Unreleased changes, if any, can be listed using git log
or git cliff -u
- Stack size was not being set properly
- [breaking] update awedio to v0.3.1
- refactor!: use thread spawn instead of creating a task
- feat!: update to ESP-IDF v5 and new I2S API in hal
- refactor!: do not set a default for num_frames_per_write
- fix: use new name of library in task name
- feat: make pinned_core_id public so Backend struct can be instantiated
- feat: add report-render-time cargo feature
- refactor: switch buffer from u8 to i16
- add comment to rust-toolchain
- update README
- update awedio to v0.2
- Add build-std to docs.rs metadata.
- Add docs.rs metadata for targets.
- Initial release