Analytics client manager is a csv based events SDK which can be used to set up Analytics for your application.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
How to develop? (Detailed instructions here:
To test changes locally, you can include this pod as a development local pod in your podfile
pod 'AnalyticsClientManager'
Figure out all the channels which can send events you want to support with this new architecture. Eg, UCServer, Mixpanel, Facebook, etc.
For each channel, create a csv for that channel that lists all the triggers that channel is supporting and what keys/values to expect for that trigger. For example, for UCServer, create a UCServerEvents.csv, which could look something like this: RAW CSV
trigger | schema_type | | event.section | event.action |
home_page_load | event | home | load | |
assist_clicked | event | devToProvide | click |
How this reads is this: For every row in the csv, for the trigger (ideally this keyword to be defined by PM), it lists which keys need to be sent to that channel. Most of the values for these can be provided in the csv itself. For values that need to be provided by dev, just add the keyword devToProvide there and this will ensure the dev will have to take care of that value. Also the dot (.) separator is used in keys to introduce heirarchy.
For each channel, define a class that conforms to protocol AnalyticsClientProtocol. Eg. Define a class UCServerEventsManager. Implement the two methods.
import AnalyticsClientManager
class UCServerEventsManager : AnalyticsClientProtocol {
@objc func setup() {
//write your setup code
@objc func sendEvent(_ props: [String: AnyObject]) {
//implementation of sending events
Example for Mixpanel, create a MixpanelEventsManager, and for the implementation of methods, just delegate to the Mixpanel SDK
- In code, define a class something like AnalyticsConstant.swift
enum AnalyticsChannel: Channel {
let channelConfigs: [Channel: ChannelConfig] =
AnalyticsChannel.UCSERVER.rawValue: ChannelConfig(csvFile: "ucserverevents_ios", channelClient: UCServerEventsManager()),
AnalyticsChannel.MIXPANEL.rawValue: ChannelConfig(csvFile: "mixpanel_ios", channelClient: MixPanelEventsManager()),
- Define the triggerMappings structure. Maps each trigger from triggername to all the channels that trigger is supporting, and for each channel, the devProvided values. In the table above there are two events, lets take them as an example and step by step create triggerMappings.
/* defined Trigger */
enum AnalyticsTriggers : String {
/* define Individual Mapping */
let homePageLoadMapping = [
AnalyticsChannel.UCSERVER.rawValue: [String: String](),
AnalyticsChannel.MIXPANEL.rawValue: [String: String](),
let assistClickedMapping = [
AnalyticsChannel.UCSERVER.rawValue: ["" : "pageValue"]
/* trigger, channel, devOverrides are defined in Pod */
let triggerMappings : [Trigger: [Channel: DevOverrides]] = [
AnalyticsTriggers.home_page_load.rawValue : homePageLoadMapping,
AnalyticsTriggers.assist_clicked.rawValue : assistClickedMapping
/* Custom class for sending events */
class ExampleEventManager : AnalyticsClientManager {
class func triggerEvent(_ trigger: AnalyticsTriggers, props: [String: AnyObject]?) {
triggerEvent(trigger.rawValue, props: props)
In the above example, we have set up that for home load trigger, its supposed to send events to uc server and mixpanel. For assist clicked, its supposed to send events to uc server only.
- In startup, before you intialize/setup any of the event tracking call [AnalyticsClientManager initialize...] Look at the options. Self explanatory. During initialize it will call setup method on each of the channel clients. Thats where you can initialize the respective SDKs if you want.
- Figure out in code whats the right place to trigger the event. And pass in the correct properties to be parsed by the Manger. Example:
/* Sending Events From trigger point */
class HomeViewController : UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var actionBtn : UIButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
props : [])
@IBAction func actionBtnClicked( _ : UIButton) {
props : ["pageValue" : "YourValue"])
If any of the clients want to append more properties thats upto them.