Hi, I am Utku Türk, PhD student in the Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland, College Park under the supervision of Colin Phillips and Ellen Lau.
I completed my MA in the Department of Linguistics, Boğaziçi University where I also worked as Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant. My MA thesis supervised by Pavel Logačev is about agrement attraction effects in Turkish, focusing on the effects of response bias in agreement attraction and whether or not everyone is affected uniformly by the bias-related manipulations. Moreover, I also investigated the effects of case ambiguity, register, and task dependencies. You can also check my CV!
I am interested in morphology and its interaction with semantics and phonology. I was lucky to join Pavel Caha at Masaryk University to work on various topics including Turkish case syncretism, augmentatives, and suspended affixation.
I am an Universal Dependencies enthusiast. I participated in the creation Turkish and Laz treebanks. I am currently working on a Romeyka and Ladino treebanks.
In my freetime, I usually play games on Steam or take amateur photographs. My favorite food is gata with koritz and my favorite icecream flavor is saffron and rose.