The valley of Shangri-La is in lockdown - a deadly virus called ASRS-CoV-3 spreading across the world is threatening the future of the valley. Fortunately, a new Rapid Swab Home Kit(RSHT) is developed, which can give the test results straight away in a few minutes without laboratory involvement. Shangri-La government plans to conduct mass testing and track down every case of the virus by distributing the home test kits to every hosehold.
Your task is to develop a web application called MyCoVTest Hub to help collect the test results and to provide an accorate picture of the local cases, including more detailed demographics, as well as reginal breakdown by postcode.
In response to the pandemic, all residents in Shangri-La will receieve a Home Test Kit by post. Each pack of the Home Test Kit delivered has a unique Test Tracking Number(TTN). Swab tests that can be easily done at home and anyone tested will get the test result within a few minutes as there is no need to return the test kit to a laboratory for analysis. Anyone completed the test at home will nedd to report the test result via MyCoVTest Hub platform.
To submit a test via MyCovTest Hub, you will need to provide some detail as follows:
- Full name
- Age
- Gender (M/F/Other)
- Address
- Postcode
- TTN Code
- Test result(Positive/Negative/Inconclusive)
In addition to SARS-CoV-3 home test result collection, MyCoVTest Hub platform also provides a password-protected Admin dashboard for viewing some real-time demographics statics, including:
- Total number of positive/negative cases
- Positive cases distribution by postcode/age group* [number of positive cases per postcode/age group]
- Infection rate by postcode
- Infection rate by age group
(Admin login creadentials are pre-defined in the system, see Appendix for more information)
MyCovTest Hub should show corresponding messages when:
- TTN code does not match the record in the database.
- Another person has already used the provided TTN code.
- The provided email is already associated with another(used) Home Test Kit
- Invalid username or password(for Admin)
Your tasks are to implement the following functions:
- Home Test Self-reporting page (including validation, TTN verification)
- Log-in/sign-out feature for Admin
- Demographics statistics for Admin Dashboard
- Error page(s) (or Ajax error messages)
Note that you should
- Use appropriate techniques to prevent SQL Injection vulnerabilities.
- Take all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to the Admin Dashboard
- Use Secure Hash Algorithm SHA256 to secure passwords (see Appendix 1.3)
- Use cookies to remember the last admin User ID.
The SQL firl Shangri-La.sql provided on Blackboard contains three tables (Admin, HomeTestKit, TestResult). You are free to edit the provided schema, add extra columns or create new tables if necessary.
1.1. Below is a list of all valid Test Tracking Number (TTN). A tester will need to enter one of the following TTN codes to report the test result.
1.2 Admin credentials
Username: admin
Password: 12345
Username: tester
Password: abcde
* Feel free to edit the sample records in Shangri-La.sql or make any changes you deem necessary.
You may use any programming language or framework for the implementation, including but not limited to:
- Java (e.g. Servlet/JSP/Spring)
- Javascript (e.g. React.js/Express.js/Node.js)
- C# (e.g. ASP.NET Core etc.)
- Python (e.g. Flask, Django etc.)
- Ruby On Rails
- PHP (Laravel)
Before you rub Project, you should check to make sure that your system has the proper prerequisites installed. These include:
- Ruby
- SQLite3
- Node.js
- Yarn
Install Ruby Language from this website Ruby. If you already have Ruby installed on your computer. You can check inside a terminal by typing:
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.7.0
Note: Make sure you have installed ruby 2.7.0
You will also need an installation of the SQLite3 database. Find installation instructions at the SQLite3 website. Verify that it is correctly installed.
$ sqlite3 --version
The program should report its version.
Finally, you'll need Node.js and Yarn installed to manage your application's JavaScript. Find the installation instructions at the Node.js website and verify it's installed correctly with the following command:
$ node --version
The version of your Node.js runtime should be printed out. Make sure it's greater than 8.16.0.
To install Yarn, follow the installation instructions at the Yarn website. Running this command should print out Yarn version:
$ yarn -v
If it says something like "1.22.0", Yarn has been installed correctly.
To install Rails, use the gem install command provided by RubyGems:
$ gem install rails
To verify that you have everything installed correctly, you should be able to run the following:
$ rails --version
If it says something like "Rails 6.0.0", you are ready to continue.
After installing the above prerequisites, switch to project folder folder by typing on terminal:
$ cd my-covtest-hub
Run the following commands on the terminal in the my-covtest-hub
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
The console command lets you interact with database of your Rails application from the command line. Run the following command to open rails console.
$ rails console
Create a new Admin by running following query on rails console interface.
Admin.create(username: 'admin', password: '12345')
Create a new HomeTestKit by running following query on rails console interface.
HomeTestKit.create(ttn_code: 'MM2874Z6')
You actually have a functional Rails application already. To see it, you need to start a web server on your development machine. You can do this by running the following in the my-covtest-hub
$ rails server
Then open your browser and goto following url to see the application: