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A d-DNNF reasoner.

ddnnife takes a smooth d-DNNF following the standard format specified by c2d or the d4 standard (an extension of the c2d standard). After parsing and storing, ddnnife can be used to compute the cardinality of single features, all features, or partial configurations. Additionally, via the stream API, it can compute SAT queries, core/dead features, atomic sets, enumerate complete valid configurations, and produce uniform random samples.

Table of contents

  1. Building
  2. Usage
  3. Container



You can use pre-built binaries for Linux, macOS or Windows. There are two flavours for each target, one with the d4 compiler included and one without. Builds for the latest release are attached as assets for each release.

Using the variant without d4 is straight forward, there are no external dependencies. The variant with d4 has some dynamic dependencies which need to be set up. Please see the README inside the release folder for details.

On (Linux) systems with an older glibc, the d4 variant might not work. In this case, there is also the portable variant which is a self-extracting archive with everything bundled in one binary.


This project can be used and developed via a Nix flake.

With Nix installed simply run the following for a build:

nix build

The result will be at result.

To build without the need to clone the repository, use:

nix build github:SoftVarE-Group/d-dnnf-reasoner

The default package output (ddnnife-d4) includes d4. To build the variant without d4 use the package ddnnife:

nix build .#ddnnife


There is also a container image for usage with Docker, Podman or any other container tool.

For an overview, see here.

There is a tag for each branch and for each tagged release. Currently, the latest version is found on the main branch. To pull the container, use:

docker pull

Then, you can use it like the standalone binary. For ddnnife to be able to access files, you need to create a volume. The following mounts <local/directory> on /work inside the container:

docker run -v <local/directory>:/work ddnnife:main /work/<file.ddnnf> count




  • diffutils
  • m4
  • make


The commandline developer tools have to be present:

xcode-select --install


On Windows, MSYS2 is required to build the project. The UCRT64 or CLANG64 environment is used depending on the compiler (GCC or Clang). All dependencies must be installed for the environment. This can be achieved by using pacboy:

pacman -S pactoys
pacboy -S toolchain:p boost:p

Mt-KaHyPar has to be present in the MSYS2 environment as well when building with d4.


There are two flavours of ddnnife: One with the d4 compiler built in and one without. Whether d4 is included depends on the d4 feature flag passed to cargo.

When building with cargo, the resulting binaries will be at target/release/{ddnnife, dhone}.

With default features (without d4)

cargo build --release

With d4

cargo build --release --features d4

dhone (dsharp preprocessor)

cargo build --release --bin dhone



We highly encourage running test cases with the release build, as the debug build is very slow in comparison.

cargo test --release


Test coverage can be determined with llvm-cov. It is not included with rustup and has to be installed separately, please see its installation instructions.

cargo llvm-cov --release --open

--open will open the report in the browser instead of the console (the default).



Both ddnnife and dhone provide a help information via --help. Simply execute the binaries with the -h, --help flag or no parameter at all to get an overview of all possible parameters and how to use them.


The following examples assume ddnnife and dhone to be present in the path. This could be achieved by modifying $PATH on unix system for example.

Prepossesses the d-DNNF: berkeleydb_dsharp.nnf which may need preprocessing because it was created with dsharp (in this case it is necessary) and save the resulting d-DNNF as berkeleydb_prepo.nnf.

ddnnife example_input/berkeleydb_dsharp.nnf -s example_input/berkeleydb_prepo.nnf

Compute the cardinality of a feature model for auto1.

ddnnife example_input/auto1_c2d.nnf

Compute the cardinality of features for busybox-1.18.0_c2d.nnf and saves the result as busybox-features.csv in the current working directory.

ddnnife example_input/busybox-1.18.0_c2d.nnf -c busybox

Compute the cardinality of features for auto1 when compiled with d4. Here we need the -t option that allows us to specify the total number of features. That information is needed but not contained in d-DNNFs using the d4 standard. Furthermore, the parsing takes more time because we have to smooth the d-DNNF. The results will be saved as auto1_d4_2513-features.csv. (Note that for the example input the number of features is part of the file name for d4 models.)

ddnnife example_input/auto1_d4_2513.nnf -t 2513 -c

Compute the cardinality of features for auto1 starting from a CNF file. Currently, the CNF file must be indicated by either the file ending .cnf or .dimacs. We use the d4 compiler to generate a dDNNF which we can use in the following steps. The -t option is not necessary, because the needed information if part of the CNF.

ddnnife example_input/auto1.cnf -c

An alternative to the above, using the possibility to load a model via stdin.

cat example_input/auto1_d4_2513.nnf | ddnnife -p -t 2513 -c

Compute the cardinality of partial configurations for X264_c2d.nnf with 4 threads (default) and save the result as X264_c2d-queries.csv (default) in the current working directory (default).

ddnnife example_input/X264_c2d.nnf -q example_input/X264.config

Compute 100 uniform random samples for the auto1 model for seed 42.

ddnnife example_input/auto1_d4.nnf -t 2513 urs -n 100 -s 42

Compute the atomic sets for auto1.

ddnnife example_input/auto1_d4.nnf -t 2513 atomic-sets

Display the help information for the sat command.

ddnnife sat -h

Create the mermaid visualization of the small example d-DNNF under assumptions. The model count is 4 and the count for the partial configuration (2,4) is 1.

ddnnife example_input/small_example_c2d.nnf mermaid -a 2 4 
	graph TD
        subgraph pad1 [ ]
            subgraph pad2 [ ]
                subgraph legend[Legend]
                    nodes("<font color=white> Node Type <font color=cyan> Node Number <font color=greeny> Count <font color=red> Temp Count <font color=orange> Query [2, 4]")
                    style legend fill:none, stroke:none
                style pad2 fill:none, stroke:none
            style pad1 fill:none, stroke:none
        classDef marked stroke:#d90000, stroke-width:4px

		11("∧ <font color=cyan>11 <font color=greeny>4 <font color=red>1"):::marked --> 0 & 10 & 9;
		10("∨ <font color=cyan>10 <font color=greeny>2 <font color=red>1"):::marked --> 5 & 6;
		9("∨ <font color=cyan>9 <font color=greeny>2 <font color=red>1"):::marked --> 7 & 8;
		8("∧ <font color=cyan>8 <font color=greeny>1 <font color=red>0"):::marked --> 3 & 4;
		7("∧ <font color=cyan>7 <font color=greeny>1 <font color=red>1") --> 1 & 2;
		6("¬L4 <font color=cyan>6 <font color=greeny>1 <font color=red>0"):::marked;
		5("L4 <font color=cyan>5 <font color=greeny>1 <font color=red>1");
		4("L3 <font color=cyan>4 <font color=greeny>1 <font color=red>1");
		3("¬L2 <font color=cyan>3 <font color=greeny>1 <font color=red>0"):::marked;
		2("¬L3 <font color=cyan>2 <font color=greeny>1 <font color=red>1");
		1("L2 <font color=cyan>1 <font color=greeny>1 <font color=red>1");
		0("L1 <font color=cyan>0 <font color=greeny>1 <font color=red>1");

Stream API

With the stream command, we introduce the possibility to interact with ddnnife via stdin and stdout. The user can choose between different kinds of queries that can be further adjusted with additional parameters. The idea behind the stream API is to interact with ddnnife with another program, but for testing purposes, one can use the stdin and stdout of a terminal to test the API.

We start ddnnife in stream mode for the automotive01 model via

ddnnife example_input/auto1_d4.nnf -t 2513 stream

From here on, we can use the following types of queries:

  • count: Computes the cardinality of a partial configuration
  • core: Lists core and dead features
  • sat: Computes if a partial configuration is satisfiable
  • enum: Lists complete satisfiable configurations
  • random: Gives uniform random samples (which are complete and satisfiable)
  • atomic: Computes atomic sets
  • atomic-cross: Computes atomic sets; a set can contain included and excluded features
  • clause-update: Manipulates the underlying CNF by adding / removing clauses and adjusting the total amount of features. Requires any change to be valid.
  • undo-update: Reverting the latest manipulation. Applying undo-update twice results in the second undo-update being equivalent to a redo.
  • save-ddnnf: Saves the d-DNNF for future use.
  • save-cnf: Saves the d-DNNF as CNF for future use; does require the input to be a CNF as well. Saving always persists the current version. Hence, this is especially intersting in combination with clause-update.
  • exit: Leaves the stream mode

Furthermore, where sensible, the types of queries can be combined with the parameters:

  • v variables: The features we are interested in
  • a assumptions: Assignments of features to true or false
  • l limit: The number of solutions
  • s seed: Seeding for random operations
  • p path: The absolute path, for when we want to save the d-DNNF as d-DNNF or CNF.
  • add: Add something; currently only available for clauses
  • rmv: Remove something; currently only available for clauses
  • t total-features: Change the total amount of features. t total-features is always evaluated before add and rmv.

The table below depicts the possible combinations of a query type with the parameters. The order of parameters does NOT influence the result and if two or more parameters are valid, then every possible combination of those is also valid. Some parameters are optional and others are required. The usage should be intuitive. Otherwise, one can try and get an error message explaining what went wrong. The examples listed later serve as a guide.

query type / parameter variables assumptions limit seed path add rmv total-features

Sub-solutions (like multiple uniform random samples) will be separated by ;. Intern a solution, the feature numbers are separated by a space. The end of an answer is indicated by a new line.

Syntactically wrong queries will result in an error message with an error code. The different error codes are:

  • E1 Operation is not yet supported
  • E2 Operation does not exist. Neither now nor in the future
  • E3 Parse error
  • E4 Syntax error
  • E5 Operation was not able to be done, because of the wrong input
  • E6 File or path error


After entering the stream API, the following examples are conceivable but not exhaustive:

Check whether features 10, 100, and 1000 are either core or dead under the assumption that feature 1 is deselected.

core a -1 v 10 100 1000

Compute the cardinality of partial configuration for the configurations: [1, -4, -5, -6], [2, -4, -5, -6], and [3, -4, -5, -6].

count v 1 2 3 a -4 -5 -6

Similarly to count, we compute whether the partial configuration is satisfiable: [1, -4, -5, -6], [2, -4, -5, -6], and [3, -4, -5, -6].

sat v 1 2 3 a -4 -5 -6

Lists all possible complete and valid configurations, with feature 1 selected and feature 2 deselected, as long as there are some left. Each following call will result in configurations that were not yet computed as results. After all configurations were returned as a result, we start again at the beginning.

enum l 10 a 1 -2

Creates 10 uniform random samples with the seed 42. If neither l nor s is set, one uniform random sample will be created.

random l 1 s 42

Computes all atomic sets for the candidates v under the assumptions a. If no candidates are supplied, all features of the d-DNNF will be the candidates.

atomic v 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a 1

Adds two new features and a clause enforcing either on of the two new features to be selected.

clause-update t 44 add 43 44

Saves the nnf as smooth d-DNNF in the c2d format. The parameter p or path has to be set, and the path must be absolute.

save-ddnnf p /path/to/d-DNNFs/auto1.nnf


To generate an HTML documentation of the code and open it in the default browser, use:

cargo doc --open


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Rust 95.0%
  • Nix 3.6%
  • Kotlin 1.2%
  • Python 0.2%