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Demo of how to use callback pattern within lambda to restart a state machine after some external process completes

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Serverless Step Functions Callback

This is a demo of how you can use the "callback" pattern to restart a Step Functions state machine from within a Lambda function. It took me a while to dig through the AWS docs, sample code, and examples to unlock the mysteries, so I hope it saves you some time.

It is inspired by Ross Rhodes' tweet on callbacks with Step Functions. He used the AWS Cloud Development Kit and SQS, but I'll be using the Serverless Framework with direct Lambda calls because it's a pattern that comes up repeately in our use cases. Ben Kehoe wrote an excellent AWS Blog post on the same topic; he's using SNS Email for human approvals.

The SNS is also not exactly alined with our current use cases, but SQS- and SNS-driven restarts are both likely something we'll need at some point.

Our Real Use Case

Our application takes a file and uses a Lambda to split it up into chunks which are dropped onto S3. Each of those chunks' S3 CreateObject event triggers a Lambda to process the chunk, so all the chunks get prococessed in parallel. Some chunks take longer than others, so once we determine that all the chunks are done, we want to restart our state machine. We do this by calling Step Functions API directly, indicating success.

Demo Implementation

This demo code skips the complexity of our real app, allowing us to focus on the state machine stop and restart. We'll use a random chance to decide when we're done, with a chance that the processing function fails, so we can signal the failure. Our state machine has a handler for this, so it can do different things on success and failure.

Our preferred backend language is Python, so that's what we'll use for our Lambda handler. Translating to Node or some other Lambda language should be trivial: just map the two API calls we make to your Step Functions SDK.

We've been using the Serverless Framework for a while for our commercial and government projects and really like it: it's a pleasure to use and makes all the boring stuff go away. It takes care of the infrastructure so we don't need to do our own CloudFormation, nor its shiny new cousin, Cloud Development Kit. Under the covers, Serverless does CloudFormation for us, and that's just where it should be -- under the covers, so we can inspect it if we need to, and ignore it most of the time.

Takahiro Horike's Step Function plugin for the Serverless Framework makes it a breeze to describe state machines directly in our serverless.yml file.

Get it Running

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Assuming you've set your AWS credentials in your environment (we set AWS_PROFILE), deploy with Serverless; we use the default us-east-1 region and stage dev:

sls deploy

When done, you should see your functions and an HTTP endpoint we created to start the state machine:

Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Stack update finished...
Service Information
service: serverless-stepfunctions-callback
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: serverless-stepfunctions-callback-dev
resources: 15
api keys:
  SplitDoc: serverless-stepfunctions-callback-dev-SplitDoc
  ProcessAndCheckCompletion: serverless-stepfunctions-callback-dev-ProcessAndCheckCompletion
Serverless StepFunctions OutPuts
  GET -

In the AWS console, you should see your state machine under Step Functions - State machines.


You can get details by clicking on the name; click the Definition tab to get the diagram.


Under the "Executions" tab, you can "Start execution", and leave the default input alone. Depending on chance, it should go through ContinueProcess and succeed, or ProcessingFailed and fail. We can examine the inputs and outputs of each state, so here we look at ContinueProcess:



For the failure case, we examine at ProcessingFailed and can see it has an Exception instead of Output:



For convenience, we added an HTTP endpoint to start the state machine; this simulates how our real application's state machine is started by some external event, like dropping an object into S3 or a DynamoDB row change. You can use this to start the state machine from the CLI instead of the console:


Do this a few times then look at the console to see the results; most will likely succeed, some will fail, due to the random chance.

On to the Code!

So how does this work? How are we defining the state machine, and how do we define the restart step, then how do we invoke it? We'll ignore the overall state machine definition because it's well-documented, so we can focus on the more subtle callback mechanism.

In serverless.yml we specify for the Resource the waitForTaskToken magick incantation. Normally, our state machine would specify a Lambda function as its resource, but we can't do that when we want to wait. We then specify our Lambda under the Parameters as FunctionName, and pass into it the PayLoad containing the Step Function $$.Task.Token:

  Type: Task
  Resource: arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke.waitForTaskToken
    FunctionName: ${self:service}-${opt:stage}-ProcessAndCheckCompletion
      taskToken.$: $$.Task.Token
  Next: ContinueProcess # the happy path

The Lambda will need to call the Step Functions API with this Task.Token to flag success or failure, so it has to be an input to the function. We can add anything else we want as an input here too.

As usual, the state has a Next for the happy path, but here we've defined error handlers with the Catch directive. We first try to catch an error that we specify in our Lambda, then a catch-all in case anything else blows up (e.g., a Python exception due to bad code):

- ErrorEquals: ["ProcessingFailed"]
  Next: ProcessingFailed
- ErrorEquals: ["States.TaskFailed"]
  Next: UnexpectedFailure

In our Lambda handler function, we don't actually do any processing in this demo. For the real application, we'd process our chunk and check for all the chunks being processed; if they're not all complete, we'd just return. Here, we pretend we have determined that all the chunks are done, and signal the Step Function state machine to continue:

task_token = event['taskToken']
    output=json.dumps({'msg': 'this goes to the next state',
                       'status': 'looking good'}))

We can set the output to be anything we want to feed to the next step in our state machine.

To indicate failure, we make a similar call, and can set optional error to a named code we can catch in our Step Function, and the cause to provide more details:

    cause=f'Something broke in our chunk processing chance={chance}')

If this gets executed, the ProcessingFailed should get caught by the Catch... ErrorEquals: ["ProcessingFailed"] clause in the state machine definition.


We now know how to define waitForTaskToken and pass tokens ot lambdas so they can signal success and failure to restart the state machine, and can use it with the Serverless Framework's Step Functions plugin with ease. Step Functions invoke Lambdas as Tasks asynchronously, so we may have many opportunities to have the state machine pause and wait for completion of a longer-running lambda, or many parallel lambdas.


Demo of how to use callback pattern within lambda to restart a state machine after some external process completes






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