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File metadata and controls

132 lines (73 loc) · 6.02 KB

Our Bill Model

  • bill_congress_type_number : number + type + congress

  • type : The bill’s type.

  • congress : The number of the Congress in which the bill was introduced.

  • number : The bill’s number (just the integer part).

  • titles : The bill’s display titles.

  • summary : The bill’s summary.

  • titles_whole_bill : The bill’s type.

  • short_title : The bill’s short title.

  • sponsor : a json document with a sponsors list

  • cosponsors : indicating cosponsorship (a many-to-many table connecting to the 'sponsors')

  • related_bills : related bills.


[{"reason": "related", "bill_id": "hjres7-110", "billCongressTypeNumber": "110hjres7"}, {"reason": "related", "bill_id": "hjres10-110", "billCongressTypeNumber": "110hjres10"}, {"reason": "related", "bill_id": "hjres21-110", "billCongressTypeNumber": "110hjres21"}, {"reason": "related", "bill_id": "hjres45-110", "billCongressTypeNumber": "110hjres45"}, {"reason": "related", "bill_id": "hjres81-110", "billCongressTypeNumber": "110hjres81"}, {"reason": "related", "bill_id": "sjres24-110", "billCongressTypeNumber": "110sjres24"}]
  • related_dict : A dictionary showing related bills.

{"116hr529": {"type": "", "reason": "bills-title_match_main, bills-title_match", "titles": ["National Intersection and Interchange Safety Construction Program Act", "To direct the Secretary of Transportation to establish a national intersection and interchange safety construction program, and for other purposes."], "bill_id": "hr529-116", "identified_by": "BillMap", "titles_whole_bill": ["To direct the Secretary of Transportation to establish a.."], "bill_congress_type_number": "116hr529"}, "117hr200": ...}
  • cosponsors_dict : cosponsors dictionary


[{"name": "Aderholt, Robert B.", "state": "AL", "title": "Rep", "district": "4", "thomas_id": "01460", "sponsored_at": "2007-01-24", "withdrawn_at": null}, {"name": "Akin, W. Todd", "state": "MO", "title": "Rep", "district": "2", "thomas_id": "01655", "sponsored_at": "2007-01-04", "withdrawn_at": null}, {"name": "Bachmann, Michele", "state": "MN", "title": "Rep", "district": "6", "thomas_id": "01858", "sponsored_at": "2007-01-04", "withdrawn_at": null}]
  • committees_dict : committees dictionary

[{"activity": ["referral"], "committee": "House Transportation and Infrastructure", "committee_id": "HSPW", "subcommittee": "", "subcomittee_id": ""}, {"activity": ["referral"], "committee": "House Transportation and Infrastructure", "committee_id": "HSPW", "subcommittee": "Subcommittee on Highways and Transit", "subcomittee_id": ""}]
  • es_similarity: a list of similar bills for each section of this bill. Generated from

  • es_similar_reasons: a dict listing the reasons two bills are similar

{"116hr529": {"Score": 0.94, "ScoreOther": 0.95, "Explanation": "bills-nearly_identical", "ComparedDocs": "117hr200-116hr529"}, ..}
  • es_similar_bills_dict: a dictionary of similar bills for each section of this bill. Generated from and formatted to make the bill similarity table easy to generate.

  • became_law: a boolean indicating whether the bill became law.

  • created: a date field for when the bill record was created

  • updated: a date field for when the bill record was updated

GovTrack Bill Model

  • title : The bill’s primary display title, including its number.

  • lock_title :Whether the title has been manually overridden.

  • titles : serialized list of all bill titles as (type, as_of, text)

  • bill_type The bill’s type (e.g. H.R., S., H.J.Res. etc.)

  • congress : The number of the Congress in which the bill was introduced. The current Congress is %d."

  • number : The bill’s number (just the integer part).

  • sponsor : The primary sponsor of the bill.

  • sponsor_role : The role of the primary sponsor of the bill at the time the bill was introduced.

  • committees : Committees to which the bill has been referred.

  • terms : Subject areas associated with the bill.

  • current_status : The current status of the bill.

  • current_status_date : The date of the last major action on the bill corresponding to the current_status.

  • introduced_date : The date the bill was introduced.

  • cosponsors : The bill’s cosponsors.

  • major_actions : serialized list of all major actions (date/datetime, BillStatus, description)

  • committee_reports : serialized list of committee report citations

  • sliplawpubpriv : For enacted laws, whether the law is a public (PUB) or private (PRI) law. Unique with congress and sliplawnum.

  • sliplawnum : For enacted laws, the slip law number (i.e. the law number in P.L. XXX-123). Unique with congress and sliplawpublpriv.

  • source : The primary source for this bill’s metadata.

  • source_link : When set, a link to the page on the primary source website for this bill. Set when source='americanmemory' only.

  • docs_house_gov_postdate : The date on which the bill was posted to (which is different from the date it was expected to be debated).

  • senate_floor_schedule_postdate : The date on which the bill was posted on the Senate Floor Schedule (which is different from the date it was expected to be debated).

  • scheduled_consideration_date : The date on which the bill is expected to be considered on the floor for the most recent of docs_house_gov_postdate and senate_floor_schedule_postdate, and if for it is the week that this is the Monday of.

  • text_incorporation : What enacted bills have provisions of this bill been incorporated into?

  • original_intent_replaced : Whether the bill has become the vehicle for passage of an unrelated measure and the original substance of the bill is completely gone. Set to False to flag that the enacted bill has been reviewed and it was not a vehicle.

  • type : The bill’s type.

  • congress : The number of the Congress in which the bill was introduced.

  • number : The bill’s number (just the integer part).

  • titles : The bill’s display titles.

  • sponsor : indicating sponsor.

  • cosponsors : indicating cosponsorship.

  • related_bills : related bills.