$ npm install ten-minute-mail --save
var tenMinuteMail = require('ten-minute-mail');
var tenMinuteMail = require('ten-minute-mail'),
action = process.argv[2],
email = process.argv[3];
if(action == 'get'){
//get new temporal mail
tenMinuteMail.mail(function(err, email){
console.log(err, email);
//save cookies in file system. Sync.
}else if(action == 'show' && email){
//show info
tenMinuteMail.mail(email, function(err, info){
console.log(err, info)
}else if(action == 'inbox' && email){
//show msg, index default 0
tenMinuteMail.inbox(email, 0, function(err, msg){
console.log(err, msg);
}else if(action == 'clean'){
// Clean old cookies sync.
A string representing the semantic version number.
This method creates temporal mail and run callback(err, newEmailInfo).
This method read the info of email and run callback(err, emailInfo).
This method read msg from email inbox and run callback(err, msg). Index is an msg number default to 0.
This method read msg from emailInfo object from tenMinuteMail.mail and run callback(err, msg).
A string representing the path of cookies. default currentScript/cookies/
This method creates and save in tenMinuteMail.cookiePath/file.json a new cookie see: request cookie
This method save the info of tenMinuteMail.cookie(file, callback) in the path tenMinuteMail.cookiePath/meta.json for future use. (Sync)
This method reload the cookie from the path tenMinuteMail.cookiePath/meta.json and related files. (Sync)
This method removes all files from the path tenMinuteMail.cookiePath. (Sync)
This method returns the cookie (type jar) of email if exist or false.
A string representing the base url.
A string representing the url to get a new email.
$ npm install
$ npm test