Releases: usdot-fhwa-stol/carma-cloud
The current version and release history of the CARMA software platform: CARMA Release Notes
The current version and release history of the CARMA software platform: CARMA Release Notes
Implemented IHP2 Speed Harmonization algorithm in which Carma-cloud application listens to incoming traffic control requests (TCRs) from vehicles, and responds with traffic control messages (TCMs) that has the calculated advisory speed using speed harmonization algorithm.
Carma-platform release version 3.8.0 is comprised of two major enhancements. First, Cooperative Traffic Signaling (CTS), fixed signal transit for Work Zones. Second lane geometry updates. Along with the above enhancements, several bug fixes and CI related enhancements are included in this release.
Carma-platform release version 3.6.0 is comprised of four major enhancements. First, Added ADS unobstructed lane change. Second CTM Move-over law when receiving a request from an emergency vehicle, CARMA Platform plans move over to the adjacent open lane. Third, Added Geofence speed, Gap control and lane closure. And fourth, added Carma-cloud integration where V2X Hub can receive and forward TCR messages to CARMA Cloud and receive and forward TCM to an RSU.
Version 0.1
Code used for demo on April 17, 2020