lev 0.0.1
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @esseswann/lev@0.0.1
Install via package.json:
"@esseswann/lev": "0.0.1"
About this version
Hasura-like GraphQL to YDB-flavored SQL converter for serverless use
Like Hasura provides GraphQL interface to a specific SQL database, in this case YDB. Requires a metadata description of relationship between the tables and allows for flexible permission rules
Since YDB does not have views, their implementation is based around named variables like
$my_table = select *
from `table` t
join `another_table` a
on a.id = t.a_id
Moreover unlike Hasura permissions are also implemented in this way, which is actually more flexible.
The whole reason this library was created is to have a stateless coverter for serverless use. It can be used in a serverless function
- [x] Queries
- [ ] Mutations
- [ ] Type-casting for non-primitive types
- [ ] Subscriptions
- [ ] Fragments
- [ ] Unions
- [ ] Interfaces
Named after count Leo Tolstoy, which in Russian reads as graph Lev Tolstoy
. Yandex's HQ is also located on the Tolstoy street