: Use the official plugin for the formatter.

Eclipse-specific Additional Setup

  1. Follow the Eclipse-specific settings at
    1. Edit the cldr-code project’s Build Path: Under “Order and Export”, set the check mark next to “Maven Dependencies” so that CLDR makes its dependencies available to the Unicode Tools project.
  2. Import the unicodetools project into Eclipse as a Maven project.
    1. If your installation of Eclipse does not already include Maven project support, install the M2Eclipse plugin for Maven support in Eclipse.
      1. You can check if the M2Eclipse plugin is installed by looking for the Eclipse "m2" icon in the help box at Help > About (or Eclipse > About Eclipse on macOS).
      2. If M2Eclipse is not installed, click here for installation tips.
    2. Import the Unicode Tools working copy directory as an Eclipse Maven project via
      1. File > Import ... > Maven > Existing Maven Projects. Note: if Maven and Existing Maven Projects don't appear as a top-level category and sub-option in the initial Import screen of the wizard, then the Eclipse plugin for Maven support has not been installed yet, and see above.
      2. Click Next. In the Root Directory field find the location of the working copy directory. Each pom.xml should be detected and selected in the Projects tree selection widget below. Click Finish to finish importing the Eclipse project.
  3. Set up a run configuration for building and testing of the entire project using Maven
    1. Run > Run Configurations ... > Maven Build, then click the New Launch Configuration icon above
    2. Name: Build and Test
    3. Main > Base Directory > Workspace > unicodetools-parent > OK. The text field should be auto-populated with ${workspace_loc:/unicodetools-parent}
    4. Main > Goals: package
    5. JRE > VM Arguments..., then set any VM arguments described below. (Example: -ea)
    6. Ensure that the system properties are set (see section below, "Setting system properties").
    7. Apply
    8. Run
  4. Project > Clean... > Clean all projects is your friend

Setting system properties

For the tools to work, you need to set the JVM system properties according to your workspace layout. Depending on which tool you are running, you may need some or all of the properties listed above in General Setup for Maven.

For command-line users:

  • System properties are specified in this fashion for Maven (same as it is for the JVM CLI): -Dvar1=path1 -Dvar2=path2 ...

For Eclipse users:

  • Set the common variables globally in Window > Preferences... > Java > Installed JREs > select the active JRE > Edit... > Default VM arguments: -Dvar1=path1 -Dvar2=path2 ....
    • This approach is recommended to avoid repeating setting the variables for each command. Examples of run configurations below will assume this approach and omit these globally shared variables.
  • Alternatively, you can set these for each single command/tool that you configure in the Run > Debug Configurations... > (x)= Arguments tab > VM arguments

Enabling assertions

Please also enable assertions when running commands so that failed assertions don’t just slip through.

Command-line users:

  • Set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to include the -ea JVM option in its string value
    • Ex: export MAVEN_OPTS="-ea"; mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=...
    • Ex: MAVEN_OPTS="-ea" mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=...

Eclipse users:

  • Use the VM argument -ea (enable assertions) in your Preferences or in your Run/Debug configurations

Commands for Unicode Tools Tasks

All commands must be run in the root of the unicodetools repository local working copy directory.

Common tasks for Unicode Tools are listed below with example CLI commands with example argument values that they need:

  • Make Unicode Files:

    • Out-of-source build: mvn -s .github/workflows/mvn-settings.xml compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.unicode.text.UCD.Main" -Dexec.args="version 14.0.0 build MakeUnicodeFiles" -am -pl unicodetools -DCLDR_DIR=$(cd ../../../cldr/mine/src ; pwd) -DUNICODETOOLS_GEN_DIR=$(cd ../Generated ; pwd) -DUNICODETOOLS_REPO_DIR=$(pwd) -DUVERSION=14.0.0

    • In-source build: MAVEN_OPTS="-ea" mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.unicode.text.UCD.Main" -Dexec.args="version 14.0.0 build MakeUnicodeFiles" -am -pl unicodetools -DCLDR_DIR=$(cd ../cldr ; pwd) -DUNICODETOOLS_GEN_DIR=$(cd Generated; pwd) -DUNICODETOOLS_REPO_DIR=$(pwd) -DUVERSION=14.0.0

  • Build and Test:

    • Out-of-source build: MAVEN_OPTS="-ea" mvn package -DCLDR_DIR=$(cd ../../../cldr/mine/src ; pwd) -DUNICODETOOLS_GEN_DIR=$(cd ../Generated ; pwd) -DUNICODETOOLS_REPO_DIR=$(pwd) -DUVERSION=14.0.0

    • In-source build: MAVEN_OPTS="-ea" mvn package -DCLDR_DIR=$(cd ../cldr ; pwd) -DUNICODETOOLS_GEN_DIR=$(cd Generated; pwd) -DUNICODETOOLS_REPO_DIR=$(pwd) -DUVERSION=14.0.0

See the corresponding Github Actions Continuous Integration workflow file to see other commonly used tools and specifics on how to invoke them at the command line.

Running commands in Eclipse

For each individual command in Unicode Tools described above, you can configure a Launch Configuration in one of two ways.

  1. Just like the Build and Test run config described above, which uses Maven, with the following command and extra changes:
    1. From Run > Run Configurations ..., select the previous "Build and Test" configuration. Then select the "Duplicate" button above to create a new duplicate run config. Now make the following changes.
    2. Name: [command name goes here] (ex: UCD Make Unicode Files)
    3. Main > Goals: -am -pl unicodetools compile exec:java (the argument for the subproject list flag -pl assumes that the class with the main method is in the subdirectory unicodetools/src/main/java)
    4. In the environment variables section, also set the class containing the main method and the command's CLI args (ex: name = exec.mainClass, value = "org.unicode.text.UCD.Main"; name = exec.args, value = "version 15.0.0 build MakeUnicodeFiles")
  2. Create a typical Eclipse run configuration for running a Java class with a main file
    1. Run > Run Configurations ... > Java Application, then click the New Launch Configuration icon above
    2. Name: [command name goes here] (ex: UCD Make Unicode Files)
    3. Project: unicodetools
    4. Main class: [main class path] (ex: org.unicode.text.UCD.Main)
    5. Arguments > Program arguments: [main class args] (ex: version 15.0.0 build MakeUnicodeFiles)
    6. Arguments > VM arguments: [any VM arguments] (ex: -ea)
    7. Keep in mind that in this approach, you may need to run the Build and Test run config to ensure the latest source code has been compiled by Maven before executing it. For example, if running the run config produces an error like Error: Could not find or load main class org.unicode.text.UCD.Main Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ..., then you must run the Build and Test run config for Maven to build the yet-uncompiled Java classes into ./unicodetools/target/classes

Updating CLDR and ICU versions

👉 Note: This is a mess. See

See the top level pom.xml under <properties>.


  • Every time an ICU release/prerelease (not tag) is created on GitHub, a new package is created.
  • Go to to see what versions of ICU special packages are available.
  • Update icu.version in the top level pom.xml to the version string, such as 70.0.1-SNAPSHOT-cldr-2021-09-15


  • Every time a CLDR release/prerelease (not tag) is created on GitHub, a new package is created.
  • Go to to see what versions of CLDR packages are available.
  • Update cldr.version in the top level pom.xml to this version string, which has 0.0.0 and a git hash in it, such as 0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bfa39570be

Using custom versions of CLDR

  • Look at your version of CLDR's top level pom.xml
  • It will have a version such as 40.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Change cldr.version to 40.0-SNAPSHOT and this version will be used.
  • If you are using Eclipse, make sure CLDR and UnicodeTools are in the same workspace, and Eclipse should do the right thing.
  • I'm not sure how to do the same with ICU.

Input data files

The input data files for the Unicode Tools are checked into the repo since 2012-dec-21:

This is inside the unicodetools file tree, and the Java code has been updated to assume that. Any old Eclipse setup needs its path variables checked.

For details see Input data setup.

Generating new data

To generate new data files, you can run the org.unicode.text.UCD.Main class (yes, the Main class has a main() function) with program arguments build MakeUnicodeFiles. You may optionally include e.g. version 14.0.0 if you wish to just generate the files for a single version. Make sure you have the VM arguments set up as described above.

Updating to a new Unicode version

Unicode 15+ workflow

Starting with Unicode 15, we are developing most of the Unicode data files in this Unicode Tools project, and publish them to the Public folder only for alpha/beta/final releases. That is, we are reversing the flow of files.

See data workflow. (Based on issue #144.)

We are also no longer generating and posting files with version suffixes. (We now generate files into an output folder with the Unicode version number.)

Except: Some files, such as Unihan and ucdxml data files, are developed elsewhere, and we continue to ingest them as before.

Starting with Unicode 15, we keep the latest versions of data files in unversioned "dev" folders in this repo.

Unicode 15.1+ workflow

See data workflow.

Unicode 15.0.0 changes

All of the following have version 15.0.0 (or whatever the latest version is) in the options given to Java.

Example changes for adding Unicode 15 version numbers: See the second commit of Also, you must update the version number in the CI build scripts in .github/workflows/.

Example changes for adding properties: #40. Throughout these steps we will walk through updating unicodetools to support Unicode 15 or 14.

Unicode 14.0.0 changes

Firstly, fetch the latest data files for this version from, matching your new version number. If this does not exist, request this be created from You may also need to fetch the emoji files from, using a previous version if a new one does not exist.

You may need to use the tools from Input data setup to desuffix the files (removing the -dN suffixes). Copy these into unicodetools/data/emoji/14.0 and unicodetools/data/ucd/14.0.0-Update.

to set up the inputs correctly. For some updates you may need to pull in other (uca, security, idna, etc) files, see Input data setup for more information.

Now, update the following files:

MakeUnicodeFiles.txt (find in Eclipse via Navigate/Resource or Ctrl+Shift+R)

Generate: .*
CopyrightYear: 2021 (or whatever)
File: DerivedAge
..... add a value for the latest version at the bottom:
Value:  V14_0

Update String[] LONG_AGE and String[] SHORT_AGE in

Update latestVersion and lastVersion in to fix:

public static final String latestVersion = "14.0.0";
public static final String lastVersion = "13.1.0"; // last released version


Update enum AGE_Values in

Update searchPath in

If there are new CJK characters (if there are changes to entries in UnicodeData.txt that are for <CJK Ideograph ..., First> etc.), and need to be updated to handle these ranges. See PR #171 and PR #47 for examples.

For CJK, you'll first need to compute the composite version, as (major << 16) | (minor << 8) | update. E.g. Unicode 14 is 0xe0000. Since the ranges change based on the version, the code here needs to be updated in a version-aware way.

If any range has changed its end point, say, CJK Extension C, update CJK_C_LIMIT in (make sure to update the comment next to it with the latest Unicode version).

Then edit mapToRepresentative() in to add the range. Make sure the range is added only for the latest Unicode version, by using sections like if (ch <= 0x2B737 && rCompositeVersion >= 0xe0000) .

If a new range has been introduced, add it to near CJK_E_BASE, add it to mapToRepresentative(), update hasComputableName and get() in to add the first character.

Also search (case-insensitively) unicodetools for 2A700 (start of Extension C) and add the new range accordingly.

When CJK_LIMIT moves, search for 9FCC and update near there as necessary.

If the main Tangut block has been extended, then in mapToRepresentative() add another per-version block for returning TANGUT_BASE.

You can now run the steps in “Generating new data” above to attempt to generate the files. It will likely error due to missing enum values for new blocks and scripts.

New blocks

Compare Blocks.txt to the old version (or check the errors from your attempt to generate new files). For all the new ones:

  • Add to ShortBlockNames.txt (you need to know what the short name is, you can find it in PropertyValueAliases.txt)
  • Add long & short names to enum Block_Values
    • You may not have to do this for all of them, update ShortBlockNames and see if you still get errors.

New scripts

  • Add long & short names to enum Script_Values, in alphabetical order
  • Add the script code to below SCRIPT_CODE, in alphabetical order grouped by Unicode version. Update LIMIT_SCRIPT to use the name of the new last script
  • Update SCRIPT and LONG_SCRIPT in, in alphabetical order grouped by Unicode version. (Important: this must be in the same order as the previous one.)
  • After first run of UCD Main, take the DerivedAge.txt lines for the new version, copy them into the input Scripts.txt file, and change the new version number to the appropriate script (which can be new or old or Common etc.). Then run UCD Main again and check the generated Scripts.txt.

Make a pull request to incorporate these updates, and upload the generated files in a way that can be shared with ucd-dev.

Unicode 15+:

  • make a commit for changes in input data files
  • copy the output files back into the input folders, review, and commit again

... instead of posting draft files elsewhere and re-ingesting them later.

Ideally, diff the files to check for any discrepancies. The script will do this automatically, you can search the output for lines that say "Found difference in <filename>", however note that it will only display the first line of the diff, so if there are additional discrepancies you may miss them.

New enum property values

When you run, it will break if there are new enum property values.

Note: For more information and newer code see the pages

To fix that:

Go into org.unicode.text.UCD/

  • and

(These contain ugly items that should be enums nowadays.)

Find the property (easiest is to search for some other properties in the enum). Add at end in UCD_Types. Be sure to update the limit, like

LIMIT_SCRIPT = Mandaic + 1;

Then in UCD_Names, change the corresponding name entry, both the full and abbreviated names. Follow the format of the existing values.

For example:

In in BIDI_CLASS add "LRI", "RLI", "FSI", "PDI",

In in LONG_BIDI_CLASS add "LeftToRightIsolate", "RightToLeftIsolate", "FirstStrongIsolate", "PopDirectionalIsolate",

In add & adjust

BIDI_LRI = 20,
BIDI_RLI = 21,
BIDI_FSI = 22,
BIDI_PDI = 23,

Some changes may cause collisions in the UnicodeMaps used for derived properties. You'll find that out with an exception like:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attempt to reset value for 17B4 when that is disallowed. Old: Control; New: Extend at org.unicode.text.UCD.ToolUnicodePropertySource$28.<init>(

New scripts

Add new scripts like other new property values. In addition, make sure there are ISO 15924 script codes, and collect CLDR script metadata. See

Break Rules

If there are new break rules (or changes), see Segmentation-Rules.

Building Files


  1. In Eclipse, open the Package Explorer (Use Window>Show View if you don't see it)
  2. Open UnicodeTools
    • package org.unicode.text.UCD
      • MakeUnicodeFiles.txt

        This file drives the production of the derived Unicode files. The first three lines contain parameters that you may want to modify at some times:

        Generate: .*script.* // this is a regular expression. Use .* for all files
        CopyrightYear: 2010  // Pick the current year
  3. Open in Package Explorer
    • package org.unicode.text.UCD
  4. Run>Run As...
    1. Choose Java Application
      • it will fail, don't worry; you need to set some parameters.
  5. Run>Run...
    • Select the Arguments tab, and fill in the following
      • Program arguments: build MakeUnicodeFiles
        • For a specific version, prepend version 6.3.0 or similar.
      • VM arguments: CLDR_DIR etc., see the setup instructions near the top of this page; easiest to set them in the global Preferences. Otherwise copy them into each Run/Debug configuration.
    • Close and Save


  1. You'll see it build the 5.0 files, with something like the following results:

    Writing UCD_Data
    Data Size: 109,802
    Wrote Data 109802

    For each version, the tools build a set of binary data in BIN that contain the information for that release. This is done automatically, or you can manually do it with the Program Arguments

  2. As options, use: version 5.0.0 build

    This builds a compressed format of all the UCD data (except blocks and Unihan) into the BIN directory. Don't worry about the voluminous console messages, unless one says "FAIL".

    You have to manually do this if you change any of the data files in that version! This ought to have build files, but I haven't worked around to it.

    Note: if for any reason you modify the binary format of the BIN files, you also have to bump the value in that file:

    static final byte BINARY_FORMAT = 8; // bumped if binary format of UCD changes

Results in Generated

  1. The files will be in this directory.
  2. (Note: these don't get generated anymore!) There are also DIFF folders, that contain BAT files that you can run on Windows with CompareIt. (You can modify the code to build BATs with another Diff program if you want).
    1. For any file with a significant difference, it will build two BAT files, such as the first two below.
  3. Any files without significant changes will have "UNCHANGED" as a prefix: ignore them. The OLDER prefix is the comparison to the last version of Unicode.
  4. On Windows you can run these BATs to compare files: TODO??

Upload for Ken Whistler & other reviewers

Unicode 15+: See above; commit new input data, run tools, review output, copy back to input, commit, pull request...

  1. Check diffs for problems
  2. Ask for reviews on the pull request.
  3. For & during alpha & beta we publish whole snapshots of multiple repo data folders using publication scripts: See data workflow.

We no longer post files to FTP folders, nor publish individual files without consistent changes in others.

Invariant Checking

Note: Also build and run the New Unicode Properties programs, since they have some additional checks.


  1. Open in Package Explorer

    • org.unicode.text.UCD
  2. Run>Run As... Java Application
    Will create the following files of results:



    1. -r Print the failures as a range list.
    2. -fxxx Use a different input file, such as -fInvariantTest.txt

    The console output shows whether any problems are found. Thus in the following case there was one failure:

  3. Note that since 2022-May (Unicode 15) we have a TestTestUnicodeInvariants JUnit wrapper that runs TestUnicodeInvariants with default options, and which is one of our CI build bot tests.

  4. The header of the result file explains the syntax of the tests.

  5. Open that file and search for **** START Test Failure.

  6. Each such point provides a dump of comparison information.

    1. Failures print a list of differences between two sets being compared. So if A and B are being compared, it prints all the items in A-B, then in B-A, then in A&B.
    2. For example, here is a listing of a problem that must be corrected. Note that usually there is a comment that explains what the following line or lines are supposed to test. Then will come FALSE (indicating that the test failed), then the detailed error report.
      # Canonical decompositions (minus exclusions) must be identical across releases
      [$Decomposition_Type:Canonical - $Full_Composition_Exclusion] = [$�Decomposition_Type:Canonical - $�Full_Composition_Exclusion]
      **** START Error Info ****
      In [$�Decomposition_Type:Canonical - $�Full_Composition_Exclusion], but not in [$Decomposition_Type:Canonical - $Full_Composition_Exclusion] :
      # Total code points: 0
      Not in [$�Decomposition_Type:Canonical - $�Full_Composition_Exclusion], but in [$Decomposition_Type:Canonical - $Full_Composition_Exclusion] :
      1B06           # Lo       BALINESE LETTER AKARA TEDUNG
      1B08           # Lo       BALINESE LETTER IKARA TEDUNG
      1B0A           # Lo       BALINESE LETTER UKARA TEDUNG
      1B0C           # Lo       BALINESE LETTER RA REPA TEDUNG
      1B0E           # Lo       BALINESE LETTER LA LENGA TEDUNG
      1B12           # Lo       BALINESE LETTER OKARA TEDUNG
      1B3B           # Mc       BALINESE VOWEL SIGN RA REPA TEDUNG
      1B3D           # Mc       BALINESE VOWEL SIGN LA LENGA TEDUNG
      1B43           # Mc       BALINESE VOWEL SIGN PEPET TEDUNG
      # Total code points: 11
      In both [$�Decomposition_Type:Canonical - $�Full_Composition_Exclusion], and in [$Decomposition_Type:Canonical - $Full_Composition_Exclusion] :
      30FE           # Lm       KATAKANA VOICED ITERATION MARK
      # Total code points: 12089
      **** END Error Info ****
  7. The input file is unicodetools/src/main/resources/org/unicode/text/UCD/UnicodeInvariantTest.txt.

    1. Some failures are expected for a new Unicode version, or new RTL blocks, etc. Adjust the input file as necessary.
    2. For other failures, adjust the character properties.
    3. The comments before a test case should explain why we expect the “invariant” to hold, ideally with a link to a stability policy or UAX section etc., and what are likely remedies (changing properties, adding to an exceptions list, changing the test case). Improve these comments as needed.
  8. Additional tests for UTS #39 data are found in unicodetools/src/main/resources/org/unicode/text/UCD/SecurityInvariantTest.txt.

    1. These are reported in {Generated}/UnicodeTestResults-security.txt when running TestTestUnicodeInvariants.


  1. If you want to see files that are opened while processing, do the following:
    1. Run>Run
    2. Select the Arguments tab, and add the following
      1. VM arguments: -DSHOW_FILES
  2. The CI job will retrieve the "UnicodeTestData.html" file that is generated when running this test and attach it to the CI job as an artifact that can be downloaded from the CI run by navigating to the unicodetools Actions tab, selecting the relevant run for "", then clicking unicode-test-results in the "Artifacts" section.


Instructions moved to the uca tools main page.


To build all the charts, use org.unicode.text.UCA.Main, with the option:


They will be built into

Once UCA is released, then copy those files up to the right spots in the Unicode site: