The Bonsai API Cheat Sheet (Full documentation)
Stop and play a movie;
Control movie timeline
movie.goto(2); // Goto frame 2
movie.goto('10s'); // Goto 10 seconds after start
Set background color
Set Framerate of the movie (frames per second)
Freeze and unfreeze the movie
Create a new shape with a specified path. (still invisible)
shape = new Path();
shape.moveTo(0, 0).lineTo(100, 0);
Use SVG-like paths to create the same shape. (visible)
shape = new Path('M0,0 l100,0');
shape.attr({strokeWidth:1, strokeColor:'red'});
new Rect(x, y, width, height, cornerRadius)
Draw a rectangle, at 0x0 of size 100x100 (still invisible)
new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100).addTo(stage);
Rectangle, with rounded corners of radius 5px (still invisible)
new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100, 5).addTo(stage);
Red rectangle with green border, 10px wide (visible)
new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
.attr({ fillColor:'red', strokeWidth:10, strokeColor:'green' })
Rectangle with 1px borders of color 0xFFAABB, no fill color
new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
.attr({ strokeWidth:1, strokeColor:0xFFAABB})
Half opaque rectangle of color rgba(100,100,255,0.5)
new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
.attr('fillColor', 'rgba(100,100,255,.5)')
new Circle(x, y, radius)
Draw a circle at {200,200} with radius 100px (no fill, invisible)
new Circle(200, 200, 100).addTo(stage);
Draw a circle filled with red
new Circle(200,200,100)
new Ellipse(x, y, width, height)
Draw an ellipse with center at {200,200} and 100px wide, 50px high
new Ellipse(200, 200, 100/2, 50/2)
.attr({fillColor: 'orange'})
new Star(x, y, radius, rays, factor)
Draw a star with a radius of 100 and 5 tips:
new Star(0, 0, 100, 5);
Draw a star with a radius of 100 and 10 tips:
new Star(0, 0, 100, 10);
new Arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle[, anticlockwise])
new Path().arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle[, anticlockwise])
Draw a circle at 100x100 with a radius of 50
new Arc(100, 100, 50, 0, Math.PI*2)
.attr('strokeWidth', 1)
Draw half of a donat at 100x100 with a radius of 50
new Arc(100, 100, 50, 0, Math.PI, 0)
.attr('strokeWidth', 20)
Draw a pizza slice at 100x100 with a radius of 50
var center = {x: 100, y:100}, radius = 50;
new Path()
.moveTo(center.x, center.y)
.lineBy(radius, 0)
.arc(center.x, center.y, radius, 0, Math.PI*0.3)
.attr('fillColor', 'red')
new Polygon(x, y, radius, sides)
Draw a polygon at 100x100 with a radius of 50 and 5 sides
new Polygon(100, 100, 50, 5)
.attr('strokeWidth', 2)
aPath.attr(propertyName, value);
Move a shape to the given x and y coordinates
aPath.attr({ x: 100, y: 200 })
Set opacity to 50%
aPath.attr('opacity', 0.5)
new Bitmap(source)
Add a Bitmap to the stage
new Bitmap('url/to/image')
Add data in-line via data-uri
new Bitmap('…')
Wait until image is loaded before adding it to the stage
new Bitmap([{
src: '',
type: 'image/jpg'
// or just
// new Bitmap('url/to/image.jpg') // uses extension as type
.on('load', function() {
this.attr('filters', filter.blur(2))
var anim = new Animation(duration, properties, options);
aDisplayObject.animate(duration, properties, options)
Animate x
position to 300px in 1 second
var anim = new Animation('1000ms', { x: 300 });
new Rect(0,0,100,100).attr('fillColor', 'red')
Animate x
position to 300px in 1 second (shortcut version)
new Rect(0,0,100,100).attr('fillColor', 'red')
.animate('1s', { x: 300 });
Animate fill color from 'red' to 'blue'.
new Rect(0,0,100,100).attr('fillColor', 'red')
.animate('3s', {fillColor: 'blue'});
Rotate a shape around its left upper corner in 2 seconds
new Rect(0,0,100,100).attr('fillColor', 'red')
.animate('2s', { rotation: Math.PI*2 });
Animate multiple properties
new Rect(0,0,100,100).attr('fillColor', 'red')
.animate('3s', {
x: 300,
y: 300,
opacity: 0
}, { easing:'linear' });
Apply animation object on multiple shapes
var shape1 = new Rect(0,0,100,100).attr('fillColor', 'red')
var shape2 = new Rect(200,0,100,100).attr('fillColor', 'blue')
[shape1, shape2].forEach(function(shape) {
shape.animate('1s', {y: 100});
Hook onto events of the animation, using 'on()'
anim = new Animation('1s',{x:300});
anim.on('play', onStart);
anim.on('end', onEnd);
Hook events animation, using the options parameter
aDisplayObject.animate('2s', { x:300 }, { onEnd:onEnd, onPlay:onStart });
Keyframe animation
var anim = new KeyframeAnimation('2s', {
'0s': {x:0, y:0},
'1s': {x:200, y:0},
'2s': {x:200, y:200}
new Rect(0,0,100,100)
.attr('fillColor', 'red')
aDisplayObject.animate('1s', {x:300}, {easing:'xxx'});
linear, quadIn, quadOut, quadInOut, cubicIn, cubicOut, cubicInOut,
quartIn, quartOut, quartInOut, quintIn, quintOut, quintInOut, sineIn,
sineOut, sineInOut, expoIn, expoOut, expoInOut, circIn, circOut,
circInOut, backIn, backOut, backInOut, elasticIn, elasticOut,
elasticInOut, bounceIn, bounceOut, bounceInOut
aDisplayObject.animate('1s', {x:300}, {repeat:3}); // 0 - Infinity
gradient.linear(direction, colorStops, doRepeat)
gradient.radial(colorStops, radius, cx, cy, doRepeat)
Applying a gradient as the fill of a shape
fillGradient: gradient.linear(arguments);
** Note: a fillGradient will appear in front of a fillColor
Animate a gradient to 0º-red-orange to -45º-blue-orange
fillGradient: gradient.linear(0, ['red','orange']);
}).animate('3s', {
fillGradient: gradient.linear(-45, ['blue','orange']);
Define a linear gradient going towards the left, with a color-stop of green at 20%
gradient.linear('left', [
['green', 20],
Define a radial gradient going from blue (center) to yellow (outer)
gradient.radial(['blue', 'yellow']);
Define a radial gradient with a radius of 50 and a {cx,cy} or {0,0}
gradient.radial(['blue', 'yellow'], 50, 0, 0);
Create a color instance
color('#FF0000FF'); // #RRGGBBAA
Spawn a color a bit darker than red
Spawn a random color by randomizing the hue of blue
Adjust a color
color('#F0F').r(200).g(25).b(100); // rgb(200,25,100)
Output a color as an RGBA string
color('red').rgba(); // => 'rgba(255,0,0,1)'
Hook on the click event of a shape
shape.on('click', function(data){});
Catch the drag event on a shape
shape.on('drag', function(data){});
Set the hand cursor when dragging
shape.on('drag', function(data){
this.attr('cursor', 'pointer');
Bind to the next event only (use once()
shape.once('click', function() {});
Print "Hello World"
text = new Text('Hello World');
Position baseline of text at {100,100}
text.attr({ x:100, y:100 });
Position text on baseline (bottom) at {100,100}
text.attr({ x:100, y:100, textOrigin: 'base' });
Setting font family and size
text.attr({ fontFamily:'Arial', fontSize:'20px' });
Setting text color and line color
Setting custom fontFamily
var myFont = new FontFamily('myFont', [
text.attr('fontFamily', myFont);
Start video playback
video = new Video({url:'', type:''}).attr({
Start video playback with onload event listener *
video = new Video([
], {
onload: function() {
** Most mobile browsers don't allow autoplaying of videos due to excessive bandwidth consumption and therefore shorter battery life. If you're targeting such devices please make sure to avoid ´onload´ event listeners because it won't be fired without user interaction.
Other loadLevel settings
options.loadLevel = 'start-with-nothing'; // nothing to play
options.loadLevel = 'metadata'; // nothing to play but metadata
options.loadLevel = 'risky-to-play'; // loaded data but not enough to play
options.loadLevel = 'can-play'; // can play (default)
options.loadLevel = 'can-play-through'; // can play through
Apply a blur filter (level of 3) on a DisplayObject
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.blur(3)); // 0 - Infinity
Apply a brightness filter on a DisplayObject
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.brightness(2)); // 0 - Infinity
Apply a colorMatrix filter on a DisplayObject
var aMatrix = [
1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.colorMatrix(aMatrix));
Apply a contrast filter on a DisplayObject
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.contrast(2)); // 0 - Infinity
Apply a dropShadow filter on a DisplayObject
// [offsetX, offsetY, blurRadius, color]
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.dropShadow([1, 1, 2, 0x000000FF]));
Apply a grayscale filter on a DisplayObject
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.grayscale(1)); // 0 - 1
Apply a hueRotate filter on a DisplayObject
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.hueRotate(90)); // 0 - 360
Apply a invert filter on a DisplayObject
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.invert(1)); // 0 - 1
Apply a saturate filter on a DisplayObject
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.saturate(5)); // 0 - Infinity
Apply a sepia filter on a DisplayObject
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', filter.sepia(1)); // 0 - 1
Apply multiple filters on a DisplayObject
aDisplayObject.attr('filters', [
To use bonsai in development mode, requirejs needs to be included and configured. Development mode is useful when developing bonsai itself, not when debugging a movie.
<script src="bonsai/lib/requirejs/require.js"></script>
paths: {
bonsai: 'bonsai/src' // path to bonsai's src folder
//or, for a worker environment: 'bonsai/bootstrapper/_dev/worker'
], function(bonsai) {
// Do something with bonsai here (see below)
When using bonsai to create a movie, you should use the built version of bonsai.
<script src="bonsai.min.js"></script>
// do something with the bonsai object (see below)
// The node the movie will be appended to
var node = document.getElementById('movie');
// options for the movie
var options = {
/* possible options: */
// (String)
// Base URL used to resolve movie and plugin URLs.
// Default: relative to current page.
baseUrl: '.',
// (String) – Base URL used to resolve any assets loaded within movies
// Default: relative to loaded-movie
assetBaseUrl: '.',
// (Array) of plugin URLs to load (all relative to the optional baseUrl)
plugins: ['a-plugin.js', '../../bonsai-plugins/my-plugin.js'],
// (Array) – Array of movie URLs to load (all relative to the optional baseUrl)
urls: ['a-movie.js'],
// (String) - URL of movie (relative to the optional baseUrl)
// Alternative approach when movie is not passed as second parameter to `run`
url: 'a-movie.js',
// (String|Function) – JavaScript code to run directly as a movie
// Note: the passed Function gets stringified (useful for code-highlighting)
code: 'new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100).attr({"fill": "red"}).addTo(stage);',
// (Number) the desired FPS (frames per second) of movie. Default: 30
framerate: 24,
// (Number), the desired width of the movie. Default: Infinity
width: 500,
// (Number), the desired height of the movie. Default: Infinity
height: 310,
// (Boolean|Function), whether to display a frame rate
// if true, the frame rate is displayed within the movie.
// if function, the frame rate is passed to the function every second.
// Default: false
fpsLog: true
// A movie from a file
var movie =,
// path to the movie to play
// A movie from a file using url option
var movie =, {
url: 'movies/example.js'
// A movie from source code
var movie =, {
// the code to execute as string
code: 'new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100).attr({"fill": "red"}).addTo(stage);'
// or wrapped in a function
// code: function() {
// new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100).attr({"fill": "red"}).addTo(stage);
// }
// base url for assets, relative to the current page
baseUrl: 'movies/assets'
// other options like width, height
movie.stop(); // stops the movie; // plays the movie
movie.destroy(); // completely destroys the movie