This app implements an infrastructure-initiated handover scheme for IEEE 802.11 infrastructure networks. It supports hard and a novel soft handover scheme. It was developed as part of BigAP.
The paper and slides describing BigAP can be found here: full paper slides
To install UniFlex framework with all available modules, please go through all steps in manifest repository.
You have to use our patched version of hostapd and iw. Please install them from src/ or use the binaries from bin/
In order to trigger an infrastructure-initiated handover a control
program has to send a upis.wifi.WiFiTriggerHandoverRequestEvent
event. This module will reply with an upis.net_func.TriggerHandoverReplyEvent
See examples/handover2/
Just use the following bibtex:
author={A. Zubow and S. Zehl and A. Wolisz},
booktitle={NOMS 2016 - 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium},
title={BIGAP #x2014; Seamless handover in high performance enterprise IEEE 802.11 networks},
keywords={business communication;cloud computing;mobility management (mobile radio);quality of experience;quality of service;radio spectrum management;resource allocation;BIGAP;MAC-layer handover;QoE;QoS;cloud storage;dynamic frequency selection capability;handover operation;high network performance;high performance enterprise IEEE 802.11 networks;load balancing;mobile HD video;mobility support;network outage duration;radio spectrum;seamless handover;seamless mobility;wireless clients;Handover;IEEE 802.11 Standard;Load management;Radio frequency;Switches;Wireless communication;Handover;Mobility;SDN;Wireless},