One of the pain points when building gamemodes that work across multiple maps is managing spawn points, objectives, and other position data. This arena system aims to make it easier to manage these.
A marker is a sign that is placed within the arena, and defines a position. Markers must follow the following format:
Where <name>
is the name of the marker, and <offset>
is the offset from the sign block.
Offsets are optional, but can be used to fine-tune the position of the marker, or define a position that does not have a valid block to place the sign on.
The following is an example of a PositionData class taken from a relevant test.
* Data class representing an imaginary game mode's position requirements
class ValidPositionData(
@Position("testPosition") val testPosition: Marker,
@Position(startsWith = "testListPositions") val startWith: List<Marker>,
@Position(endsWith = "endsWithPosition") val endsWith: Marker,
val subClassPosition: SubPositionData
) : PositionData
* A subclass of [ValidPositionData] with nested position data
class SubPositionData(
@Position("subClassPosition") val innerClass: Marker
) : PositionData
This class defines a set of positions that are required for our imaginary gamemode to function. When creating an arena, we can validate that the arena has the correct markers to satisfy these requirements. This ensures that build types and development environments have the correct markers and prevents runtime errors due to missing markers.
This project uses the Gradle build system. To build the project, run the following command:
./gradlew shadowJar
The Engine module is intended to be used as a library and does not produce an executable jar. To start a demo game server, a minestom server is generated at /Server/build/libs/Server