diff --git a/src/navigation/navigation.cc b/src/navigation/navigation.cc
index 7efe3f4..d7629b6 100644
--- a/src/navigation/navigation.cc
+++ b/src/navigation/navigation.cc
@@ -1,1437 +1,1436 @@
-// This software is free: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3,
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-// Version 3 in the file COPYING that came with this distribution.
-// If not, see .
-\file navigation.cc
-\brief Implementation for reference Navigation class.
-\author Joydeep Biswas, Jarrett Holtz, Kavan Sikand (C) 2021
-#include "navigation.h"
-#include "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h"
-#include "gflags/gflags.h"
-#include "eigen3/Eigen/Dense"
-#include "eigen3/Eigen/Geometry"
-#include "glog/logging.h"
-#include "shared/math/math_util.h"
-#include "shared/util/helpers.h"
-#include "shared/util/timer.h"
-#include "shared/util/timer.h"
-#include "eight_connected_domain.h"
-#include "graph_domain.h"
-#include "astar.h"
-#include "simple_queue.h"
-#include "motion_primitives.h"
-#include "constant_curvature_arcs.h"
-#include "ackermann_motion_primitives.h"
-#include "deep_cost_map_evaluator.h"
-#include "linear_evaluator.h"
-#include "amrl_msgs/NavStatusMsg.h"
-#include "amrl_msgs/Pose2Df.h"
-#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
-using json = nlohmann::json;
-using Eigen::Rotation2Df;
-using Eigen::Vector2f;
-using navigation::MotionLimits;
-using navigation::Odom;
-using navigation::Twist;
-using std::atan2;
-using std::deque;
-using std::max;
-using std::min;
-using std::swap;
-using std::shared_ptr;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-using std::unordered_set;
-using std::unordered_map;
-using std::set;
-using namespace math_util;
-using namespace motion_primitives;
-// Special test modes.
-DEFINE_bool(test_toc, false, "Run 1D time-optimal controller test");
-DEFINE_bool(test_obstacle, false, "Run obstacle detection test");
-DEFINE_bool(test_avoidance, false, "Run obstacle avoidance test");
-DEFINE_bool(test_planner, false, "Run navigation planner test");
-DEFINE_bool(test_latency, false, "Run Latency test");
-DEFINE_double(test_dist, 0.5, "Test distance");
-DEFINE_string(test_log_file, "", "Log test results to file");
-DEFINE_double(max_curvature, 2.0, "Maximum curvature of turning");
-DEFINE_bool(no_local, false, "can be used to turn off local planner");
-namespace {
-// Epsilon value for handling limited numerical precision.
-const float kEpsilon = 1e-5;
-DEFINE_int32(num_options, 41, "Number of options to consider");
-// TODO(jaholtz) figure out how to handle this visualization without
-// having astar contain ros dependencies
-struct EightGridVisualizer {
- EightGridVisualizer(bool visualize) :
- kVisualize(visualize) { }
- void DrawEdge(const navigation::EightConnectedDomain::State& s1,
- const navigation::EightConnectedDomain::State& s2) {
- if (!kVisualize) return;
- static const bool kDebug = false;
- if (kDebug) {
- printf("%7.2f,%7.2f -> %7.2f,%7.2f\n",
- s1.x(),
- s1.y(),
- s2.x(),
- s2.y());
- }
- // visualization::DrawLine(s1, s2, 0x606060, global_viz_msg_);
- // viz_pub_.publish(global_viz_msg_);
- if (kDebug) Sleep(0.05);
- }
- const bool kVisualize;
-struct GraphVisualizer {
- GraphVisualizer(bool visualize) :
- kVisualize(visualize) { }
- void DrawEdge(const navigation::GraphDomain::State& s1,
- const navigation::GraphDomain::State& s2) {
- if (!kVisualize) return;
- static const bool kDebug = false;
- if (kDebug) {
- printf("%7.2f,%7.2f -> %7.2f,%7.2f\n",
- s1.loc.x(),
- s1.loc.y(),
- s2.loc.x(),
- s2.loc.y());
- }
- // visualization::DrawLine(s1.loc, s2.loc, 0xC0C0C0, global_viz_msg_);
- // viz_pub_.publish(global_viz_msg_);
- if (kDebug) Sleep(0.05);
- }
- const bool kVisualize;
-} // namespace
-namespace navigation {
-Navigation::Navigation() :
- robot_loc_(0, 0),
- robot_angle_(0),
- robot_vel_(0, 0),
- robot_omega_(0),
- nav_state_(NavigationState::kStopped),
- nav_goal_loc_(0, 0),
- nav_goal_angle_(0),
- odom_initialized_(false),
- loc_initialized_(false),
- t_point_cloud_(0),
- t_odometry_(0),
- enabled_(false),
- initialized_(false),
- sampler_(nullptr),
- evaluator_(nullptr),
- costmap_(60, 60, 0.5, -15, -15),
- global_costmap_(200, 200, 0.5, -50, -50),
- intermediate_path_found_(false),
- intermediate_goal_(0, 0){ //parameters are (x/y size in cells, resolution, bottom left x/y origin coordinates)
- sampler_ = std::unique_ptr(new AckermannSampler());
-void Navigation::Initialize(const NavigationParameters& params,
- const string& map_file) {
- // Initialize status message
- params_ = params;
- int local_costmap_size = 2*static_cast(std::round(params_.local_costmap_radius/params_.local_costmap_resolution));
- costmap_ = costmap_2d::Costmap2D(local_costmap_size, local_costmap_size, params_.local_costmap_resolution, -params.local_costmap_radius, -params.local_costmap_radius);
- int global_costmap_size = 2*static_cast(std::round(params_.global_costmap_radius/params_.global_costmap_resolution));
- global_costmap_ = costmap_2d::Costmap2D(global_costmap_size, global_costmap_size, params_.global_costmap_resolution, params.global_costmap_origin_x, params.global_costmap_origin_y);
- planning_domain_ = GraphDomain(map_file, ¶ms_);
- LoadVectorMap(map_file);
- initialized_ = true;
- sampler_->SetNavParams(params);
- PathEvaluatorBase* evaluator = nullptr;
- if (params_.evaluator_type == "cost_map") {
- auto cost_map_evaluator = new DeepCostMapEvaluator(params_);
- cost_map_evaluator->LoadModel();
- evaluator = (PathEvaluatorBase*) cost_map_evaluator;
- } else if (params_.evaluator_type == "linear") {
- evaluator = (PathEvaluatorBase*) new LinearEvaluator();
- } else {
- printf("Uknown evaluator type %s\n", params_.evaluator_type.c_str());
- exit(1);
- }
- evaluator_ = std::unique_ptr(evaluator);
-void Navigation::LoadVectorMap(const string& map_file){ //Assume map is given as MAP.navigation.json
- std::string vector_map_file = map_file;
- // Find the position of ".navigation.json"
- size_t found = vector_map_file.find(".navigation.json");
- // Replace ".navigation.json" with ".vectormap.json"
- if (found != std::string::npos) {
- vector_map_file.replace(found, std::string(".navigation.json").length(), ".vectormap.json");
- }
- // Output the modified string
- std::cout << "Loading vectormap file: " << vector_map_file << std::endl;
- int x_max = global_costmap_.getSizeInCellsX();
- int y_max = global_costmap_.getSizeInCellsY();
- global_costmap_.resetMap(0, 0, x_max, y_max);
- global_costmap_obstacles_.clear();
- std::ifstream i(vector_map_file);
- json j;
- i >> j;
- i.close();
- unordered_map inflation_cells;
- for (const auto& line : j) {
- // Access specific fields in each dictionary
- Vector2f p0(line["p0"]["x"], line["p0"]["y"]);
- Vector2f p1(line["p1"]["x"], line["p1"]["y"]);
- float length = (p0 - p1).norm();
- for (float i = 0; i < length; i += params_.global_costmap_resolution){
- Vector2f costmap_point = p0 + i*(p1 - p0)/length;
- uint32_t unsigned_mx, unsigned_my;
- bool in_map = global_costmap_.worldToMap(costmap_point.x(), costmap_point.y(), unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
- if(in_map){
- int cell_inflation_size = std::ceil(params_.global_costmap_inflation_size/global_costmap_.getResolution());
- int mx = static_cast(unsigned_mx);
- int my = static_cast(unsigned_my);
- for (int j = -cell_inflation_size; j <= cell_inflation_size; j++){
- for (int k = -cell_inflation_size; k <= cell_inflation_size; k++){
- float cell_dist = sqrt(pow(j, 2) + pow(k, 2));
- float dist = cell_dist * global_costmap_.getResolution();
- if((cell_dist <= cell_inflation_size) && (mx + j >= 0) && (mx + j < x_max) && (my + k >= 0) && (my + k < y_max)){
- unsigned char cost;
- if(j == 0 && k == 0){
- cost = costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
- }
- else if(dist <= params_.replan_inflation_size){
- }
- else{
- cost = std::ceil(std::exp(-1 * params_.inflation_coeff * (dist - params_.replan_inflation_size)) * (costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE-1));
- }
- global_costmap_.setCost(mx + j, my + k, std::max(cost, global_costmap_.getCost(mx + j, my + k)));
- inflation_cells[global_costmap_.getIndex(mx + j, my + k)] = std::max(cost, global_costmap_.getCost(mx + j, my + k));
- }
- // if((sqrt(pow(j, 2) + pow(k, 2)) <= cell_inflation_size) && (mx + j >= 0) && (mx + j < x_max)
- // && (my + k >= 0) && (my + k < y_max)){
- // inflation_cells.insert(global_costmap_.getIndex(mx + j, my + k));
- // }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (const auto& pair : inflation_cells) {
- auto index = pair.first;
- uint32_t mx = 0;
- uint32_t my = 0;
- global_costmap_.indexToCells(index, mx, my);
- // global_costmap_.setCost(mx, my, costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE);
- double wx, wy;
- global_costmap_.mapToWorld(mx, my, wx, wy);
- global_costmap_obstacles_.push_back(ObstacleCost{Vector2f(wx, wy), pair.second});
- }
-bool Navigation::Enabled() const {
- return enabled_;
-void Navigation::Enable(bool enable) {
- enabled_ = enable;
-void Navigation::SetNavGoal(const Vector2f& loc, float angle) {
- cout << "set nav goal goto" << endl;
- nav_state_ = NavigationState::kGoto;
- nav_goal_loc_ = loc;
- nav_goal_angle_ = angle;
- plan_path_.clear();
-void Navigation::ResetNavGoals() {
- nav_state_ = NavigationState::kStopped;
- nav_goal_loc_ = robot_loc_;
- nav_goal_angle_ = robot_angle_;
- local_target_.setZero();
- plan_path_.clear();
-void Navigation::SetOverride(const Vector2f& loc, float angle) {
- nav_state_ = NavigationState::kOverride;
- override_target_ = loc;
-void Navigation::Resume() {
- cout << "resume goto" << endl;
- nav_state_ = NavigationState::kGoto;
-void Navigation::UpdateMap(const string& map_path) {
- LoadVectorMap(map_path);
- planning_domain_.Load(map_path);
- plan_path_.clear();
- prev_obstacles_.clear();
- costmap_obstacles_.clear();
-void Navigation::UpdateLocation(const Eigen::Vector2f& loc, float angle) {
- robot_loc_ = loc;
- robot_angle_ = angle;
- loc_initialized_ = true;
-void Navigation::PruneLatencyQueue() {
- if (command_history_.empty()) return;
- const double update_time = min(t_point_cloud_, t_odometry_);
- static const bool kDebug = false;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < command_history_.size(); ++i) {
- const double t_cmd = command_history_[i].time;
- if (kDebug) {
- printf("Command %d %f\n", int(i), t_cmd - update_time);
- }
- if (t_cmd < update_time - params_.dt) {
- if (kDebug) {
- printf("Erase %d %f %f\n",
- int(i),
- t_cmd - update_time,
- command_history_[i].linear.x());
- }
- command_history_.erase( command_history_.begin() + i);
- --i;
- }
- }
-void Navigation::UpdateOdometry(const Odom& msg) {
- latest_odom_msg_ = msg;
- t_odometry_ = msg.time;
- PruneLatencyQueue();
- if (!odom_initialized_) {
- starting_loc_ = Vector2f(msg.position.x(), msg.position.y());
- odom_initialized_ = true;
- }
-void Navigation::UpdateCommandHistory(Twist twist) {
- twist.time += params_.system_latency;
- command_history_.push_back(twist);
- if (false) {
- printf("Push %f %f\n",
- twist.linear.x(),
- command_history_.back().linear.x());
- }
-void Navigation::ForwardPredict(double t) {
- if (command_history_.empty()) {
- robot_vel_ = Vector2f(0, 0);
- robot_omega_ = 0;
- } else {
- const Twist latest_twist = command_history_.back();
- robot_vel_ = Vector2f(latest_twist.linear.x(), latest_twist.linear.y());
- robot_omega_ = latest_twist.angular.z();
- }
- if (false) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < command_history_.size(); ++i) {
- const auto& c = command_history_[i];
- printf("%d %f %f\n", int(i), t - c.time, c.linear.x());
- }
- printf("Predict: %f %f\n", t - t_odometry_, t - t_point_cloud_);
- }
- odom_loc_ = Vector2f(latest_odom_msg_.position.x(),
- latest_odom_msg_.position.y());
- odom_angle_ = 2.0f * atan2f(latest_odom_msg_.orientation.z(),
- latest_odom_msg_.orientation.w());
- using Eigen::Affine2f;
- using Eigen::Rotation2Df;
- using Eigen::Translation2f;
- Affine2f lidar_tf = Affine2f::Identity();
- for (const Twist& c : command_history_) {
- const double cmd_time = c.time;
- if (cmd_time > t) continue;
- if (cmd_time >= t_odometry_ - params_.dt) {
- const float dt = (t_odometry_ > cmd_time) ?
- min(t_odometry_ - cmd_time, params_.dt) :
- min(t - cmd_time, params_.dt);
- odom_loc_ += dt * (Rotation2Df(odom_angle_) * Vector2f(
- c.linear.x(), c.linear.y()));
- odom_angle_ = AngleMod(odom_angle_ + dt * c.angular.z());
- }
- if (t_point_cloud_ >= cmd_time - params_.dt) {
- const float dt = (t_point_cloud_ > cmd_time) ?
- min(t_point_cloud_ - cmd_time, params_.dt) :
- min(t - cmd_time, params_.dt);
- lidar_tf =
- Translation2f(-dt * Vector2f(c.linear.x(), c.linear.y())) *
- Rotation2Df(-c.angular.z() * dt) *
- lidar_tf;
- }
- }
- fp_point_cloud_.resize(point_cloud_.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < point_cloud_.size(); ++i) {
- fp_point_cloud_[i] = lidar_tf * point_cloud_[i];
- }
-void Navigation::TrapezoidTest(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
- if (!odom_initialized_) return;
- const float x = (odom_loc_ - starting_loc_).norm();
- const float speed = robot_vel_.norm();
- const float velocity_cmd = Run1DTimeOptimalControl(
- params_.linear_limits,
- x,
- speed,
- FLAGS_test_dist,
- 0,
- params_.dt);
- cmd_vel = {velocity_cmd, 0};
- cmd_angle_vel = 0;
- printf("x: %.3f d:%.3f v: %.3f cmd:%.3f\n", x, FLAGS_test_dist, speed, velocity_cmd);
-void Navigation::LatencyTest(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
- static FILE* fid = nullptr;
- if (!FLAGS_test_log_file.empty() && fid == nullptr) {
- fid = fopen(FLAGS_test_log_file.c_str(), "w");
- }
- const float kMaxSpeed = 0.75;
- const float kFrequency = 0.4;
- static double t_start_ = GetMonotonicTime();
- const double t = GetMonotonicTime() - t_start_;
- // float v_current = robot_vel_.x();
- float v_cmd = kMaxSpeed *
- sin(2.0 * M_PI * kFrequency * t);
- cmd_vel = {v_cmd, 0};
- cmd_angle_vel = 0.0;
-void Navigation::ObstAvTest(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
- const Vector2f kTarget(4, 0);
- local_target_ = kTarget;
- RunObstacleAvoidance(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
-void Navigation::ObstacleTest(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
- const float speed = robot_vel_.norm();
- float free_path_length = 30.0;
- float clearance = 10;
- GetStraightFreePathLength(&free_path_length, &clearance);
- const float dist_left =
- max(0.0f, free_path_length - params_.obstacle_margin);
- printf("%f\n", free_path_length);
- const float velocity_cmd = Run1DTimeOptimalControl(
- params_.linear_limits,
- 0,
- speed,
- dist_left,
- 0,
- params_.dt);
- cmd_vel = {velocity_cmd, 0};
- cmd_angle_vel = 0;
-Vector2f GetClosestApproach(const PathOption& o, const Vector2f& target) {
- if (fabs(o.curvature) < kEpsilon) {
- // Straight line path
- if (target.x() > o.free_path_length) {
- return Vector2f(o.free_path_length, 0);
- } else if (target.x() < 0.0) {
- return Vector2f(0, 0);
- } else {
- return Vector2f(target.x(), 0);
- }
- }
- const float end_angle = fabs(o.curvature * o.free_path_length);
- const float turn_radius = 1.0f / o.curvature;
- const Vector2f turn_center(0, turn_radius);
- const Vector2f target_radial = target - turn_center;
- const Vector2f start(0, 0);
- const Vector2f middle_radial = fabs(turn_radius) * target_radial.normalized();
- const Vector2f middle = turn_center + middle_radial;
- const float middle_angle =
- atan2(fabs(middle_radial.x()), fabs(middle_radial.y()));
- const Vector2f end(fabs(turn_radius) * sin(end_angle),
- turn_radius * (1.0f - cos(end_angle)));
- Vector2f closest_point = start;
- if (middle_angle < end_angle &&
- (closest_point - target).squaredNorm() >
- (middle - target).squaredNorm()) {
- closest_point = middle;
- }
- if ((closest_point - target).squaredNorm() >
- (end - target).squaredNorm()) {
- closest_point = end;
- }
- return closest_point;
-float GetClosestDistance(const PathOption& o, const Vector2f& target) {
- const Vector2f closest_point = GetClosestApproach(o, target);
- return (target - closest_point).norm();
-void Navigation::ObservePointCloud(const vector& cloud,
- double time) {
- point_cloud_ = cloud;
- t_point_cloud_ = time;
- PruneLatencyQueue();
-void Navigation::ObserveImage(cv::Mat image, double time) {
- latest_image_ = image;
- t_image_ = time;
-vector Navigation::GlobalPlan(const Vector2f& initial,
- const Vector2f& end) {
- auto plan = Plan(initial, end);
- std::vector path;
- for (auto& node : plan ) {
- path.push_back(node.id);
- }
- return path;
-vector Navigation::Plan(const Vector2f& initial,
- const Vector2f& end) {
- vector path;
- static CumulativeFunctionTimer function_timer_(__FUNCTION__);
- CumulativeFunctionTimer::Invocation invoke(&function_timer_);
- static const bool kVisualize = true;
- typedef navigation::GraphDomain Domain;
- planning_domain_.ResetDynamicStates();
- const uint64_t start_id = planning_domain_.AddDynamicState(initial);
- const uint64_t goal_id = planning_domain_.AddDynamicState(end);
- Domain::State start = planning_domain_.states[start_id];
- Domain::State goal = planning_domain_.states[goal_id];
- GraphVisualizer graph_viz(kVisualize);
- const bool found_path =
- AStar(start, goal, planning_domain_, &graph_viz, &path);
- if (found_path) {
- CHECK(path.size() > 0);
- Vector2f s1 = plan_path_[0].loc;
- for (size_t i = 1; i < plan_path_.size(); ++i) {
- Vector2f s2 = plan_path_[i].loc;
- s1 = s2;
- }
- } else {
- printf("No path found!\n");
- }
- SimpleQueue intermediate_queue; //
- unordered_map parent;
- unordered_map cost;
- uint32_t mx = 0, my = 0;
- costmap_.worldToMap(0, 0, mx, my);
- uint32_t robot_index = costmap_.getIndex(mx, my);
- intermediate_queue.Push(robot_index, 0);
- cost[robot_index] = 0;
- global_plan_path_ = path;
- Vector2f intermediate_goal_global = end;
- GetGlobalCarrot(intermediate_goal_global);
- if(path.size() == 0){
- return path;
- }
- Vector2f intermediate_goal_local = intermediate_goal_global - robot_loc_;
- int goal_map_x, goal_map_y;
- costmap_.worldToMapEnforceBounds(intermediate_goal_local.x(), intermediate_goal_local.y(), goal_map_x, goal_map_y);
- uint32_t goal_index = costmap_.getIndex(goal_map_x, goal_map_y);
- double goal_relative_x, goal_relative_y;
- costmap_.mapToWorld(goal_map_x, goal_map_y, goal_relative_x, goal_relative_y);
- intermediate_goal_ = Vector2f(goal_relative_x, goal_relative_y) + robot_loc_;
- unordered_set visited;
- while(!intermediate_queue.Empty()){
- uint32_t current_index = intermediate_queue.Pop();
- visited.insert(current_index);
- if(current_index == goal_index){
- break;
- }
- costmap_.indexToCells(current_index, mx, my);
- vector neighbors {-1, 0, 1, 0};
- for(size_t i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++){
- int new_row = mx + neighbors[i];
- int new_col = my + neighbors[(i+1)%4];
- uint32_t neighbor_index = costmap_.getIndex(new_row, new_col);
- //TODO: fix when robot is in an obstacle in the costmap
- if(new_row >= 0 && new_row < static_cast(costmap_.getSizeInCellsX()) && new_col >= 0
- && new_col < static_cast(costmap_.getSizeInCellsY())) {
- double wx, wy;
- costmap_.mapToWorld(new_row, new_col, wx, wy);
- wx += robot_loc_.x();
- wy += robot_loc_.y();
- uint32_t global_mx, global_my;
- bool in_global_map = global_costmap_.worldToMap(wx, wy, global_mx, global_my);
- if(in_global_map){
- unsigned char max_costmap_cost = std::max(costmap_.getCost(new_row, new_col), global_costmap_.getCost(global_mx, global_my));
- float new_cost = cost[current_index] + params_.distance_weight + max_costmap_cost;
- if(cost.count(neighbor_index) == 0 || new_cost < cost[neighbor_index]){
- cost[neighbor_index] = new_cost;
- parent[neighbor_index] = current_index;
- intermediate_queue.Push(neighbor_index, -new_cost);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- vector intermediate_vector_path;
- vector intermediate_path;
- if(cost.count(goal_index) != 0){
- uint32_t row, col;
- costmap_.indexToCells(robot_index, row, col);
- double wx, wy;
- costmap_.mapToWorld(row, col, wx, wy);
- Vector2f robot_location(wx, wy);
- uint32_t current_index = goal_index;
- while(parent.count(current_index) > 0){
- costmap_.indexToCells(current_index, row, col);
- costmap_.mapToWorld(row, col, wx, wy);
- intermediate_vector_path.push_back(Vector2f(wx, wy) - robot_location);
- current_index = parent[current_index];
- }
- reverse(intermediate_vector_path.begin(), intermediate_vector_path.end());
- planning_domain_.ResetDynamicStates();
- for(size_t i = 0; i < intermediate_vector_path.size(); i++){
- Vector2f map_frame_position = intermediate_vector_path[i] + robot_loc_;
- const uint64_t path_id = planning_domain_.AddDynamicState(map_frame_position);
- intermediate_path.push_back(planning_domain_.states[path_id]);
- }
- reverse(intermediate_path.begin(), intermediate_path.end());
- intermediate_path_found_ = true;
- return intermediate_path;
- }
- else{
- intermediate_path_found_ = false;
- printf("No intermediate planner path found\n");
- }
- return path;
-void Navigation::PlannerTest() {
- if (!loc_initialized_) return;
- Plan(robot_loc_, nav_goal_loc_);
-DEFINE_double(max_plan_deviation, 0.5,
- "Maximum premissible deviation from the plan");
-bool Navigation::PlanStillValid() {
- if (plan_path_.size() < 2) return false;
- for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < plan_path_.size(); ++i) {
- const float dist_from_segment =
- geometry::DistanceFromLineSegment(robot_loc_,
- plan_path_[i].loc,
- plan_path_[i + 1].loc);
- if (dist_from_segment < FLAGS_max_plan_deviation) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool Navigation::IntermediatePlanStillValid(){
- if (plan_path_.size() < 2 || !intermediate_path_found_) return false;
- // TODO: Add parameter for when to look for new goal or use different heuristic, may not be necessary with carrot replan
- if ((nav_goal_loc_ - plan_path_[0].loc).norm() > sqrt(2 * params_.local_costmap_resolution) / 2
- && (robot_loc_ - plan_path_[0].loc).norm() < 1){
- return false;
- }
- Vector2f global_carrot;
- GetGlobalCarrot(global_carrot);
- if((intermediate_goal_ - global_carrot).norm() > params_.replan_carrot_dist){
- return false;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < plan_path_.size(); i++){
- uint32_t mx, my;
- Vector2f relative_path_location = plan_path_[i].loc - robot_loc_;
- bool in_map = costmap_.worldToMap(relative_path_location.x(), relative_path_location.y(), mx, my);
- if(in_map && costmap_.getCost(mx, my) == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE){
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool Navigation::GetGlobalCarrot(Vector2f& carrot) {
- for(float carrot_dist = params_.carrot_dist; carrot_dist > params_.intermediate_carrot_dist; carrot_dist -= 0.5){
- if(GetCarrot(carrot, true, carrot_dist)){
- Vector2f robot_frame_carrot = carrot - robot_loc_;
- uint32_t mx, my;
- bool in_map = costmap_.worldToMap(robot_frame_carrot.x(), robot_frame_carrot.y(), mx, my);
- if(in_map && costmap_.getCost(mx, my) != costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE
- && costmap_.getCost(mx, my) != costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE){
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- // return GetCarrot(carrot, true, params_.carrot_dist);
-bool Navigation::GetIntermediateCarrot(Vector2f& carrot) {
- return GetCarrot(carrot, false, params_.intermediate_carrot_dist);
-bool Navigation::GetCarrot(Vector2f& carrot, bool global, float carrot_dist) {
- vector plan_path = plan_path_;
- if(global){
- plan_path = global_plan_path_;
- }
- const float kSqCarrotDist = Sq(carrot_dist);
- CHECK_GE(plan_path.size(), 2u);
- if ((plan_path[0].loc - robot_loc_).squaredNorm() < kSqCarrotDist) {
- // Goal is within the carrot dist.
- carrot = plan_path[0].loc;
- return true;
- }
- // Find closest line segment in plan to current location
- float closest_dist = FLT_MAX;
- int i0 = 0, i1 = 1;
- for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < plan_path.size(); ++i) {
- const Vector2f v0 = plan_path[i].loc;
- const Vector2f v1 = plan_path[i + 1].loc;
- const float dist_to_segment = geometry::DistanceFromLineSegment(
- robot_loc_, v0, v1);
- if (dist_to_segment < closest_dist) {
- closest_dist = dist_to_segment;
- i0 = i;
- i1 = i + 1;
- }
- }
- // printf("closest: %d %d %f\n", i0, i1, closest_dist);
- if (closest_dist > kSqCarrotDist) {
- // Closest edge on the plan is farther than carrot dist to the robot.
- // The carrot will be the projection of the robot loc on to the edge.
- const Vector2f v0 = plan_path[i0].loc;
- const Vector2f v1 = plan_path[i1].loc;
- carrot = geometry::ProjectPointOntoLineSegment(robot_loc_, v0, v1);
- return true;
- }
- // Iterate from current line segment to goal until the segment intersects
- // the circle centered at the robot, of radius kCarrotDist.
- // The goal is not within carrot dist of the robot, and the robot is within
- // carrot dist of some line segment. Hence, there must exist at least one
- // vertex along the plan towards the goal that is out of the carrot dist.
- for (int i = i1; i - 1 >= 0; --i) {
- i0 = i;
- // const Vector2f v0 = plan_path_[i].loc;
- const Vector2f v1 = plan_path[i - 1].loc;
- if ((v1 - robot_loc_).squaredNorm() > kSqCarrotDist) {
- break;
- }
- }
- i1 = i0 - 1;
- // printf("i0:%d i1:%d\n", i0, i1);
- const Vector2f v0 = plan_path[i0].loc;
- const Vector2f v1 = plan_path[i1].loc;
- Vector2f r0, r1;
- #define V2COMP(v) v.x(), v.y()
- // printf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f\n",
- // V2COMP(robot_loc_), V2COMP(v0), V2COMP(v1), (v0 - v1).norm());
- const int num_intersections = geometry::CircleLineIntersection(
- robot_loc_, carrot_dist, v0, v1, &r0, &r1);
- if (num_intersections == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error obtaining intersections:\n v0: (%f %f), v1: (%f %f), robot_loc_: (%f %f) sq_carrot_dist: (%f) closest_dist: (%f)\n",
- v0.x(), v0.y(), v1.x(), v1.y(), robot_loc_.x(), robot_loc_.y(), kSqCarrotDist, closest_dist);
- return false;
- }
- if (num_intersections == 1 || (r0 - v1).squaredNorm() < (r1 - v1).squaredNorm()) {
- carrot = r0;
- } else {
- carrot = r1;
- }
- return true;
-void Navigation::GetStraightFreePathLength(float* free_path_length,
- float* clearance) {
- // How much the robot's body extends in front of its base link frame.
- const float l = 0.5 * params_.robot_length - params_.base_link_offset + params_.obstacle_margin;
- // The robot's half-width.
- const float w = 0.5 * params_.robot_width + params_.obstacle_margin;
- for (const Vector2f& p : fp_point_cloud_) {
- if (fabs(p.y()) > w || p.x() < 0.0f) continue;
- *free_path_length = min(*free_path_length, p.x() - l);
- }
- *clearance = params_.max_clearance;
- for (const Vector2f& p : point_cloud_) {
- if (p.x() - l > *free_path_length || p.x() < 0.0) continue;
- *clearance = min(*clearance, fabs(fabs(p.y() - w)));
- }
- *clearance = max(0.0f, *clearance);
- *free_path_length = max(0.0f, *free_path_length);
-Vector2f GetFinalPoint(const PathOption& o) {
- if (fabs(o.curvature) < 0.01) {
- return Vector2f(o.free_path_length, 0);
- } else {
- const float r = 1.0f / o.curvature;
- const float a = o.free_path_length / fabs(r);
- return Vector2f(fabs(r) * sin(a), r * (1.0 - cos(a)));
- }
-DEFINE_double(tx, 0.4, "Test obstacle point - X");
-DEFINE_double(ty, -0.38, "Test obstacle point - Y");
-void Navigation::RunObstacleAvoidance(Vector2f& vel_cmd, float& ang_vel_cmd) {
- static CumulativeFunctionTimer function_timer_(__FUNCTION__);
- CumulativeFunctionTimer::Invocation invoke(&function_timer_);
- const bool debug = FLAGS_v > 1;
- if(debug){
- printf("Running obstacle avoidance\n");
- }
- // Handling potential carrot overrides from social nav
- Vector2f local_target = local_target_;
- if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kOverride) {
- local_target = override_target_;
- }
- sampler_->Update(robot_vel_, robot_omega_, local_target, fp_point_cloud_, latest_image_);
- evaluator_->Update(robot_loc_, robot_angle_, robot_vel_, robot_omega_, local_target, fp_point_cloud_, latest_image_);
- auto paths = sampler_->GetSamples(params_.num_options);
- if (debug) {
- printf("%lu options\n", paths.size());
- int i = 0;
- for (auto p : paths) {
- ConstantCurvatureArc arc =
- *reinterpret_cast(p.get());
- printf("%3d: %7.5f %7.3f %7.3f\n",
- i++, arc.curvature, arc.length, arc.curvature);
- }
- }
- if (paths.size() == 0) {
- // No options, just stop.
- Halt(vel_cmd, ang_vel_cmd);
- if (debug) printf("No paths found\n");
- return;
- }
- auto best_path = evaluator_->FindBest(paths);
- if (best_path == nullptr) {
- if (debug) printf("No best path found\n");
- // No valid path found!
- // TODO: Change this to rotate instead of halt
- TurnInPlace(vel_cmd, ang_vel_cmd);
- // Halt(vel_cmd, ang_vel_cmd);
- return;
- }
- ang_vel_cmd = 0;
- vel_cmd = {0, 0};
- float max_map_speed = params_.linear_limits.max_speed;
- planning_domain_.GetClearanceAndSpeedFromLoc(
- robot_loc_, nullptr, &max_map_speed);
- auto linear_limits = params_.linear_limits;
- linear_limits.max_speed = min(max_map_speed, params_.linear_limits.max_speed);
- best_path->GetControls(linear_limits,
- params_.angular_limits,
- params_.dt, robot_vel_,
- robot_omega_,
- vel_cmd,
- ang_vel_cmd);
- last_options_ = paths;
- best_option_ = best_path;
-void Navigation::Halt(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& angular_vel_cmd) {
- const float kEpsSpeed = 0.01;
- const float velocity = robot_vel_.x();
- float velocity_cmd = 0;
- if (fabs(velocity) > kEpsSpeed) {
- const float dv = params_.linear_limits.max_deceleration * params_.dt;
- if (velocity < -dv) {
- velocity_cmd = velocity + dv;
- } else if (velocity > dv) {
- velocity_cmd = velocity - dv;
- } else {
- velocity_cmd = 0;
- }
- }
- cmd_vel = {velocity_cmd, 0};
- //TODO: motion profiling for omega
- angular_vel_cmd = 0;
-void Navigation::TurnInPlace(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
- cout << "turn in place call" << endl;
- static const bool kDebug = false;
- const float kMaxLinearSpeed = 0.1;
- const float velocity = robot_vel_.x();
- cmd_angle_vel = 0;
- cout << "turn in place test 1" << endl;
- if (fabs(velocity) > kMaxLinearSpeed) {
- Halt(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- return;
- }
- float dTheta = 0;
- if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto) {
- dTheta = atan2(local_target_.y(), local_target_.x());
- } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kOverride) {
- dTheta = atan2(override_target_.y(), override_target_.x());
- } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kTurnInPlace) {
- dTheta = AngleDiff(nav_goal_angle_, robot_angle_);
- }
- if (kDebug) printf("dTheta: %f robot_angle: %f\n", RadToDeg(dTheta), RadToDeg(robot_angle_));
- cout << "turn in place test 2" << endl;
- const float s = Sign(dTheta);
- if (robot_omega_ * dTheta < 0.0f) {
- if (kDebug) printf("Wrong way\n");
- const float dv = params_.dt * params_.angular_limits.max_acceleration;
- // Turning the wrong way!
- if (fabs(robot_omega_) < dv) {
- cmd_angle_vel = 0;
- } else {
- cmd_angle_vel = robot_omega_ - Sign(robot_omega_) * dv;
- }
- } else {
- cout << "turn in place test 5" << endl;
- cmd_angle_vel = s * Run1DTimeOptimalControl(
- params_.angular_limits,
- 0,
- s * robot_omega_,
- s * dTheta,
- 0,
- params_.dt);
- cout << "test5: angle_vel = " << cmd_angle_vel << endl;
- }
- cmd_vel = {0, 0};
-void Navigation::Pause() {
- nav_state_ = NavigationState::kPaused;
-void Navigation::SetMaxVel(const float vel) {
- params_.linear_limits.max_speed = vel;
-void Navigation::SetMaxAccel(const float accel) {
- params_.linear_limits.max_acceleration = accel;
- return;
-void Navigation::SetMaxDecel(const float decel) {
- params_.linear_limits.max_deceleration = decel;
- return;
-void Navigation::SetAngAccel(const float accel) {
- params_.angular_limits.max_acceleration = accel;
- return;
-void Navigation::SetAngVel(const float vel) {
- params_.angular_limits.max_speed = vel;
- return;
-void Navigation::SetObstacleMargin(const float margin) {
- params_.obstacle_margin = margin;
- return;
-void Navigation::SetClearanceWeight(const float weight) {
- LinearEvaluator* evaluator =
- dynamic_cast(evaluator_.get());
- evaluator->SetClearanceWeight(weight);
- return;
-void Navigation::SetCarrotDist(const float carrot_dist) {
- params_.carrot_dist = carrot_dist;
- return;
-Eigen::Vector2f Navigation::GetTarget() {
- return local_target_;
-Eigen::Vector2f Navigation::GetOverrideTarget() {
- return override_target_;
-Eigen::Vector2f Navigation::GetVelocity() {
- return robot_vel_;
-float Navigation::GetAngularVelocity() {
- return robot_omega_;
-string Navigation::GetNavStatus() {
- switch (nav_state_) {
- case NavigationState::kStopped: {
- return "Stopped";
- } break;
- case NavigationState::kPaused: {
- return "Paused";
- } break;
- case NavigationState::kGoto: {
- return "Goto";
- } break;
- case NavigationState::kOverride: {
- return "Override";
- } break;
- case NavigationState::kTurnInPlace: {
- return "TurnInPlace";
- } break;
- default: {
- return "Unknown";
- } break;
- }
-uint8_t Navigation::GetNavStatusUint8() {
- return static_cast(nav_state_);
-vector Navigation::GetPredictedCloud() {
- return fp_point_cloud_;
-float Navigation::GetCarrotDist() {
- return params_.intermediate_carrot_dist;
-float Navigation::GetObstacleMargin() {
- return params_.obstacle_margin;
-float Navigation::GetRobotWidth() {
- return params_.robot_width;
-float Navigation::GetRobotLength() {
- return params_.robot_length;
-vector> Navigation::GetLastPathOptions() {
- return last_options_;
-const cv::Mat& Navigation::GetVisualizationImage() {
- if (params_.evaluator_type == "cost_map") {
- return dynamic_cast(evaluator_.get())->latest_vis_image_;
- } else {
- std::cerr << "No visualization image for linear evaluator" << std::endl;
- exit(1);
- }
-std::shared_ptr Navigation::GetOption() {
- return best_option_;
-vector Navigation::GetPlanPath() {
- return plan_path_;
-vector Navigation::GetGlobalPath() {
- return global_plan_path_;
-vector Navigation::GetCostmapObstacles(){
- return costmap_obstacles_;
-vector Navigation::GetGlobalCostmapObstacles(){
- return global_costmap_obstacles_;
-Eigen::Vector2f Navigation::GetIntermediateGoal(){
- return intermediate_goal_;
-bool Navigation::Run(const double& time,
- Vector2f& cmd_vel,
- float& cmd_angle_vel) {
- const bool kDebug = FLAGS_v > 0;
- if (!initialized_) {
- if (kDebug) printf("Parameters and maps not initialized\n");
- return false;
- }
- if (!odom_initialized_) {
- if (kDebug) printf("Odometry not initialized\n");
- return false;
- }
- ForwardPredict(time + params_.system_latency);
- if (FLAGS_test_toc) {
- TrapezoidTest(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- return true;
- } else if (FLAGS_test_obstacle) {
- ObstacleTest(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- return true;
- } else if (FLAGS_test_avoidance) {
- ObstAvTest(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- return true;
- } else if (FLAGS_test_planner) {
- PlannerTest();
- return true;
- } else if (FLAGS_test_latency) {
- LatencyTest(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- return true;
- }
- int cell_inflation_size = std::ceil(params_.local_costmap_inflation_size/costmap_.getResolution());
- int x_max = costmap_.getSizeInCellsX();
- int y_max = costmap_.getSizeInCellsY();
- // Reset map to empty from previous iteration
- costmap_.resetMap(0, 0, x_max, y_max);
- costmap_obstacles_.clear();
- // True if distance is less than replan inflation size
- // Assign different value for points within inflation size but farther than replan size
- unordered_map inflation_cells;
- unordered_set obstacle_cells;
- // Map from costmap index to real coordinates relative to robot
- unordered_map index_to_obstacle;
- uint32_t robot_mx, robot_my;
- costmap_.worldToMap(0, 0, robot_mx, robot_my);
- uint32_t robot_index = costmap_.getIndex(robot_mx, robot_my);
- uint32_t robot_row, robot_col;
- costmap_.indexToCells(robot_index, robot_row, robot_col);
- double robot_wx, robot_wy;
- costmap_.mapToWorld(robot_row, robot_col, robot_wx, robot_wy);
- Vector2f robot_location(robot_wx, robot_wy);
- // Add new points to costmap
- for (size_t i = 0; i < point_cloud_.size(); i++){
- uint32_t unsigned_mx, unsigned_my;
- Vector2f relative_location_map_frame = Rotation2Df(robot_angle_) * point_cloud_[i];
- bool in_map = costmap_.worldToMap(relative_location_map_frame.x(), relative_location_map_frame.y(), unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
- //TODO: change max distance based on lidar to base link transformation
- if (in_map && relative_location_map_frame.norm() < (params_.range_max - params_.robot_length) && relative_location_map_frame.norm() > params_.range_min){
- uint32_t index = costmap_.getIndex(unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
- double wx, wy;
- costmap_.mapToWorld(unsigned_mx, unsigned_my, wx, wy);
- obstacle_cells.insert(index);
- SeenObstacle obs;
- obs.location = Vector2f(wx - robot_location.x(), wy - robot_location.y());
- obs.last_seen = std::time(nullptr);
- index_to_obstacle[index] = obs;
- }
- }
- // Point sorting function
- struct PointComparison {
- const costmap_2d::Costmap2D costmap;
- const int robot_mx;
- const int robot_my;
- PointComparison(const costmap_2d::Costmap2D map, const int robot_x, const int robot_y) : costmap(map), robot_mx(robot_x), robot_my(robot_y) {}
- bool operator()(int a, int b) const {
- uint32_t row_a, col_a;
- costmap.indexToCells(a, row_a, col_a);
- uint32_t row_b, col_b;
- costmap.indexToCells(b, row_b, col_b);
- double angle_a = atan2(row_a - robot_mx, col_a);
- double angle_b = atan2(row_b - robot_my, col_b);
- return angle_a < angle_b;
- }
- };
- PointComparison pointComparison(costmap_, robot_mx, robot_my);
- // Define set of points to exclude from new costmap
- set sorted_obstacle_cells(pointComparison);
- unordered_set empty_cells;
- for (const auto& index : obstacle_cells) {
- sorted_obstacle_cells.insert(index);
- }
- auto iter = sorted_obstacle_cells.begin();
- while (iter != sorted_obstacle_cells.end() && iter != std::prev(sorted_obstacle_cells.end())) {
- costmap_2d::MapLocation point_a;
- costmap_.indexToCells(*iter, point_a.x, point_a.y);
- costmap_2d::MapLocation point_b;
- costmap_.indexToCells(*std::next(iter), point_b.x, point_b.y);
- costmap_2d::MapLocation robot_point;
- robot_point.x = robot_mx;
- robot_point.y = robot_my;
- robot_point = robot_point;
- vector polygon = {point_a, point_b, robot_point};
- vector fill_cells;
- costmap_.convexFillCells(polygon, fill_cells);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < fill_cells.size(); i++){
- empty_cells.insert(costmap_.getIndex(fill_cells[i].x, fill_cells[i].y));
- }
- iter++;
- }
- // Add old obstacles that are still in map to new costmap
- for (const auto& obs : prev_obstacles_) {
- Vector2f point = obs.location;
- uint32_t unsigned_mx, unsigned_my;
- Vector2f new_relative_point = point + prev_robot_loc_ - robot_loc_;
- bool in_map = costmap_.worldToMap(new_relative_point.x(), new_relative_point.y(), unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
- uint32_t index = costmap_.getIndex(unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
- if (in_map && empty_cells.count(index) == 0 && std::time(nullptr) - obs.last_seen < params_.object_lifespan){
- obstacle_cells.insert(index);
- if(index_to_obstacle.count(index) == 0){
- SeenObstacle new_obs;
- new_obs.location = new_relative_point;
- new_obs.last_seen = obs.last_seen;
- index_to_obstacle[index] = new_obs;
- }
- else{
- index_to_obstacle[index].location = new_relative_point;
- }
- }
- }
- for (const auto& index : obstacle_cells) {
- uint32_t unsigned_mx, unsigned_my;
- costmap_.indexToCells(index, unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
- int mx = static_cast(unsigned_mx);
- int my = static_cast(unsigned_my);
- for (int j = -cell_inflation_size; j <= cell_inflation_size; j++){
- for (int k = -cell_inflation_size; k <= cell_inflation_size; k++){
- float cell_dist = sqrt(pow(j, 2) + pow(k, 2));
- float dist = cell_dist * costmap_.getResolution();
- if((cell_dist <= cell_inflation_size) && (mx + j >= 0) && (mx + j < x_max) && (my + k >= 0) && (my + k < y_max)){
- unsigned char cost;
- if(j == 0 && k == 0){
- cost = costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
- }
- else if(dist <= params_.replan_inflation_size){
- }
- else{
- cost = std::ceil(std::exp(-1 * params_.inflation_coeff * (dist - params_.replan_inflation_size)) * (costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE-1));
- }
- costmap_.setCost(mx + j, my + k, std::max(cost, costmap_.getCost(mx + j, my + k)));
- inflation_cells[costmap_.getIndex(mx + j, my + k)] = std::max(cost, costmap_.getCost(mx + j, my + k));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (const auto& pair : inflation_cells) {
- uint32_t index = pair.first;
- uint32_t mx = 0;
- uint32_t my = 0;
- costmap_.indexToCells(index, mx, my);
- double wx, wy;
- costmap_.mapToWorld(mx, my, wx, wy);
- costmap_obstacles_.push_back(ObstacleCost{Vector2f(wx, wy) + robot_loc_, pair.second});
- }
- // Record last seen locations of points
- prev_robot_loc_ = robot_loc_;
- prev_obstacles_.clear();
- for (const auto& pair : index_to_obstacle) {
- SeenObstacle obs = pair.second;
- prev_obstacles_.push_back(obs);
- }
- // Before switching states we need to update the local target.
- if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto ||
- nav_state_ == NavigationState::kOverride) {
- // Recompute global plan as necessary.
- if (!PlanStillValid() || !IntermediatePlanStillValid()) {
- if (kDebug) printf("Replanning\n");
- plan_path_ = Plan(robot_loc_, nav_goal_loc_);
- }
- if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto) {
- // Get Carrot and check if done
- Vector2f carrot(0, 0);
- bool foundCarrot = GetIntermediateCarrot(carrot);
- if (!foundCarrot) {
- Halt(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- return false;
- }
- // Local Navigation
- cout << "set local target" << endl;
- local_target_ = Rotation2Df(-robot_angle_) * (carrot - robot_loc_);
- }
- }
- // Switch between navigation states.
- NavigationState prev_state = nav_state_;
- do {
- prev_state = nav_state_;
- if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto &&
- local_target_.squaredNorm() < Sq(params_.target_dist_tolerance) &&
- robot_vel_.squaredNorm() < Sq(params_.target_vel_tolerance)) {
- cout << "set turn in place" << endl;
- nav_state_ = NavigationState::kTurnInPlace;
- } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kTurnInPlace &&
- AngleDist(robot_angle_, nav_goal_angle_) <
- params_.target_angle_tolerance) {
- nav_state_ = NavigationState::kStopped;
- }
- } while (prev_state != nav_state_);
- switch (nav_state_) {
- case NavigationState::kStopped: {
- if (kDebug) printf("\nNav complete\n");
- } break;
- case NavigationState::kPaused: {
- if (kDebug) printf("\nNav paused\n");
- } break;
- case NavigationState::kGoto: {
- if (kDebug) printf("\nNav Goto\n");
- } break;
- case NavigationState::kTurnInPlace: {
- if (kDebug) printf("\nNav TurnInPlace\n");
- } break;
- case NavigationState::kOverride: {
- if (kDebug) printf("\nNav override\n");
- } break;
- default: {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown nav state %d\n",
- static_cast(nav_state_));
- }
- }
- if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kPaused ||
- nav_state_ == NavigationState::kStopped) {
- Halt(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- return true;
- } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto ||
- nav_state_ == NavigationState::kOverride) {
- Vector2f local_target(0, 0);
- if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto) {
- // Local Navigation
- local_target = local_target_;
- } else {
- // Running NavigationState::kOverride .
- local_target = override_target_;
- }
- const float theta = atan2(local_target.y(), local_target.x());
- if (local_target.squaredNorm() > params_.intermediate_carrot_dist) {
- local_target = params_.intermediate_carrot_dist * local_target.normalized();
- }
- if (!FLAGS_no_local) {
- if (fabs(theta) > params_.local_fov) {
- if (kDebug) printf("TurnInPlace\n");
- TurnInPlace(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- } else {
- if (kDebug) printf("ObstAv\n");
- cout << "running obstacle avoidance original" << endl;
- RunObstacleAvoidance(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- }
- }
- } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kTurnInPlace) {
- if (kDebug) printf("Reached Goal: TurnInPlace\n");
- TurnInPlace(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
- }
- // viz_pub_.publish(local_viz_msg_);
- // viz_pub_.publish(global_viz_msg_);
- return true;
-} // namespace navigation
+// This software is free: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3,
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// Version 3 in the file COPYING that came with this distribution.
+// If not, see .
+\file navigation.cc
+\brief Implementation for reference Navigation class.
+\author Joydeep Biswas, Jarrett Holtz, Kavan Sikand (C) 2021
+#include "navigation.h"
+#include "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h"
+#include "gflags/gflags.h"
+#include "eigen3/Eigen/Dense"
+#include "eigen3/Eigen/Geometry"
+#include "glog/logging.h"
+#include "shared/math/math_util.h"
+#include "shared/util/helpers.h"
+#include "shared/util/timer.h"
+#include "shared/util/timer.h"
+#include "eight_connected_domain.h"
+#include "graph_domain.h"
+#include "astar.h"
+#include "simple_queue.h"
+#include "motion_primitives.h"
+#include "constant_curvature_arcs.h"
+#include "ackermann_motion_primitives.h"
+#include "deep_cost_map_evaluator.h"
+#include "linear_evaluator.h"
+#include "amrl_msgs/NavStatusMsg.h"
+#include "amrl_msgs/Pose2Df.h"
+#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
+using json = nlohmann::json;
+using Eigen::Rotation2Df;
+using Eigen::Vector2f;
+using navigation::MotionLimits;
+using navigation::Odom;
+using navigation::Twist;
+using std::atan2;
+using std::deque;
+using std::max;
+using std::min;
+using std::swap;
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+using std::unordered_set;
+using std::unordered_map;
+using std::set;
+using namespace math_util;
+using namespace motion_primitives;
+// Special test modes.
+DEFINE_bool(test_toc, false, "Run 1D time-optimal controller test");
+DEFINE_bool(test_obstacle, false, "Run obstacle detection test");
+DEFINE_bool(test_avoidance, false, "Run obstacle avoidance test");
+DEFINE_bool(test_planner, false, "Run navigation planner test");
+DEFINE_bool(test_latency, false, "Run Latency test");
+DEFINE_double(test_dist, 0.5, "Test distance");
+DEFINE_string(test_log_file, "", "Log test results to file");
+DEFINE_double(max_curvature, 2.0, "Maximum curvature of turning");
+DEFINE_bool(no_local, false, "can be used to turn off local planner");
+namespace {
+// Epsilon value for handling limited numerical precision.
+const float kEpsilon = 1e-5;
+DEFINE_int32(num_options, 41, "Number of options to consider");
+// TODO(jaholtz) figure out how to handle this visualization without
+// having astar contain ros dependencies
+struct EightGridVisualizer {
+ EightGridVisualizer(bool visualize) :
+ kVisualize(visualize) { }
+ void DrawEdge(const navigation::EightConnectedDomain::State& s1,
+ const navigation::EightConnectedDomain::State& s2) {
+ if (!kVisualize) return;
+ static const bool kDebug = false;
+ if (kDebug) {
+ printf("%7.2f,%7.2f -> %7.2f,%7.2f\n",
+ s1.x(),
+ s1.y(),
+ s2.x(),
+ s2.y());
+ }
+ // visualization::DrawLine(s1, s2, 0x606060, global_viz_msg_);
+ // viz_pub_.publish(global_viz_msg_);
+ if (kDebug) Sleep(0.05);
+ }
+ const bool kVisualize;
+struct GraphVisualizer {
+ GraphVisualizer(bool visualize) :
+ kVisualize(visualize) { }
+ void DrawEdge(const navigation::GraphDomain::State& s1,
+ const navigation::GraphDomain::State& s2) {
+ if (!kVisualize) return;
+ static const bool kDebug = false;
+ if (kDebug) {
+ printf("%7.2f,%7.2f -> %7.2f,%7.2f\n",
+ s1.loc.x(),
+ s1.loc.y(),
+ s2.loc.x(),
+ s2.loc.y());
+ }
+ // visualization::DrawLine(s1.loc, s2.loc, 0xC0C0C0, global_viz_msg_);
+ // viz_pub_.publish(global_viz_msg_);
+ if (kDebug) Sleep(0.05);
+ }
+ const bool kVisualize;
+} // namespace
+namespace navigation {
+Navigation::Navigation() :
+ robot_loc_(0, 0),
+ robot_angle_(0),
+ robot_vel_(0, 0),
+ robot_omega_(0),
+ nav_state_(NavigationState::kStopped),
+ nav_goal_loc_(0, 0),
+ nav_goal_angle_(0),
+ odom_initialized_(false),
+ loc_initialized_(false),
+ t_point_cloud_(0),
+ t_odometry_(0),
+ enabled_(false),
+ initialized_(false),
+ sampler_(nullptr),
+ evaluator_(nullptr),
+ costmap_(60, 60, 0.5, -15, -15),
+ global_costmap_(200, 200, 0.5, -50, -50),
+ intermediate_path_found_(false),
+ intermediate_goal_(0, 0){ //parameters are (x/y size in cells, resolution, bottom left x/y origin coordinates)
+ sampler_ = std::unique_ptr(new AckermannSampler());
+void Navigation::Initialize(const NavigationParameters& params,
+ const string& map_file) {
+ // Initialize status message
+ params_ = params;
+ int local_costmap_size = 2*static_cast(std::round(params_.local_costmap_radius/params_.local_costmap_resolution));
+ costmap_ = costmap_2d::Costmap2D(local_costmap_size, local_costmap_size, params_.local_costmap_resolution, -params.local_costmap_radius, -params.local_costmap_radius);
+ int global_costmap_size = 2*static_cast(std::round(params_.global_costmap_radius/params_.global_costmap_resolution));
+ global_costmap_ = costmap_2d::Costmap2D(global_costmap_size, global_costmap_size, params_.global_costmap_resolution, params.global_costmap_origin_x, params.global_costmap_origin_y);
+ planning_domain_ = GraphDomain(map_file, ¶ms_);
+ LoadVectorMap(map_file);
+ initialized_ = true;
+ sampler_->SetNavParams(params);
+ PathEvaluatorBase* evaluator = nullptr;
+ if (params_.evaluator_type == "cost_map") {
+ auto cost_map_evaluator = new DeepCostMapEvaluator(params_);
+ cost_map_evaluator->LoadModel();
+ evaluator = (PathEvaluatorBase*) cost_map_evaluator;
+ } else if (params_.evaluator_type == "linear") {
+ evaluator = (PathEvaluatorBase*) new LinearEvaluator();
+ } else {
+ printf("Uknown evaluator type %s\n", params_.evaluator_type.c_str());
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ evaluator_ = std::unique_ptr(evaluator);
+void Navigation::LoadVectorMap(const string& map_file){ //Assume map is given as MAP.navigation.json
+ std::string vector_map_file = map_file;
+ // Find the position of ".navigation.json"
+ size_t found = vector_map_file.find(".navigation.json");
+ // Replace ".navigation.json" with ".vectormap.json"
+ if (found != std::string::npos) {
+ vector_map_file.replace(found, std::string(".navigation.json").length(), ".vectormap.json");
+ }
+ // Output the modified string
+ std::cout << "Loading vectormap file: " << vector_map_file << std::endl;
+ int x_max = global_costmap_.getSizeInCellsX();
+ int y_max = global_costmap_.getSizeInCellsY();
+ global_costmap_.resetMap(0, 0, x_max, y_max);
+ global_costmap_obstacles_.clear();
+ std::ifstream i(vector_map_file);
+ json j;
+ i >> j;
+ i.close();
+ unordered_map inflation_cells;
+ for (const auto& line : j) {
+ // Access specific fields in each dictionary
+ Vector2f p0(line["p0"]["x"], line["p0"]["y"]);
+ Vector2f p1(line["p1"]["x"], line["p1"]["y"]);
+ float length = (p0 - p1).norm();
+ for (float i = 0; i < length; i += params_.global_costmap_resolution){
+ Vector2f costmap_point = p0 + i*(p1 - p0)/length;
+ uint32_t unsigned_mx, unsigned_my;
+ bool in_map = global_costmap_.worldToMap(costmap_point.x(), costmap_point.y(), unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
+ if(in_map){
+ int cell_inflation_size = std::ceil(params_.global_costmap_inflation_size/global_costmap_.getResolution());
+ int mx = static_cast(unsigned_mx);
+ int my = static_cast(unsigned_my);
+ for (int j = -cell_inflation_size; j <= cell_inflation_size; j++){
+ for (int k = -cell_inflation_size; k <= cell_inflation_size; k++){
+ float cell_dist = sqrt(pow(j, 2) + pow(k, 2));
+ float dist = cell_dist * global_costmap_.getResolution();
+ if((cell_dist <= cell_inflation_size) && (mx + j >= 0) && (mx + j < x_max) && (my + k >= 0) && (my + k < y_max)){
+ unsigned char cost;
+ if(j == 0 && k == 0){
+ cost = costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
+ }
+ else if(dist <= params_.replan_inflation_size){
+ }
+ else{
+ cost = std::ceil(std::exp(-1 * params_.inflation_coeff * (dist - params_.replan_inflation_size)) * (costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE-1));
+ }
+ global_costmap_.setCost(mx + j, my + k, std::max(cost, global_costmap_.getCost(mx + j, my + k)));
+ inflation_cells[global_costmap_.getIndex(mx + j, my + k)] = std::max(cost, global_costmap_.getCost(mx + j, my + k));
+ }
+ // if((sqrt(pow(j, 2) + pow(k, 2)) <= cell_inflation_size) && (mx + j >= 0) && (mx + j < x_max)
+ // && (my + k >= 0) && (my + k < y_max)){
+ // inflation_cells.insert(global_costmap_.getIndex(mx + j, my + k));
+ // }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& pair : inflation_cells) {
+ auto index = pair.first;
+ uint32_t mx = 0;
+ uint32_t my = 0;
+ global_costmap_.indexToCells(index, mx, my);
+ // global_costmap_.setCost(mx, my, costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE);
+ double wx, wy;
+ global_costmap_.mapToWorld(mx, my, wx, wy);
+ global_costmap_obstacles_.push_back(ObstacleCost{Vector2f(wx, wy), pair.second});
+ }
+bool Navigation::Enabled() const {
+ return enabled_;
+void Navigation::Enable(bool enable) {
+ enabled_ = enable;
+void Navigation::SetNavGoal(const Vector2f& loc, float angle) {
+ cout << "set nav goal goto" << endl;
+ nav_state_ = NavigationState::kGoto;
+ nav_goal_loc_ = loc;
+ nav_goal_angle_ = angle;
+ plan_path_.clear();
+void Navigation::ResetNavGoals() {
+ nav_state_ = NavigationState::kStopped;
+ nav_goal_loc_ = robot_loc_;
+ nav_goal_angle_ = robot_angle_;
+ local_target_.setZero();
+ plan_path_.clear();
+void Navigation::SetOverride(const Vector2f& loc, float angle) {
+ nav_state_ = NavigationState::kOverride;
+ override_target_ = loc;
+void Navigation::Resume() {
+ cout << "resume goto" << endl;
+ nav_state_ = NavigationState::kGoto;
+void Navigation::UpdateMap(const string& map_path) {
+ LoadVectorMap(map_path);
+ planning_domain_.Load(map_path);
+ plan_path_.clear();
+ prev_obstacles_.clear();
+ costmap_obstacles_.clear();
+void Navigation::UpdateLocation(const Eigen::Vector2f& loc, float angle) {
+ robot_loc_ = loc;
+ robot_angle_ = angle;
+ loc_initialized_ = true;
+void Navigation::PruneLatencyQueue() {
+ if (command_history_.empty()) return;
+ const double update_time = min(t_point_cloud_, t_odometry_);
+ static const bool kDebug = false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < command_history_.size(); ++i) {
+ const double t_cmd = command_history_[i].time;
+ if (kDebug) {
+ printf("Command %d %f\n", int(i), t_cmd - update_time);
+ }
+ if (t_cmd < update_time - params_.dt) {
+ if (kDebug) {
+ printf("Erase %d %f %f\n",
+ int(i),
+ t_cmd - update_time,
+ command_history_[i].linear.x());
+ }
+ command_history_.erase( command_history_.begin() + i);
+ --i;
+ }
+ }
+void Navigation::UpdateOdometry(const Odom& msg) {
+ latest_odom_msg_ = msg;
+ t_odometry_ = msg.time;
+ PruneLatencyQueue();
+ if (!odom_initialized_) {
+ starting_loc_ = Vector2f(msg.position.x(), msg.position.y());
+ odom_initialized_ = true;
+ }
+void Navigation::UpdateCommandHistory(Twist twist) {
+ twist.time += params_.system_latency;
+ command_history_.push_back(twist);
+ if (false) {
+ printf("Push %f %f\n",
+ twist.linear.x(),
+ command_history_.back().linear.x());
+ }
+void Navigation::ForwardPredict(double t) {
+ if (command_history_.empty()) {
+ robot_vel_ = Vector2f(0, 0);
+ robot_omega_ = 0;
+ } else {
+ const Twist latest_twist = command_history_.back();
+ robot_vel_ = Vector2f(latest_twist.linear.x(), latest_twist.linear.y());
+ robot_omega_ = latest_twist.angular.z();
+ }
+ if (false) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < command_history_.size(); ++i) {
+ const auto& c = command_history_[i];
+ printf("%d %f %f\n", int(i), t - c.time, c.linear.x());
+ }
+ printf("Predict: %f %f\n", t - t_odometry_, t - t_point_cloud_);
+ }
+ odom_loc_ = Vector2f(latest_odom_msg_.position.x(),
+ latest_odom_msg_.position.y());
+ odom_angle_ = 2.0f * atan2f(latest_odom_msg_.orientation.z(),
+ latest_odom_msg_.orientation.w());
+ using Eigen::Affine2f;
+ using Eigen::Rotation2Df;
+ using Eigen::Translation2f;
+ Affine2f lidar_tf = Affine2f::Identity();
+ for (const Twist& c : command_history_) {
+ const double cmd_time = c.time;
+ if (cmd_time > t) continue;
+ if (cmd_time >= t_odometry_ - params_.dt) {
+ const float dt = (t_odometry_ > cmd_time) ?
+ min(t_odometry_ - cmd_time, params_.dt) :
+ min(t - cmd_time, params_.dt);
+ odom_loc_ += dt * (Rotation2Df(odom_angle_) * Vector2f(
+ c.linear.x(), c.linear.y()));
+ odom_angle_ = AngleMod(odom_angle_ + dt * c.angular.z());
+ }
+ if (t_point_cloud_ >= cmd_time - params_.dt) {
+ const float dt = (t_point_cloud_ > cmd_time) ?
+ min(t_point_cloud_ - cmd_time, params_.dt) :
+ min(t - cmd_time, params_.dt);
+ lidar_tf =
+ Translation2f(-dt * Vector2f(c.linear.x(), c.linear.y())) *
+ Rotation2Df(-c.angular.z() * dt) *
+ lidar_tf;
+ }
+ }
+ fp_point_cloud_.resize(point_cloud_.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < point_cloud_.size(); ++i) {
+ fp_point_cloud_[i] = lidar_tf * point_cloud_[i];
+ }
+void Navigation::TrapezoidTest(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
+ if (!odom_initialized_) return;
+ const float x = (odom_loc_ - starting_loc_).norm();
+ const float speed = robot_vel_.norm();
+ const float velocity_cmd = Run1DTimeOptimalControl(
+ params_.linear_limits,
+ x,
+ speed,
+ FLAGS_test_dist,
+ 0,
+ params_.dt);
+ cmd_vel = {velocity_cmd, 0};
+ cmd_angle_vel = 0;
+ printf("x: %.3f d:%.3f v: %.3f cmd:%.3f\n", x, FLAGS_test_dist, speed, velocity_cmd);
+void Navigation::LatencyTest(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
+ static FILE* fid = nullptr;
+ if (!FLAGS_test_log_file.empty() && fid == nullptr) {
+ fid = fopen(FLAGS_test_log_file.c_str(), "w");
+ }
+ const float kMaxSpeed = 0.75;
+ const float kFrequency = 0.4;
+ static double t_start_ = GetMonotonicTime();
+ const double t = GetMonotonicTime() - t_start_;
+ // float v_current = robot_vel_.x();
+ float v_cmd = kMaxSpeed *
+ sin(2.0 * M_PI * kFrequency * t);
+ cmd_vel = {v_cmd, 0};
+ cmd_angle_vel = 0.0;
+void Navigation::ObstAvTest(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
+ const Vector2f kTarget(4, 0);
+ local_target_ = kTarget;
+ RunObstacleAvoidance(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+void Navigation::ObstacleTest(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
+ const float speed = robot_vel_.norm();
+ float free_path_length = 30.0;
+ float clearance = 10;
+ GetStraightFreePathLength(&free_path_length, &clearance);
+ const float dist_left =
+ max(0.0f, free_path_length - params_.obstacle_margin);
+ printf("%f\n", free_path_length);
+ const float velocity_cmd = Run1DTimeOptimalControl(
+ params_.linear_limits,
+ 0,
+ speed,
+ dist_left,
+ 0,
+ params_.dt);
+ cmd_vel = {velocity_cmd, 0};
+ cmd_angle_vel = 0;
+Vector2f GetClosestApproach(const PathOption& o, const Vector2f& target) {
+ if (fabs(o.curvature) < kEpsilon) {
+ // Straight line path
+ if (target.x() > o.free_path_length) {
+ return Vector2f(o.free_path_length, 0);
+ } else if (target.x() < 0.0) {
+ return Vector2f(0, 0);
+ } else {
+ return Vector2f(target.x(), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ const float end_angle = fabs(o.curvature * o.free_path_length);
+ const float turn_radius = 1.0f / o.curvature;
+ const Vector2f turn_center(0, turn_radius);
+ const Vector2f target_radial = target - turn_center;
+ const Vector2f start(0, 0);
+ const Vector2f middle_radial = fabs(turn_radius) * target_radial.normalized();
+ const Vector2f middle = turn_center + middle_radial;
+ const float middle_angle =
+ atan2(fabs(middle_radial.x()), fabs(middle_radial.y()));
+ const Vector2f end(fabs(turn_radius) * sin(end_angle),
+ turn_radius * (1.0f - cos(end_angle)));
+ Vector2f closest_point = start;
+ if (middle_angle < end_angle &&
+ (closest_point - target).squaredNorm() >
+ (middle - target).squaredNorm()) {
+ closest_point = middle;
+ }
+ if ((closest_point - target).squaredNorm() >
+ (end - target).squaredNorm()) {
+ closest_point = end;
+ }
+ return closest_point;
+float GetClosestDistance(const PathOption& o, const Vector2f& target) {
+ const Vector2f closest_point = GetClosestApproach(o, target);
+ return (target - closest_point).norm();
+void Navigation::ObservePointCloud(const vector& cloud,
+ double time) {
+ point_cloud_ = cloud;
+ t_point_cloud_ = time;
+ PruneLatencyQueue();
+void Navigation::ObserveImage(cv::Mat image, double time) {
+ latest_image_ = image;
+ t_image_ = time;
+vector Navigation::GlobalPlan(const Vector2f& initial,
+ const Vector2f& end) {
+ auto plan = Plan(initial, end);
+ std::vector path;
+ for (auto& node : plan ) {
+ path.push_back(node.id);
+ }
+ return path;
+vector Navigation::Plan(const Vector2f& initial,
+ const Vector2f& end) {
+ vector path;
+ static CumulativeFunctionTimer function_timer_(__FUNCTION__);
+ CumulativeFunctionTimer::Invocation invoke(&function_timer_);
+ static const bool kVisualize = true;
+ typedef navigation::GraphDomain Domain;
+ planning_domain_.ResetDynamicStates();
+ const uint64_t start_id = planning_domain_.AddDynamicState(initial);
+ const uint64_t goal_id = planning_domain_.AddDynamicState(end);
+ Domain::State start = planning_domain_.states[start_id];
+ Domain::State goal = planning_domain_.states[goal_id];
+ GraphVisualizer graph_viz(kVisualize);
+ const bool found_path =
+ AStar(start, goal, planning_domain_, &graph_viz, &path);
+ if (found_path) {
+ CHECK(path.size() > 0);
+ Vector2f s1 = plan_path_[0].loc;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < plan_path_.size(); ++i) {
+ Vector2f s2 = plan_path_[i].loc;
+ s1 = s2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("No path found!\n");
+ }
+ SimpleQueue intermediate_queue; //
+ unordered_map parent;
+ unordered_map cost;
+ uint32_t mx = 0, my = 0;
+ costmap_.worldToMap(0, 0, mx, my);
+ uint32_t robot_index = costmap_.getIndex(mx, my);
+ intermediate_queue.Push(robot_index, 0);
+ cost[robot_index] = 0;
+ global_plan_path_ = path;
+ Vector2f intermediate_goal_global = end;
+ GetGlobalCarrot(intermediate_goal_global);
+ if(path.size() == 0){
+ return path;
+ }
+ Vector2f intermediate_goal_local = intermediate_goal_global - robot_loc_;
+ int goal_map_x, goal_map_y;
+ costmap_.worldToMapEnforceBounds(intermediate_goal_local.x(), intermediate_goal_local.y(), goal_map_x, goal_map_y);
+ uint32_t goal_index = costmap_.getIndex(goal_map_x, goal_map_y);
+ double goal_relative_x, goal_relative_y;
+ costmap_.mapToWorld(goal_map_x, goal_map_y, goal_relative_x, goal_relative_y);
+ intermediate_goal_ = Vector2f(goal_relative_x, goal_relative_y) + robot_loc_;
+ unordered_set visited;
+ while(!intermediate_queue.Empty()){
+ uint32_t current_index = intermediate_queue.Pop();
+ visited.insert(current_index);
+ if(current_index == goal_index){
+ break;
+ }
+ costmap_.indexToCells(current_index, mx, my);
+ vector neighbors {-1, 0, 1, 0};
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++){
+ int new_row = mx + neighbors[i];
+ int new_col = my + neighbors[(i+1)%4];
+ uint32_t neighbor_index = costmap_.getIndex(new_row, new_col);
+ //TODO: fix when robot is in an obstacle in the costmap
+ if(new_row >= 0 && new_row < static_cast(costmap_.getSizeInCellsX()) && new_col >= 0
+ && new_col < static_cast(costmap_.getSizeInCellsY())) {
+ double wx, wy;
+ costmap_.mapToWorld(new_row, new_col, wx, wy);
+ wx += robot_loc_.x();
+ wy += robot_loc_.y();
+ uint32_t global_mx, global_my;
+ bool in_global_map = global_costmap_.worldToMap(wx, wy, global_mx, global_my);
+ unsigned char max_costmap_cost = costmap_.getCost(new_row, new_col);
+ if(in_global_map){
+ max_costmap_cost = std::max(costmap_.getCost(new_row, new_col), global_costmap_.getCost(global_mx, global_my));
+ }
+ float new_cost = cost[current_index] + params_.distance_weight + max_costmap_cost;
+ if(cost.count(neighbor_index) == 0 || new_cost < cost[neighbor_index]){
+ cost[neighbor_index] = new_cost;
+ parent[neighbor_index] = current_index;
+ intermediate_queue.Push(neighbor_index, -new_cost);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vector intermediate_vector_path;
+ vector intermediate_path;
+ if(cost.count(goal_index) != 0){
+ uint32_t row, col;
+ costmap_.indexToCells(robot_index, row, col);
+ double wx, wy;
+ costmap_.mapToWorld(row, col, wx, wy);
+ Vector2f robot_location(wx, wy);
+ uint32_t current_index = goal_index;
+ while(parent.count(current_index) > 0){
+ costmap_.indexToCells(current_index, row, col);
+ costmap_.mapToWorld(row, col, wx, wy);
+ intermediate_vector_path.push_back(Vector2f(wx, wy) - robot_location);
+ current_index = parent[current_index];
+ }
+ reverse(intermediate_vector_path.begin(), intermediate_vector_path.end());
+ planning_domain_.ResetDynamicStates();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < intermediate_vector_path.size(); i++){
+ Vector2f map_frame_position = intermediate_vector_path[i] + robot_loc_;
+ const uint64_t path_id = planning_domain_.AddDynamicState(map_frame_position);
+ intermediate_path.push_back(planning_domain_.states[path_id]);
+ }
+ reverse(intermediate_path.begin(), intermediate_path.end());
+ intermediate_path_found_ = true;
+ return intermediate_path;
+ }
+ else{
+ intermediate_path_found_ = false;
+ printf("No intermediate planner path found\n");
+ }
+ return path;
+void Navigation::PlannerTest() {
+ if (!loc_initialized_) return;
+ Plan(robot_loc_, nav_goal_loc_);
+DEFINE_double(max_plan_deviation, 0.5,
+ "Maximum premissible deviation from the plan");
+bool Navigation::PlanStillValid() {
+ if (plan_path_.size() < 2) return false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < plan_path_.size(); ++i) {
+ const float dist_from_segment =
+ geometry::DistanceFromLineSegment(robot_loc_,
+ plan_path_[i].loc,
+ plan_path_[i + 1].loc);
+ if (dist_from_segment < FLAGS_max_plan_deviation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Navigation::IntermediatePlanStillValid(){
+ if (plan_path_.size() < 2 || !intermediate_path_found_) return false;
+ // TODO: Add parameter for when to look for new goal or use different heuristic, may not be necessary with carrot replan
+ if ((nav_goal_loc_ - plan_path_[0].loc).norm() > sqrt(2 * params_.local_costmap_resolution) / 2
+ && (robot_loc_ - plan_path_[0].loc).norm() < 1){
+ return false;
+ }
+ Vector2f global_carrot;
+ GetGlobalCarrot(global_carrot);
+ if((intermediate_goal_ - global_carrot).norm() > params_.replan_carrot_dist){
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < plan_path_.size(); i++){
+ uint32_t mx, my;
+ Vector2f relative_path_location = plan_path_[i].loc - robot_loc_;
+ bool in_map = costmap_.worldToMap(relative_path_location.x(), relative_path_location.y(), mx, my);
+ if(in_map && costmap_.getCost(mx, my) == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Navigation::GetGlobalCarrot(Vector2f& carrot) {
+ for(float carrot_dist = params_.carrot_dist; carrot_dist > params_.intermediate_carrot_dist; carrot_dist -= 0.5){
+ if(GetCarrot(carrot, true, carrot_dist)){
+ Vector2f robot_frame_carrot = carrot - robot_loc_;
+ uint32_t mx, my;
+ bool in_map = costmap_.worldToMap(robot_frame_carrot.x(), robot_frame_carrot.y(), mx, my);
+ if(in_map && costmap_.getCost(mx, my) != costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE
+ && costmap_.getCost(mx, my) != costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ // return GetCarrot(carrot, true, params_.carrot_dist);
+bool Navigation::GetIntermediateCarrot(Vector2f& carrot) {
+ return GetCarrot(carrot, false, params_.intermediate_carrot_dist);
+bool Navigation::GetCarrot(Vector2f& carrot, bool global, float carrot_dist) {
+ vector plan_path = plan_path_;
+ if(global){
+ plan_path = global_plan_path_;
+ }
+ const float kSqCarrotDist = Sq(carrot_dist);
+ CHECK_GE(plan_path.size(), 2u);
+ if ((plan_path[0].loc - robot_loc_).squaredNorm() < kSqCarrotDist) {
+ // Goal is within the carrot dist.
+ carrot = plan_path[0].loc;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Find closest line segment in plan to current location
+ float closest_dist = FLT_MAX;
+ int i0 = 0, i1 = 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < plan_path.size(); ++i) {
+ const Vector2f v0 = plan_path[i].loc;
+ const Vector2f v1 = plan_path[i + 1].loc;
+ const float dist_to_segment = geometry::DistanceFromLineSegment(
+ robot_loc_, v0, v1);
+ if (dist_to_segment < closest_dist) {
+ closest_dist = dist_to_segment;
+ i0 = i;
+ i1 = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // printf("closest: %d %d %f\n", i0, i1, closest_dist);
+ if (closest_dist > kSqCarrotDist) {
+ // Closest edge on the plan is farther than carrot dist to the robot.
+ // The carrot will be the projection of the robot loc on to the edge.
+ const Vector2f v0 = plan_path[i0].loc;
+ const Vector2f v1 = plan_path[i1].loc;
+ carrot = geometry::ProjectPointOntoLineSegment(robot_loc_, v0, v1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Iterate from current line segment to goal until the segment intersects
+ // the circle centered at the robot, of radius kCarrotDist.
+ // The goal is not within carrot dist of the robot, and the robot is within
+ // carrot dist of some line segment. Hence, there must exist at least one
+ // vertex along the plan towards the goal that is out of the carrot dist.
+ for (int i = i1; i - 1 >= 0; --i) {
+ i0 = i;
+ // const Vector2f v0 = plan_path_[i].loc;
+ const Vector2f v1 = plan_path[i - 1].loc;
+ if ((v1 - robot_loc_).squaredNorm() > kSqCarrotDist) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ i1 = i0 - 1;
+ // printf("i0:%d i1:%d\n", i0, i1);
+ const Vector2f v0 = plan_path[i0].loc;
+ const Vector2f v1 = plan_path[i1].loc;
+ Vector2f r0, r1;
+ #define V2COMP(v) v.x(), v.y()
+ // printf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f\n",
+ // V2COMP(robot_loc_), V2COMP(v0), V2COMP(v1), (v0 - v1).norm());
+ const int num_intersections = geometry::CircleLineIntersection(
+ robot_loc_, carrot_dist, v0, v1, &r0, &r1);
+ if (num_intersections == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error obtaining intersections:\n v0: (%f %f), v1: (%f %f), robot_loc_: (%f %f) sq_carrot_dist: (%f) closest_dist: (%f)\n",
+ v0.x(), v0.y(), v1.x(), v1.y(), robot_loc_.x(), robot_loc_.y(), kSqCarrotDist, closest_dist);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (num_intersections == 1 || (r0 - v1).squaredNorm() < (r1 - v1).squaredNorm()) {
+ carrot = r0;
+ } else {
+ carrot = r1;
+ }
+ return true;
+void Navigation::GetStraightFreePathLength(float* free_path_length,
+ float* clearance) {
+ // How much the robot's body extends in front of its base link frame.
+ const float l = 0.5 * params_.robot_length - params_.base_link_offset + params_.obstacle_margin;
+ // The robot's half-width.
+ const float w = 0.5 * params_.robot_width + params_.obstacle_margin;
+ for (const Vector2f& p : fp_point_cloud_) {
+ if (fabs(p.y()) > w || p.x() < 0.0f) continue;
+ *free_path_length = min(*free_path_length, p.x() - l);
+ }
+ *clearance = params_.max_clearance;
+ for (const Vector2f& p : point_cloud_) {
+ if (p.x() - l > *free_path_length || p.x() < 0.0) continue;
+ *clearance = min(*clearance, fabs(fabs(p.y() - w)));
+ }
+ *clearance = max(0.0f, *clearance);
+ *free_path_length = max(0.0f, *free_path_length);
+Vector2f GetFinalPoint(const PathOption& o) {
+ if (fabs(o.curvature) < 0.01) {
+ return Vector2f(o.free_path_length, 0);
+ } else {
+ const float r = 1.0f / o.curvature;
+ const float a = o.free_path_length / fabs(r);
+ return Vector2f(fabs(r) * sin(a), r * (1.0 - cos(a)));
+ }
+DEFINE_double(tx, 0.4, "Test obstacle point - X");
+DEFINE_double(ty, -0.38, "Test obstacle point - Y");
+void Navigation::RunObstacleAvoidance(Vector2f& vel_cmd, float& ang_vel_cmd) {
+ static CumulativeFunctionTimer function_timer_(__FUNCTION__);
+ CumulativeFunctionTimer::Invocation invoke(&function_timer_);
+ const bool debug = FLAGS_v > 1;
+ if(debug){
+ printf("Running obstacle avoidance\n");
+ }
+ // Handling potential carrot overrides from social nav
+ Vector2f local_target = local_target_;
+ if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kOverride) {
+ local_target = override_target_;
+ }
+ sampler_->Update(robot_vel_, robot_omega_, local_target, fp_point_cloud_, latest_image_);
+ evaluator_->Update(robot_loc_, robot_angle_, robot_vel_, robot_omega_, local_target, fp_point_cloud_, latest_image_);
+ auto paths = sampler_->GetSamples(params_.num_options);
+ if (debug) {
+ printf("%lu options\n", paths.size());
+ int i = 0;
+ for (auto p : paths) {
+ ConstantCurvatureArc arc =
+ *reinterpret_cast(p.get());
+ printf("%3d: %7.5f %7.3f %7.3f\n",
+ i++, arc.curvature, arc.length, arc.curvature);
+ }
+ }
+ if (paths.size() == 0) {
+ // No options, just stop.
+ Halt(vel_cmd, ang_vel_cmd);
+ if (debug) printf("No paths found\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ auto best_path = evaluator_->FindBest(paths);
+ if (best_path == nullptr) {
+ if (debug) printf("No best path found\n");
+ // No valid path found!
+ // TODO: Change this to rotate instead of halt
+ TurnInPlace(vel_cmd, ang_vel_cmd);
+ // Halt(vel_cmd, ang_vel_cmd);
+ return;
+ }
+ ang_vel_cmd = 0;
+ vel_cmd = {0, 0};
+ float max_map_speed = params_.linear_limits.max_speed;
+ planning_domain_.GetClearanceAndSpeedFromLoc(
+ robot_loc_, nullptr, &max_map_speed);
+ auto linear_limits = params_.linear_limits;
+ linear_limits.max_speed = min(max_map_speed, params_.linear_limits.max_speed);
+ best_path->GetControls(linear_limits,
+ params_.angular_limits,
+ params_.dt, robot_vel_,
+ robot_omega_,
+ vel_cmd,
+ ang_vel_cmd);
+ last_options_ = paths;
+ best_option_ = best_path;
+void Navigation::Halt(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& angular_vel_cmd) {
+ const float kEpsSpeed = 0.01;
+ const float velocity = robot_vel_.x();
+ float velocity_cmd = 0;
+ if (fabs(velocity) > kEpsSpeed) {
+ const float dv = params_.linear_limits.max_deceleration * params_.dt;
+ if (velocity < -dv) {
+ velocity_cmd = velocity + dv;
+ } else if (velocity > dv) {
+ velocity_cmd = velocity - dv;
+ } else {
+ velocity_cmd = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ cmd_vel = {velocity_cmd, 0};
+ //TODO: motion profiling for omega
+ angular_vel_cmd = 0;
+void Navigation::TurnInPlace(Vector2f& cmd_vel, float& cmd_angle_vel) {
+ static const bool kDebug = false;
+ const float kMaxLinearSpeed = 0.1;
+ const float velocity = robot_vel_.x();
+ cmd_angle_vel = 0;
+ if (fabs(velocity) > kMaxLinearSpeed) {
+ Halt(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ return;
+ }
+ float dTheta = 0;
+ if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto) {
+ dTheta = atan2(local_target_.y(), local_target_.x());
+ } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kOverride) {
+ dTheta = atan2(override_target_.y(), override_target_.x());
+ } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kTurnInPlace) {
+ dTheta = AngleDiff(nav_goal_angle_, robot_angle_);
+ }
+ if (kDebug) printf("dTheta: %f robot_angle: %f\n", RadToDeg(dTheta), RadToDeg(robot_angle_));
+ const float s = Sign(dTheta);
+ if (robot_omega_ * dTheta < 0.0f) {
+ if (kDebug) printf("Wrong way\n");
+ const float dv = params_.dt * params_.angular_limits.max_acceleration;
+ // Turning the wrong way!
+ if (fabs(robot_omega_) < dv) {
+ cmd_angle_vel = 0;
+ } else {
+ cmd_angle_vel = robot_omega_ - Sign(robot_omega_) * dv;
+ }
+ } else {
+ cmd_angle_vel = s * Run1DTimeOptimalControl(
+ params_.angular_limits,
+ 0,
+ s * robot_omega_,
+ s * dTheta,
+ 0,
+ params_.dt);
+ cout << "turn in place test5: angle_vel = " << cmd_angle_vel << endl;
+ }
+ cmd_vel = {0, 0};
+void Navigation::Pause() {
+ nav_state_ = NavigationState::kPaused;
+void Navigation::SetMaxVel(const float vel) {
+ params_.linear_limits.max_speed = vel;
+void Navigation::SetMaxAccel(const float accel) {
+ params_.linear_limits.max_acceleration = accel;
+ return;
+void Navigation::SetMaxDecel(const float decel) {
+ params_.linear_limits.max_deceleration = decel;
+ return;
+void Navigation::SetAngAccel(const float accel) {
+ params_.angular_limits.max_acceleration = accel;
+ return;
+void Navigation::SetAngVel(const float vel) {
+ params_.angular_limits.max_speed = vel;
+ return;
+void Navigation::SetObstacleMargin(const float margin) {
+ params_.obstacle_margin = margin;
+ return;
+void Navigation::SetClearanceWeight(const float weight) {
+ LinearEvaluator* evaluator =
+ dynamic_cast(evaluator_.get());
+ evaluator->SetClearanceWeight(weight);
+ return;
+void Navigation::SetCarrotDist(const float carrot_dist) {
+ params_.carrot_dist = carrot_dist;
+ return;
+Eigen::Vector2f Navigation::GetTarget() {
+ return local_target_;
+Eigen::Vector2f Navigation::GetOverrideTarget() {
+ return override_target_;
+Eigen::Vector2f Navigation::GetVelocity() {
+ return robot_vel_;
+float Navigation::GetAngularVelocity() {
+ return robot_omega_;
+string Navigation::GetNavStatus() {
+ switch (nav_state_) {
+ case NavigationState::kStopped: {
+ return "Stopped";
+ } break;
+ case NavigationState::kPaused: {
+ return "Paused";
+ } break;
+ case NavigationState::kGoto: {
+ return "Goto";
+ } break;
+ case NavigationState::kOverride: {
+ return "Override";
+ } break;
+ case NavigationState::kTurnInPlace: {
+ return "TurnInPlace";
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ return "Unknown";
+ } break;
+ }
+uint8_t Navigation::GetNavStatusUint8() {
+ return static_cast(nav_state_);
+vector Navigation::GetPredictedCloud() {
+ return fp_point_cloud_;
+float Navigation::GetCarrotDist() {
+ return params_.intermediate_carrot_dist;
+float Navigation::GetObstacleMargin() {
+ return params_.obstacle_margin;
+float Navigation::GetRobotWidth() {
+ return params_.robot_width;
+float Navigation::GetRobotLength() {
+ return params_.robot_length;
+vector> Navigation::GetLastPathOptions() {
+ return last_options_;
+const cv::Mat& Navigation::GetVisualizationImage() {
+ if (params_.evaluator_type == "cost_map") {
+ return dynamic_cast(evaluator_.get())->latest_vis_image_;
+ } else {
+ std::cerr << "No visualization image for linear evaluator" << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+std::shared_ptr Navigation::GetOption() {
+ return best_option_;
+vector Navigation::GetPlanPath() {
+ return plan_path_;
+vector Navigation::GetGlobalPath() {
+ return global_plan_path_;
+vector Navigation::GetCostmapObstacles(){
+ return costmap_obstacles_;
+vector Navigation::GetGlobalCostmapObstacles(){
+ return global_costmap_obstacles_;
+Eigen::Vector2f Navigation::GetIntermediateGoal(){
+ return intermediate_goal_;
+bool Navigation::Run(const double& time,
+ Vector2f& cmd_vel,
+ float& cmd_angle_vel) {
+ const bool kDebug = FLAGS_v > 0;
+ if (!initialized_) {
+ if (kDebug) printf("Parameters and maps not initialized\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!odom_initialized_) {
+ if (kDebug) printf("Odometry not initialized\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ForwardPredict(time + params_.system_latency);
+ if (FLAGS_test_toc) {
+ TrapezoidTest(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ return true;
+ } else if (FLAGS_test_obstacle) {
+ ObstacleTest(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ return true;
+ } else if (FLAGS_test_avoidance) {
+ ObstAvTest(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ return true;
+ } else if (FLAGS_test_planner) {
+ PlannerTest();
+ return true;
+ } else if (FLAGS_test_latency) {
+ LatencyTest(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ return true;
+ }
+ int cell_inflation_size = std::ceil(params_.local_costmap_inflation_size/costmap_.getResolution());
+ int x_max = costmap_.getSizeInCellsX();
+ int y_max = costmap_.getSizeInCellsY();
+ // Reset map to empty from previous iteration
+ costmap_.resetMap(0, 0, x_max, y_max);
+ costmap_obstacles_.clear();
+ // True if distance is less than replan inflation size
+ // Assign different value for points within inflation size but farther than replan size
+ unordered_map inflation_cells;
+ unordered_set obstacle_cells;
+ // Map from costmap index to real coordinates relative to robot
+ unordered_map index_to_obstacle;
+ uint32_t robot_mx, robot_my;
+ costmap_.worldToMap(0, 0, robot_mx, robot_my);
+ uint32_t robot_index = costmap_.getIndex(robot_mx, robot_my);
+ uint32_t robot_row, robot_col;
+ costmap_.indexToCells(robot_index, robot_row, robot_col);
+ double robot_wx, robot_wy;
+ costmap_.mapToWorld(robot_row, robot_col, robot_wx, robot_wy);
+ Vector2f robot_location(robot_wx, robot_wy);
+ // Add new points to costmap
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < point_cloud_.size(); i++){
+ uint32_t unsigned_mx, unsigned_my;
+ Vector2f relative_location_map_frame = Rotation2Df(robot_angle_) * point_cloud_[i];
+ bool in_map = costmap_.worldToMap(relative_location_map_frame.x(), relative_location_map_frame.y(), unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
+ //TODO: change max distance based on lidar to base link transformation
+ if (in_map && relative_location_map_frame.norm() < (params_.range_max - params_.robot_length) && relative_location_map_frame.norm() > params_.range_min){
+ uint32_t index = costmap_.getIndex(unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
+ double wx, wy;
+ costmap_.mapToWorld(unsigned_mx, unsigned_my, wx, wy);
+ obstacle_cells.insert(index);
+ SeenObstacle obs;
+ obs.location = Vector2f(wx - robot_location.x(), wy - robot_location.y());
+ obs.last_seen = std::time(nullptr);
+ index_to_obstacle[index] = obs;
+ }
+ }
+ // Point sorting function
+ struct PointComparison {
+ const costmap_2d::Costmap2D costmap;
+ const int robot_mx;
+ const int robot_my;
+ PointComparison(const costmap_2d::Costmap2D map, const int robot_x, const int robot_y) : costmap(map), robot_mx(robot_x), robot_my(robot_y) {}
+ bool operator()(int a, int b) const {
+ uint32_t row_a, col_a;
+ costmap.indexToCells(a, row_a, col_a);
+ uint32_t row_b, col_b;
+ costmap.indexToCells(b, row_b, col_b);
+ double angle_a = atan2(row_a - robot_mx, col_a);
+ double angle_b = atan2(row_b - robot_my, col_b);
+ return angle_a < angle_b;
+ }
+ };
+ PointComparison pointComparison(costmap_, robot_mx, robot_my);
+ // Define set of points to exclude from new costmap
+ set sorted_obstacle_cells(pointComparison);
+ unordered_set empty_cells;
+ for (const auto& index : obstacle_cells) {
+ sorted_obstacle_cells.insert(index);
+ }
+ auto iter = sorted_obstacle_cells.begin();
+ while (iter != sorted_obstacle_cells.end() && iter != std::prev(sorted_obstacle_cells.end())) {
+ costmap_2d::MapLocation point_a;
+ costmap_.indexToCells(*iter, point_a.x, point_a.y);
+ costmap_2d::MapLocation point_b;
+ costmap_.indexToCells(*std::next(iter), point_b.x, point_b.y);
+ costmap_2d::MapLocation robot_point;
+ robot_point.x = robot_mx;
+ robot_point.y = robot_my;
+ robot_point = robot_point;
+ vector polygon = {point_a, point_b, robot_point};
+ vector fill_cells;
+ costmap_.convexFillCells(polygon, fill_cells);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fill_cells.size(); i++){
+ empty_cells.insert(costmap_.getIndex(fill_cells[i].x, fill_cells[i].y));
+ }
+ iter++;
+ }
+ // Add old obstacles that are still in map to new costmap
+ for (const auto& obs : prev_obstacles_) {
+ Vector2f point = obs.location;
+ uint32_t unsigned_mx, unsigned_my;
+ Vector2f new_relative_point = point + prev_robot_loc_ - robot_loc_;
+ bool in_map = costmap_.worldToMap(new_relative_point.x(), new_relative_point.y(), unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
+ uint32_t index = costmap_.getIndex(unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
+ if (in_map && empty_cells.count(index) == 0 && std::time(nullptr) - obs.last_seen < params_.object_lifespan){
+ obstacle_cells.insert(index);
+ if(index_to_obstacle.count(index) == 0){
+ SeenObstacle new_obs;
+ new_obs.location = new_relative_point;
+ new_obs.last_seen = obs.last_seen;
+ index_to_obstacle[index] = new_obs;
+ }
+ else{
+ index_to_obstacle[index].location = new_relative_point;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& index : obstacle_cells) {
+ uint32_t unsigned_mx, unsigned_my;
+ costmap_.indexToCells(index, unsigned_mx, unsigned_my);
+ int mx = static_cast(unsigned_mx);
+ int my = static_cast(unsigned_my);
+ for (int j = -cell_inflation_size; j <= cell_inflation_size; j++){
+ for (int k = -cell_inflation_size; k <= cell_inflation_size; k++){
+ float cell_dist = sqrt(pow(j, 2) + pow(k, 2));
+ float dist = cell_dist * costmap_.getResolution();
+ if((cell_dist <= cell_inflation_size) && (mx + j >= 0) && (mx + j < x_max) && (my + k >= 0) && (my + k < y_max)){
+ unsigned char cost;
+ if(j == 0 && k == 0){
+ cost = costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
+ }
+ else if(dist <= params_.replan_inflation_size){
+ }
+ else{
+ cost = std::ceil(std::exp(-1 * params_.inflation_coeff * (dist - params_.replan_inflation_size)) * (costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE-1));
+ }
+ costmap_.setCost(mx + j, my + k, std::max(cost, costmap_.getCost(mx + j, my + k)));
+ inflation_cells[costmap_.getIndex(mx + j, my + k)] = std::max(cost, costmap_.getCost(mx + j, my + k));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& pair : inflation_cells) {
+ uint32_t index = pair.first;
+ uint32_t mx = 0;
+ uint32_t my = 0;
+ costmap_.indexToCells(index, mx, my);
+ double wx, wy;
+ costmap_.mapToWorld(mx, my, wx, wy);
+ costmap_obstacles_.push_back(ObstacleCost{Vector2f(wx, wy) + robot_loc_, pair.second});
+ }
+ // Record last seen locations of points
+ prev_robot_loc_ = robot_loc_;
+ prev_obstacles_.clear();
+ for (const auto& pair : index_to_obstacle) {
+ SeenObstacle obs = pair.second;
+ prev_obstacles_.push_back(obs);
+ }
+ // Before switching states we need to update the local target.
+ if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto ||
+ nav_state_ == NavigationState::kOverride) {
+ // Recompute global plan as necessary.
+ if (!PlanStillValid() || !IntermediatePlanStillValid()) {
+ if (kDebug) printf("Replanning\n");
+ plan_path_ = Plan(robot_loc_, nav_goal_loc_);
+ }
+ if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto) {
+ // Get Carrot and check if done
+ Vector2f carrot(0, 0);
+ bool foundCarrot = GetIntermediateCarrot(carrot);
+ if (!foundCarrot) {
+ Halt(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Local Navigation
+ cout << "set local target" << endl;
+ local_target_ = Rotation2Df(-robot_angle_) * (carrot - robot_loc_);
+ }
+ }
+ // Switch between navigation states.
+ NavigationState prev_state = nav_state_;
+ do {
+ prev_state = nav_state_;
+ if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto &&
+ local_target_.squaredNorm() < Sq(params_.target_dist_tolerance) &&
+ robot_vel_.squaredNorm() < Sq(params_.target_vel_tolerance)) {
+ cout << "set turn in place" << endl;
+ nav_state_ = NavigationState::kTurnInPlace;
+ } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kTurnInPlace &&
+ AngleDist(robot_angle_, nav_goal_angle_) <
+ params_.target_angle_tolerance) {
+ nav_state_ = NavigationState::kStopped;
+ }
+ } while (prev_state != nav_state_);
+ cout << "before switch" << endl;
+ switch (nav_state_) {
+ case NavigationState::kStopped: {
+ if (kDebug) printf("\nNav complete\n");
+ } break;
+ case NavigationState::kPaused: {
+ if (kDebug) printf("\nNav paused\n");
+ } break;
+ case NavigationState::kGoto: {
+ if (kDebug) printf("\nNav Goto\n");
+ } break;
+ case NavigationState::kTurnInPlace: {
+ if (kDebug) printf("\nNav TurnInPlace\n");
+ } break;
+ case NavigationState::kOverride: {
+ if (kDebug) printf("\nNav override\n");
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown nav state %d\n",
+ static_cast(nav_state_));
+ }
+ }
+ if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kPaused ||
+ nav_state_ == NavigationState::kStopped) {
+ Halt(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ return true;
+ } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto ||
+ nav_state_ == NavigationState::kOverride) {
+ Vector2f local_target(0, 0);
+ if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kGoto) {
+ // Local Navigation
+ local_target = local_target_;
+ } else {
+ // Running NavigationState::kOverride .
+ local_target = override_target_;
+ }
+ const float theta = atan2(local_target.y(), local_target.x());
+ if (local_target.squaredNorm() > params_.intermediate_carrot_dist) {
+ local_target = params_.intermediate_carrot_dist * local_target.normalized();
+ }
+ if (!FLAGS_no_local) {
+ if (fabs(theta) > params_.local_fov) {
+ if (kDebug) printf("TurnInPlace\n");
+ TurnInPlace(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ } else {
+ if (kDebug) printf("ObstAv\n");
+ cout << "running obstacle avoidance original" << endl;
+ RunObstacleAvoidance(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (nav_state_ == NavigationState::kTurnInPlace) {
+ if (kDebug) printf("Reached Goal: TurnInPlace\n");
+ TurnInPlace(cmd_vel, cmd_angle_vel);
+ }
+ // viz_pub_.publish(local_viz_msg_);
+ // viz_pub_.publish(global_viz_msg_);
+ return true;
+} // namespace navigation