All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- GTK unit tests
- support of the two hundred most popular french lastname
- support most popular history names :
- read roman numerals
- support of the thousand most popular French male firstname :
- support of the thousand most popular French female firstname :
- option doesn't write new conf file.
- better sox integration : trigger when text to reach is too long.
- whith new dict tree
- edit speed on tray change speed on multimedia popup and vice versa
- edit lang on tray change lang on multimedia popup and vice versa
- speed management : voice speech integration on cli, tray and multimedia menu
- integrate sox into nix
- screenshots
- create all directories on a pid new path
- test permissions before write a conf file
- french text : 'fan'
- correction on about dialog
- give a parent on all dialogs (gtk warning)
- option dialog : can enable/disable notification popup
- create a changelog file
- create a Debian package
- create a ppa :
- create a nix build
- flake8 (and travisCI integration)