This repo includes the final report and codes for the investigation on the topic of gender parity in hiring, remuneration and promotion process based on the given data.
You can find the final report in the folder Submission Work in PDF format. The codes can be found in the RMD file, with files of all intermediate steps in the subfolder intermediate codes.
Our team of 4 is called Dataable Inc. and the name of companies and data are made up i.e. this consulting is not the real-world case due to data privacy but is conducted in a similar way. I'm responsible for the whole procedure of the Promotion part.
The report consists of the following parts:
- Background & Aim
- Key findings
- Limitations
- Graphs
- Introduction
- Potential Gender Bias in Hiring Phase
- Fewer promotion opportunities for women: an investigation
- Potential Gender Bias in Salary
- Discussion and Conclusion
- Limitations
- Consultant profiles
- Code of ethical conduct
Here are the packages needed to run our codes: