Name : Sleep_n0m1 Library
Author : Noah Shibley, Michael Grant, NoMi Design Ltd.
Date : July 10th 2011
Version : 0.1
Notes : Arduino Library to place the arduino into sleep mode for
a specific length of time, or a specific number of sleep cycles
Some of this code comes from "Cloudy" on the arduino forum
Refer to the examples for how to use this library.
List of Functions:
Function: idleMode
Description: sets the Arduino into idle Mode sleep,
the least power saving, The idle mode stops the MCU
but leaves peripherals and timers running.
Function: adcMode
Description: sets the Arduino into adc Mode sleep,
This mode makes the MCU enter ADC Noise Reduction mode,
stopping the CPU but allowing the ADC, the external interrupts,
the 2-wire Serial Interface address watch, Timer/Counter2
and the Watchdog to continue operating
Function: pwrSaveMode
Description: sets the Arduino into power Save Mode sleep,
The timer crystal will continue to operate in this mode,
Timer2 still active.
Function: extStandbyMode
Description: sets the Arduino into extStandby Mode sleep,
This mode is identical to Power-save with the exception
that the Oscillator is kept running for fast wake up
Function: standbyMode
Description: sets the Arduino into standby Mode sleep,
This mode is identical to Power-down with the exception
that the Oscillator is kept running for fast wake up
Function: pwrDownMode
Description: sets the Arduino into power Down Mode sleep,
The most power saving, all systems are powered down
except the watch dog timer and external reset
Function: sleepDelay
Description: Works like the Arduino delay function, sets the
Arduino into sleep mode for a specified time.
Parameters: (unsigned long) time in ms of the sleep cycle
Function: sleepDelay
Description: Works like the Arduino delay function, sets the
Arduino into sleep mode for a specified time.
Parameters: (unsigned long) time in ms of the sleep cycle
(boolean) prevents the Arduino from entering sleep
Function: setCalibrationInterval
Description: the WDT needs to be calibrated against timer 0
periodically to keep the sleep time accurate. Default calibration
occurs every 100 wake/sleep cycles. recalibrate too often will
waste power and too rarely will make the sleep time inaccurate.
Parameters: (int) set the # of wake/sleep cycles between calibrations
Function: sleepInterrupt
Description: set the Arduino into sleep mode until an interrupt is
triggered. The interrupts are passed in as parameters
Parameters: (int) interrupt value, 0, 1, etc, see attachinterrupt()
(int) mode of trigger, LOW,RISING,FALLING,CHANGE