This project aims to simplify the communication with Unitree Robots. unitree_dds_wrapper
provides {robot}_sub, ${robot}_pub classes, Generated by IDL, with default values added
Execute the following commands in the terminal:
git clone
conda install pinocchio -c conda-forge
cd unitree_dds_wrapper/python
pip3 install -e .
If unitree_dds_wrapper has been installed successfully, then do a simple test:
from unitree_dds_wrapper.publisher import Publisher
from unitree_dds_wrapper.subscription import Subscription
from unitree_dds_wrapper.idl import unitree_go
import time
msg_type = unitree_go.msg.dds_.LowState_
pub = Publisher(message=msg_type, topic="rt/test_dds")
sub = Subscription(message=msg_type, topic="rt/test_dds")
while True:
pub.msg.level_flag = 1 - pub.msg.level_flag
print("send: ", pub.msg.level_flag)
if sub.msg:
print("receive: ", sub.msg.level_flag)