Another Elastic Degenerate String Outputter
Expects a single sequence in the fasta file and the VCF to only apply to the fasta file. Making it work for multi-fasta is not a priority.
cargo install
aedso -h
aedso 0.0.1
Another Elastic Degenerate String Outputter (aedso)
aedso [OPTIONS] <fasta> <vcf>
<fasta> Path to input fasta file
<vcf> Path to input VCF file
-h, --help Print help information
-l, --output-line-length <output_line_length> Max length of lines in eds [default: 80]
-v Sets the level of verbosity [default: 0]
-V, --version Print version information
aedso -vvv Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.1.fa homo_sapiens-chr1.vcf.bgz > x.eds