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Framework for automated characterization of OOB write vulnerabilities

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Divak: Non-invasive Characterization of Out-of-bounds Write Vulnerabilities

All instructions have been tested to work on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 installation.


git clone
cd noninvasive-oobw-characterization
export WORKDIR=${PWD}

The setup script builds S2E from source so this takes quite some time (around an hour).


We'll use the ancient version of gzip contained in example/gzip, containing CVE-2001-1228, as an example.

First of all, make sure that the environment variable WORKDIR is set to the root of this repository. The CMakeLists.txt required for building gzip is already in example/gzip and modified to use our analysis pass.

Now, build gzip as follows:

cd ${WORKDIR}/example/gzip
mkdir build && cd build
CC=${WORKDIR}/clang-13.0.1/bin/clang CFLAGS="-g3 -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-omit-frame-pointer -gdwarf-4" cmake ../src
cmake --build .

Now we have the gzip binary at example/gzip/build/gzip and multiple JSON files with IR analysis results in the same directory. Next, we run our static analysis.

cd ${WORKDIR}/staticAnalysis
source ${WORKDIR}/staticAnalysis/venv/bin/activate && python3 --elf=${WORKDIR}/example/gzip/build/gzip --json_dir=${WORKDIR}/example/gzip/build/

This yields an additional file with the aggregated analysis results at example/gzip/pass-res-aug.json. Now, we initialize the S2E project in preparation for the dynamic analysis.

export PROG_PATH=${WORKDIR}/example/gzip/build/gzip
export STATIC_ANALYSIS_PATH=${WORKDIR}/example/gzip/build/pass-res-aug.json
export S2E_DIR=${WORKDIR}/s2e/
export S2E_ENV_DIR=${WORKDIR}/s2e-env/
export RESULT_DIR=${WORKDIR}/example/gzip/
${WORKDIR}/ init

This creates a new s2e project at s2e/projects/gzip, configured to ingest the binary and static analysis results. As a last step before launching the dynamic analysis, we need to configure the project to pass the command line argument to gzip that triggers CVE-2001-1228. To do this, we edit s2e/projects/gzip/ by replacing the line

S2E_SYM_ARGS="" LD_PRELOAD="${S2E_SO}" "${TARGET}" "$@" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null


S2E_SYM_ARGS="" LD_PRELOAD="${S2E_SO}" "${TARGET}" $(printf 'A%.0s' {1..1200}) > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

Now, we can finally start the dynamic analysis by invoking

${WORKDIR}/ run

This places the results with the discovered OOB writes at example/gzip/dynamic-analysis-results.json

Running with other programs

The procedure for running other programs is effectively the same as for gzip. To run our analysis pass during compilation, add the following line to CMakeLists.txt right after the project() command:

add_compile_options("-flegacy-pass-manager" "SHELL:-Xclang -load" "SHELL:-Xclang <path-to-workdir>/llvmPass/build/OOBCollector/")

If the program requires shared libraries that are not present in the QEMU image of S2E, you will need to modify the S2E project's to use s2eget for loading these libraries into the VM before the program is launched.

The running time of some programs benefits from setting the KLEE argument --use-expr-simplifier=false in the s2e-config.lua located in the S2E project's directory.


Framework for automated characterization of OOB write vulnerabilities






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