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Loopso smart contracts

Contract addresses:

  • Mumbai:
    Loopso.sol: 0x882ced5f17c5616eb242c263fefdf4c29b610bc5
    TokenFactory.sol: 0x650C13cc6C043fc361fc459c487bf173654CD944
    Lajo$Token: 0x8cBF42B6590614AbE7AB5ffc89aF153F5d620fC3
    LajosNFT: 0xdc1C3734165aB9f0336eb6d10feCFD62c9CF28cc
    WMATIC: 0xBAABeA853DD0BE32Df73083129070c65314cF0Ea

  • LUKSO:
    Loopso.sol: 0x9Ef9dDaf6A02f2Ec5813c8746751D07E0c3CBe6c TokenFactory.sol: 0x75d66bD4750f2f0A08B0BdD49df9eeC82Fa964eE
    WrappedLajo$Token: 0x4EFCc784eA3E259bdA3c6311D448416959B9bB9C
    WrappedLajosNFT: 0xf60b63DbA61F14647D9a146113548fB341A87d12
    WLYX: 0x5119A7Af90339D645ccdf9332d7813d4940DA19B

AttestationID on Lukso for Lajo$Token: 0xa458b7ff0eb3c12e6e58c218f2a3111ab6cf26f757548bce2c887731f419675c
AttestationID on Lukso for LajosNFT: 0x16521564d9ada82ba73fddb52616ffd7adc98ff5efe46035f86429e55cb66736

Token attestation:

  • Chain B must be able to identify a Chain A token
  • addresses don't mean anything since they can differ from chain-to-chain
  • we use attestations: The bridge admin calls on Chain B with details of a Chain A token
  • afterwards Chain B can use this to idenfity a Chain A token

Example: bridging 200 USDC from mainnet to Lukso.

  1. user calls bridgeTokens(uint256 _amount, address _to, bytes32 _tokenID), where _tokenID is the id of the attestation we recorded about the token. The bridge takes _amount tokens from the user.
  2. Bridge emits TokensBridged event with the transfer ID.
  3. Relayer uses the transfer ID to get the transfer details from the bridge. We can implement verification etc. here.
  4. Relayer calls releaseWrappedTokens on Chain B.
  5. Chain B mints _amount wrapped tokens, and emits an event that we can use on the frontend to notify the user that briding was successful.

If the user wants to bridge back, it calls bridgeTokensBack, which burns the amounts of wrapped tokens, and emits a TokensBridgedBack event which is similar to TokensBridged. Relayer picks it up, calls releaseTokens on Chain A. The Chain A bridge transfers the amount of tokens to the user.
