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Hacking the Mountain Lion version

untoldwind edited this page Oct 26, 2013 · 4 revisions

Adding new keywords

All keywords are defined in the the "" file in this section:

layouts = [
    Layout("togglefullscreen", "Toggle full screen mode", "togglefullscreen"),
    Layout("full", "Full", "0,0,1,1"),
    Layout("left", "Left", "0,0,0.5,1"),
    Layout("top", "Top", "0,0,1,0.5"),

You can add any keyword you like by extending this list by another "Layout" object

Layout(<id as it should be typed>, <displayed text>, <parameter passed to layouter>)

The parameters of the layouter are described in the final section below.

Adding hotkeys

Just bind the parameters of the you like to a hotkey and pass them directly to the layouter.

The workflow already contains an example that could be used as template.

Parameters of the layouter

The layouter takes four comma-separated coordinates where the current window should be placed: <left>,<top>,<right>,<bottom>

The coordinates are relative to the available screen size, i.e. each value is between 0 and 1, where (0,0) is top-left and (1,1) bottom-right of the screen.


  • 0,0,0.5,1 = Left side of screen
  • 0.1,0.1,0.9,0.9 = Center of screen with 10% border
  • 0.5,0,1,0.5 = Top-right quarter of screen