radarays_ros Gazebo plugin.
- rmagine (embree / optix backend)
- rmagine_gazebo_plugins
- radarays_ros
For constructing and continuously updating the acceleration structure for ray tracing, add the following lines to your world files:
<sdf version="1.4">
<world name="default">
<!-- CPU: Embree Map Plugin -->
<plugin name='rmagine_embree_map' filename='librmagine_embree_map_gzplugin.so'>
<!-- Optix Map Plugin -->
<plugin name='rmagine_optix_map' filename='librmagine_optix_map_gzplugin.so'>
See rmagine_gazebo_plugins for further explanations on that.
You can assign so called radarays_materials
to visuals of a model. An example is in worlds/avz_collada.world
<model name="avz_map">
<link name="avz_map_link">
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<visual name="avz_map_visual">
<scale>1.0 1.0 1.0</scale>
Important files are:
- urdf/robot_radar_cpu.urdf -> URDF for a robot with a radar sensor simulated on CPU
- urdf/robot_radar_gpu.urdf -> URDF for a robot with a radar sensor simulated on GPU
- worlds/avz_collada.world -> Gazebo world-file that contains a mesh of an office with
attached to it.
Example for a robot that is spawned in a office-like environment, with radarays_materials
attached to it.
Run CPU version of radarays with Gazebo by calling
roslaunch radarays_gazebo_plugins example_robot.launch rmagine:=embree
Run GPU version of radarays with Gazebo by calling
roslaunch radarays_gazebo_plugins example_robot.launch rmagine:=optix
You can change the radar parameters of the Gazebo simulation using dynamic reconfigure:
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
Note: We are using the same set of parameters (configuration file) we used for the experiments in radarays_ros
- Some parameters are only used in the experiments but not in the Gazebo simulation
- For the sake of performance, the Gazebo plugin does not consider the robot's motion while simulating a polar image. (we will add this in the future)
- At some point I got a segmentation fault when using rmagine's CPU simulators inside of the Gazebo threads. Unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce those errors.