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hojberg committed Sep 26, 2024
1 parent 8c49dad commit 1e52f92
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 0 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions src/UI/Icon.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1008,3 +1008,43 @@ chain =
[ path [ fill "currentColor", fillRule "evenodd", d "M12.1945 1.84099C11.1206 0.767052 9.3794 0.767052 8.30546 1.84099L5.83058 4.31587C5.53769 4.60876 5.53769 5.08363 5.83058 5.37653C6.12348 5.66942 6.59835 5.66942 6.89124 5.37653L9.36612 2.90165C9.85427 2.4135 10.6457 2.4135 11.1339 2.90165C11.622 3.38981 11.622 4.18127 11.1339 4.66942L8.65901 7.14429C8.36612 7.43719 8.36612 7.91206 8.65901 8.20496C8.9519 8.49785 9.42678 8.49785 9.71967 8.20496L12.1945 5.73008C13.2685 4.65614 13.2685 2.91494 12.1945 1.84099ZM9.01256 5.02297C8.71967 4.73008 8.2448 4.73008 7.9519 5.02297L5.12348 7.8514C4.83058 8.14429 4.83058 8.61917 5.12348 8.91206C5.41637 9.20495 5.89124 9.20495 6.18414 8.91206L9.01256 6.08363C9.30546 5.79074 9.30546 5.31587 9.01256 5.02297ZM5.47703 5.73008C5.18414 5.43719 4.70926 5.43719 4.41637 5.73008L1.9415 8.20495C0.867554 9.2789 0.867554 11.0201 1.9415 12.094C3.01544 13.168 4.75664 13.168 5.83058 12.094L8.30546 9.61917C8.59835 9.32627 8.59835 8.8514 8.30546 8.55851C8.01256 8.26561 7.53769 8.26561 7.2448 8.55851L4.76992 11.0334C4.28177 11.5215 3.49031 11.5215 3.00216 11.0334C2.514 10.5452 2.514 9.75377 3.00216 9.26561L5.47703 6.79074C5.76992 6.49785 5.76992 6.02297 5.47703 5.73008Z" ] []

windowSplit : Icon msg
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Icon "window-split"
[ path [ fill "currentColor", fillRule "evenodd", d "M7.5 2H11C11.5523 2 12 2.44772 12 3V11C12 11.5523 11.5523 12 11 12H7.5V2ZM6.5 2H3C2.44772 2 2 2.44772 2 3V11C2 11.5523 2.44772 12 3 12H6.5V2ZM1 3C1 1.89543 1.89543 1 3 1H11C12.1046 1 13 1.89543 13 3V11C13 12.1046 12.1046 13 11 13H3C1.89543 13 1 12.1046 1 11V3Z" ] []

expandDown : Icon msg
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Icon "expand-down"
[ path [ fill "currentColor", fillRule "evenodd", d "M12 11V6H7.5V8H9L7 11L5 8L6.5 8V6L2 6L2 11C2 11.5523 2.44772 12 3 12H11C11.5523 12 12 11.5523 12 11ZM12 3V5L2 5V3C2 2.44772 2.44772 2 3 2L11 2C11.5523 2 12 2.44772 12 3ZM13 3C13 1.89543 12.1046 1 11 1L3 1C1.89543 1 1 1.89543 1 3L1 11C1 12.1046 1.89543 13 3 13H11C12.1046 13 13 12.1046 13 11V3Z" ] []

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[ path [ fill "currentColor", fillRule "evenodd", d "M12 11V6L2 6L2 11C2 11.5523 2.44772 12 3 12H6.5V10H5L7 7L9 10H7.5V12H11C11.5523 12 12 11.5523 12 11ZM12 3V5L2 5V3C2 2.44772 2.44772 2 3 2L11 2C11.5523 2 12 2.44772 12 3ZM13 3C13 1.89543 12.1046 1 11 1L3 1C1.89543 1 1 1.89543 1 3L1 11C1 12.1046 1.89543 13 3 13H11C12.1046 13 13 12.1046 13 11V3Z" ] []

timeline : Icon msg
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[ path [ fill "currentColor", fillRule "evenodd", d "M4 3.5C4 4.15311 3.5826 4.70873 3 4.91465V6.53514H7V4.91465C6.4174 4.70873 6 4.15311 6 3.5C6 2.67157 6.67157 2 7.5 2C8.32843 2 9 2.67157 9 3.5C9 4.15311 8.5826 4.70873 8 4.91465V6.53514H11.4C11.623 6.53514 11.7344 6.26523 11.5763 6.10792L10.6331 5.16943C10.4511 4.98837 10.4498 4.69424 10.6301 4.51155C10.812 4.32732 11.1092 4.32659 11.292 4.50992L13.4259 6.65034C13.6207 6.84569 13.6204 7.16186 13.4254 7.35691L11.2841 9.4982C11.1049 9.67741 10.8146 9.67836 10.6342 9.50033C10.4522 9.32064 10.4512 9.02709 10.6321 8.84622L11.5789 7.89942C11.7364 7.74193 11.6249 7.47264 11.4021 7.47264H5.5V9.08535C6.0826 9.29127 6.5 9.84689 6.5 10.5C6.5 11.3284 5.82843 12 5 12C4.17157 12 3.5 11.3284 3.5 10.5C3.5 9.84689 3.9174 9.29127 4.5 9.08535V7.47264H0.46875C0.209867 7.47264 0 7.26278 0 7.00389C0 6.74501 0.209867 6.53514 0.46875 6.53514H2V4.91465C1.4174 4.70873 1 4.15311 1 3.5C1 2.67157 1.67157 2 2.5 2C3.32843 2 4 2.67157 4 3.5Z" ] []

compare : Icon msg
compare =
Icon "compare"
[ path [ fill "currentColor", fillRule "evenodd", d "M11.7929 2.49999L11 1.7071C10.8047 1.51184 10.8047 1.19525 11 0.999993C11.1953 0.804731 11.5118 0.804731 11.7071 0.999993L13.3536 2.64644C13.5488 2.8417 13.5488 3.15828 13.3536 3.35355L11.7071 4.99999C11.5118 5.19526 11.1953 5.19525 11 4.99999C10.8047 4.80473 10.8047 4.48815 11 4.29289L11.7929 3.49999H3.5C3.22386 3.49999 3 3.27613 3 2.99999C3 2.72385 3.22386 2.49999 3.5 2.49999H11.7929ZM1 2.99999C1 2.72385 1.22386 2.49999 1.5 2.49999C1.77614 2.49999 2 2.72385 2 2.99999C2 3.27614 1.77614 3.49999 1.5 3.49999C1.22386 3.49999 1 3.27614 1 2.99999ZM1 6.99999C1 6.72385 1.22386 6.49999 1.5 6.49999C1.77614 6.49999 2 6.72385 2 6.99999C2 7.27614 1.77614 7.49999 1.5 7.49999C1.22386 7.49999 1 7.27614 1 6.99999ZM3.5 6.49999C3.22386 6.49999 3 6.72385 3 6.99999C3 7.27614 3.22386 7.49999 3.5 7.49999H12.5C12.7761 7.49999 13 7.27614 13 6.99999C13 6.72385 12.7761 6.49999 12.5 6.49999H3.5ZM3 12.2929L2.20711 11.5H12.5C12.7761 11.5 13 11.2761 13 11C13 10.7239 12.7761 10.5 12.5 10.5H2.20711L3 9.7071C3.19526 9.51184 3.19526 9.19526 3 8.99999C2.80474 8.80473 2.48816 8.80473 2.29289 8.99999L0.646447 10.6464C0.451185 10.8417 0.451184 11.1583 0.646446 11.3535L2.29289 13C2.48816 13.1953 2.80474 13.1953 3 13C3.19526 12.8047 3.19526 12.4881 3 12.2929Z" ] []

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