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Almost Serverless: Scale to Zero with App Runner and Aurora Postgres for a Wagtail/Django CMS

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Wagtail CMS on App Runner with Aurora Serverless v1 DB

AWS App Runner is ideally suited for running pure HTTP apps that don't need all the features that Fargate provides. The config is much simpler, it auto-scales based on demand, and it includes its own load balancer. As of February 2022, it can access things in a VPC, so we can have our app persist to an RDS database including Aurora serverless. See:

Both App Runner and Aurora Serverless v1 can scale to zero to save money on sites that aren't used 24x7. When requests subside, App Runner saves the state to RAM to allow instant restart, and charges about 1/10th the cost of running with CPU. When Aurora Serverless v1 sleeps, it takes about 30 seconds to wake up.

This code deploys a stock Wagtail CMS (based on Django) with PostgreSQL DB and S3 storage for media. We're not trying to demo a full-blown Wagtail app here, just using the out-of-box experience to demonstrate scalability of a sophisticated CMS

The DEVELOPMENT.rst describes how to get it running, so this README will focus on high-level topics. TROUBLESHOOTING.rst gives some hard-won lessons learned, while QUESTIONS_CAUTIONS.rst has some gotchas, and TODO.rst is a grab bag of things that might be worth improving.

(As of 2023-11-14, App Runner was not listed as FedRAMP certified, so we are not able to us it for our US Government projects yet.)


Aurora is RDS, and RDS needs to be deployed into a VPC. I created a VPC with two Public Subnets so I don't have to run APIGW and incur it's $70/month cost. A VpcConnector is used to allow App Runner access to RDS. Security Groups restrict access to the DB, while IAM roles allow App Runner to access ECR, Logs, and S3.

There's an S3 bucket for Wagtail media (images, documents) and static resources (e.g., css, js). I found I had to create a VPC Endpoint for App Runner to be able to access this. Our stateless service uses Django Storages is used to read/write S3 objects; interestingly, it uses presigned URLs to access these resources, so we don't need to give our objects public-read access.

The developer creates a Docker image with Wagtail and uploads to Elastic Container Registry (ECR). App Runner will see new images and deploy them automatically. Once the health check probe is successful, it directs traffic to the new service instance instead of the old.



We run Aurora Serverless v1 because it can scale to zero capacity, and App Runner because it scales to zero running instances (pay only for RAM). This should save us money, especially on development or other low-use environments. They both scale up based on their configurations to handle load.

RDS Aurora Serverless v1

Our goal is to reduce cost by scaling to zero. AWS RDS Aurora Serverless v1 does this natively: if no connections are seen for some time, it pauses the DB. When a connection comes in, it spins it back up.

We create our Aurora DB in the db.yaml file, and specify a 5-minute pause timeout:

  AutoPause: true
  MaxCapacity: 4
  MinCapacity: 2
  SecondsUntilAutoPause: 300

Aurora PostgreSQL-13.9 config page shows:

Autoscaling timeout: 5 minutes
Pause compute capacity after consecutive minutes of inactivity: 5 minutes

We can see pause/resume events:

November 15, 2023, 18:18 The DB cluster is being paused.
November 15, 2023, 18:19 The DB cluster is paused.
November 15, 2023, 18:41 The DB cluster is being resumed.
November 15, 2023, 18:42 The DB cluster is resumed.
November 15, 2023, 18:48 Scaling DB cluster from 2 capacity units to
                         4 capacity units for this reason: Autoscaling.
November 15, 2023, 18:48 The DB cluster has scaled from 2 capacity
                         units to 4 capacity units.

Under the Databases "Monitoring" tab we can see graphs showing DB Connections and Serverless Database Capacity (these are over different time periods):



And over time we can watch the top level status showing scaled to zero:


then resume:


App Runner

The "Auto scaling" section of the App Runner > Services > scale0-dev > Configuration shows:

Name:              DefaultConfiguration
Revision number:   1
Concurrency:     100
Minimum size:      1
Maximum size:     25

It will accept 100 concurrent requests before scaling up, to a maximum of 25 instances. This should be fine.

We could create an auto scaling configuration and reference it by ARN in the App Runner config but it's not necessary for this test now.

We currently ensure that Wagtail doesn't leave a persistent connection to the database. The Django Databases docs say:

Persistent connections avoid the overhead of reestablishing a connection to the database in each request. They’re controlled by the CONN_MAX_AGE parameter which defines the maximum lifetime of a connection.

The default value is 0, preserving the historical behavior of closing the database connection at the end of each request. To enable persistent connections, set CONN_MAX_AGE to a positive integer of seconds.

[...] The development server creates a new thread for each request it handles, negating the effect of persistent connections. Don’t enable them during development.

We're not specifying CONN_MAX_AGE so should not have persistent connections; we're also currently running the development server, which does not persist.

The App Runner "Metrics" tab displays at the bottom the number of active instances, in this case showing scale up and down during load testing:


It also shows the number of concurrent connections:


So we can conclude App Runner is scaling to zero as desired, and scales up to handle increased request concurrency.

Load Testing

If we can run a load tester against it that submits over 100 concurrent requests, we should see it scale.

I can use the simple hey tool to load test. The following runs for 1 minute, with a concurrency of 150:

hey -c 150 -z 1m


When I ran this, I watched the Concurrency and Instances grow in the AWS console (above) but we also saw 500 errors from App Runner:


The app logs said:

FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non replicate
superuser connections

I believe this indicates we've run out of PostgreSQL connections. See the TODO.rst section about enabling persistent connections. I don't know if we would get more if we waited for Aurora to scale up the service, or if we have to increase the pool size in the DB configuration.


App Runner scales to zero, costing only the RAM at about $0.01/hour. Aurora Serverless v1 scales to zero, so we only pay for the data storage.

Estimated total cost for both, when active for a 8 hour/day and 5 days/week, is under $30: cheap enough that every developer can have their own.

For production environments, App Runner should be fine too, but we'd probably want to look at Aurora Serverless v2 to avoid cold start delays and scale faster.


Almost Serverless: Scale to Zero with App Runner and Aurora Postgres for a Wagtail/Django CMS







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