This repository contains the material for the SIBGRAPI 2023 tutorial on high-level grammars for visualization and visual analytics. A detailed description of the tutorial can be found in our paper.
- Gustavo Moreira, @gmorei3, UIC
- Marcos Lage, @_mlage, UFF
- Nivan Ferreira, @NIvanFerreira, UFPE
- Fabio Miranda, @fabiom_miranda, UIC
The first part of the tutorial presents an overview of the foundations of grammars of graphics, and how it substantiates the many developments in the visualization field.
Slides: intro.pdf
The second part of the tutorial presents an overview of the subsequent works on grammars for authoring visualizations, with a more in-depth (and practical) look at Vega-Lite, given its widespread adoption across visualization systems.
Slides: vega.pdf
Examples: 01-vega
The third part of the tutorial presents our perspectives on the design of a domain-specific grammar used by the Urban Toolkit.
Slides: utk.pdf
Examples and data: 02-utk
UTK was first presented in the IEEE VIS 2023 paper:
The Urban Toolkit: A Grammar-based Framework for Urban Visual Analytics
Gustavo Moreira, Maryam Hosseini, Md Nafiul Alam Nipu, Marcos Lage, Nivan Ferreira, Fabio Miranda
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2023 -- Accepted, to appear)