Toy and polyvalent key-value store management system.
- key-value store: UniDB manages key-value store. A key-value is like a hash table or a dictionary.
- in-memory or persistent: UniDB kv stores can be sored in memory only (they are volatile) or on a disk (they are persistent).
- records sorted by key
- JSON value storage
- find records by prefix
- find from a lower boundary
- local or remote access (TCP or WEB)
- load data from CSV
- a single application for everything
- Make it works in cluster (consensus management)
- Include TTL
- Load data from JSON
In the release section, download the UniDB ZIP file. Then, unzip the file.
It is possible to use UniDB with or without a server. With no server, UniDB uses directly the file system to store data, in case of persistent store space.
In the UniDB root directory, to run the CLI client.
$ ./bin/unidb cli
> open myspace
> put myspace.mytable abc {"id":"abc","name":"jon","age":32}
> get myspace.mytable abc
abc -> {"id":"abc","name":"jon","age":32}
To run UniDB in server mode (optional).
$ ./bin/unidb server
The server default port is 19040.
$ ./bin/unidb cli
> open myspace remote localhost:19040
> put myspace.mytable abc {"id":"abc","name":"jon","age":32}
> get myspace.mytable abc
abc -> {"id":"abc","name":"jon","age":32}
> close myspace
To load a CSV file into UniDB.
$ ./bin/unidb load --from mydata.csv --to myspace.mytable --keys id,name
THe CSV file should have a header line, and each line should represent a whole record.
The default key delimiter used is "#".
$ ./bin/unidb load --from myspace.mytable
To run UniDB in WEB server mode (experimental).
$ ./bin/unidb web
The WEB API is available on port 18040.
A store is a named set of records. A record is a key-value pair. A store belongs to a store space.
Keys are string. Values are JSON document.
PUT <store> <key> <value>
GET <store> <key>
DELETE <store> <key>
GETPREFIX <store> <prefix> [LIMIT <int>]
GETFROM <store> <key> [LIMIT <int>]
GETALL <store> [LIMIT <int>]
Where <store>
is a pair <store-space-name>.<store-name>
, <prefix>
is a key prefix.
A store space is a context in which you manage a set of stores on the same support (in-memory, persistent, or remote).
OPEN <store-space> [INMEMORY | PRESISTENT (default) | REMOTE <host:port>]
CLOSE <store-space>
GETSTORE <store>
SHOW STORES <store-space>