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Get notifications about unexpected system state from your local Gesundheitsdienst.


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Get notifications about unexpected system state from your local Gesundheitsdienst.


Arch Linux & Debian

Arch Linux & Debian users can install gesundheit via the gesundheit package repository.


Other Linux users can download binaries from the releases page.

From Source

You will need a Go compiler and Node.js, if you want to install gesundheit from source. Once you have got that, it is as easy as:

git clone
cd gesundheit
npm install
npm run build
go build


Create a configuration file (e.g. /etc/gesundheit/gesundheit.toml).

# /etc/gesundheit/gesundheit.toml
# We are going to log everything to stdout without timestamps. systemd is
# taking care of the rest.
Path = "-"
Timestamps = false

# We love pretty dashboards. Therefore we will enable the web interface.
Enabled = true
Listen = ""

# The configuration files for our modules live in
# /etc/gesundheit/modules.d/*.toml
Config = "modules.d/*.toml"

Create some check and handler configuration files.

# /etc/gesundheit/modules.d/check-backup.toml
# Our backup system touches /var/lib/backup/backup.stamp after every
# successful backup run. Lets check once every hour that the stamp has
# been touched within the last 25 hours.
Module = "file-mtime"
Description = "Daily Backup"
Interval = "1h"

Path = "/var/lib/backup/backup.stamp"
MaxAge = "25h"
# /etc/gesundheit/modules.d/log.toml
# We don't trust gesundheit yet. For this reason we are going to use no
# filter and log every single check result.
Module = "log"
# /etc/gesundheit/modules.d/gotify.toml
# We need to get notified in case something is off and want to use gotify for
# that. Since people do not want to get spammed with every single check result
# we will filter for result changes (OK -> FAIL and FAIL -> OK). It is also
# important to not disturb them outside of working hours or while they are
# having lunch.
# Since this file contains a secret, it is important to set appropriate
# permissions.
#   chown root:gesundheit /etc/gesundheit/modules.d/*.toml
#   chmod 0640 /etc/gesundheit/modules.d/*.toml
Module = "gotify"

Url = ""
Token = "secret"

Module = "result-change"

Module = "office-hours"

Hours = [
  {From = "9:00", To = "13:00"},
  {From = "14:00", To = "17:00"},

We are ready to go.

gesundheit -conf /etc/gesundheit/gesundheit.toml


Module Description Config Config Description
disk-space Check available disk space MountPoint Mount point of the disk to check, e.g. "/"
MinAvailable Min available space considered healthy, e.g. "1G"
dns-record Check DNS record Address DNS server address, e.g. ""
Type Record type, e.g. "A"
Name Name to lookup, e.g. ""
Value Expected value, e.g. ""
exec Execute check command Command Command to execute, e.g. "/usr/lib/nagios-plugins/check_load"
Args Command arguments, e.g. ["-w", "2", "-c", "3"]
file-mtime Check mtime of a file Path Path to file
MaxAge Max age of the file considered healthy, e.g. "1h5m10s"
file-presence Check presence of a file Path Path to file, e.g. "/run/reboot-required"
Present Whether or not presence of the file is considered healthy, e.g. false
heartbeat Always OK Useful in combination with a remote handler and a node-alive check on the remote node
http-json Check json value in http response Method HTTP request method, e.g. "GET"
Url Url used to request the json document
Header HTTP request header, e.g.
{Authorization = ["Token secret"]}
Query GJSON compatible query string, e.g. "status"
Value Expected value
http-status Check status of http response Method HTTP request method, e.g. "GET"
Url Url to request
Header HTTP request header, e.g.
{Authorization = ["Token secret"]}
Status Status code considered healthy, e.g. 200
memory Check available memory MinAvailable Min available memory considered healthy, e.g. "1G"
node-alive Check last appearance of a (remote) node Node Node to check, e.g. "proxy-01"
MaxAbsenceTime Max time since last appearance considered healthy, e.g. "1m". Configure heartbeat with a low interval on the remote node if you need timely notifications about absent nodes.
tls-cert Check tls certificate Host Host to check, e.g. ""
Port Port to connect to, e.g. 443
MinTTL Min time until certificate expiry considered healthy, e.g. "24h"


Module Description Config Config Description
amqp Send check results to RabbitMQ Url Url of the RabbitMQ server, e.g. "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"
Exchange RabbitMQ exchange name, e.g. "gesundheit"
gotify Send check results to Gotify Url Url of the Gotify server, e.g. ""
Token Gotify application token
Priority Priority of every gotify message
log Log check results
remote Send check results to a remote gesundheit node Address Address of the remote node, e.g. ""
PrivateKey Private key of the local node, generated with gesundheit genkey
PublicKey Public key of the remote gesundheit node, generated with gesundheit pubkey


Module Description Config Config Description
result-change Filter changed check results
office-hours Filter check results inside given time spans Hours List of time spans, e.g.
[{From = "9:00", To = "17:00"}]


Module Description Config Config Description
amqp Receive check results from RabbitMQ Url Url of the RabbitMQ server, e.g. "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"
Exchange RabbitMQ exchange name, e.g. "gesundheit"
Queue RabbitMQ queue name, e.g. "notifications"
remote Receive check results from a remote gesundheit node Listen Address to listen on, e.g. ""
PrivateKey Private key of the local node, generated with gesundheit genkey
Peers List of peers, e.g. [{ PublicKey = "xxx" }]


Module Description Config Config Description
filesystem Simple filesystem baked database suitable for most setups. Directory Database directory, e.g. "/var/lib/gesundheit"
VacuumInterval Interval in which expired entries are deleted from disk, e.g. "24h"
memory In memory database suitable for simple setups and nodes without persistence requirements
redis Redis adapter Address Address of the redis server, e.g.
DB Redis database to use, e.g. 0
Username Redis username, e.g. "gesundheit"
Password Redis password, e.g. "secret"


Get notifications about unexpected system state from your local Gesundheitsdienst.







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