ROS packages for the UR5 Robot with a Robotiq gripper
This will assume that you already have a catkin workspace. Go to the source directory of the workspace
$ roscd; cd ../src
Clone this and the gripper (robotiq) repositories
$ git clone
$ git clone
Build using catkin_make
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
To visualize the model of the robot with a gripper, launch the following:
$ roslaunch ur5_description display_with_gripper.launch
You can then use the sliders to change the joint values and the gripper values.
To simulate the robot launch the following:
$ roslaunch ur5_gazebo ur5_cubes.launch
You should see something similar to the following picture:
By default the simulation starts paused. Unpause the simulation. You can then send commands to the joints or to the gripper.
The following is an example of an action client to change the gripper configuration. Open a new terminal, and then execute:
$ rosrun ur5_gazebo --value 0.5
where the value is a float between 0.0 (closed) and 0.8 (open).
An example of sending joints values to the robot can be executed as follows:
$ rosrun ur5_gazebo
To change the values of the joints, the file
must be modified.