SEDRo is a simulated environment, developed with the Unity engine to facilitate human-infant-like experineces from the fetus stage to 12-months, for the purpose of developing intelligence in non-verbal agents. To evaluate the intellectual progress of the agent, SEDRo has the provision to run a series of developmental psychology experiments.
- Unity 2020.1.2f1+
- Unity ML agents Release 3
To lauch SEDRo in your local machine, follow the steps below:
- Clone SEDRo repository into your local machine.
- Use "Clone with SSH" option to avoid credential failure issues.
- You can use GitHub Desktop app to avoid credential failure issues.
- If you do not have git-lfs enabled, do so to avoid invalid image files.
- Clone the Unity ML-agents from here.
- Checkout "release_3_branch".
- Launch unity hub by the command "./UnityHub.AppImage".
- If you do not have unity hub installed in your machine, follow this link
- Using "ADD" option from the unity hub, navigate to the clonned SEDRo directory and open.
- As current version of SEDRo uses Unity Version: 2018.4.18f1, download and install that from the Unity Hub.
- While opening the project, an error might be shown mentioning "invalid path at ../Packages/manifest.json". Ignore the message and press continue.
- Once the project is loaded into Unity Editor, got to Window > Package Manager. And remove the existing ML Agents package. Then, follow this link to re-add the ML Agents packeage. This will fix the error mentioned in step 5.
- Now, inside the Unity Editor, within "Scenes" folder existing scenes can be opened and interacted with. For example, opening the scene "MainScene" will look similar to this image-
- I do not have unity installed, what can I do?
- Please follow this link to install unity in your local machine.
- I do not have ML-agents installed, how can I get that?
- Clone the Unity ML-agents from here. Then, checkout "release_3_branch".
- I have clonned the repository, but the .png images seem to be corrupted, what can I do?
- To save the time and bandwidth for "pushing" updates, we have enabled git-lfs for the image files (as they are large in size). You need to have git-lfs enabled to clone the actual image files rather than the placeholder files.
- While loading project SEDRo in UnityHub, it is throwing an error about "invalid path at ../Packages/manifest.json", what should I do?
- This error is occuring due to the local path mismatch of the ML-agents. To solve it, ignore the error message and press continue to load SEDRo. Once the project is loaded into Unity Editor, got to Window > Package Manager. And remove the existing ML Agents package. Then, follow this link to re-add the ML Agents packeage.
- I installed the latest version of ML-agents, but still getting namespace error like "namespace MLAgents can not be found". How can I solve this?
- The current version of SEDRo is implemented with "release_3_branch" of the ML-agents. Please checkout "release_3_branch" to resolve the namespace error.