This extension works only with the standalone machine agent.
##Use Case
Zabbix is the ultimate enterprise-level software designed for monitoring availability and performance of IT infrastructure components. Zabbix is open source and comes at no cost.
- Zabbix java library is not in maven repo. To get it using maven we have to install the library in the local maven repo. zabbix4j 0.1 is checked in to the lib folder. Use the below maven command to install the library to local maven repo. For latest source of zabbix4j please go to
mvn install:install-file -Dfile={path to zabbix4j jar} -DgroupId=com.zabbix4j -DartifactId=zabbix4j -Dversion=0.1 -Dpackaging=jar
- Run "mvn clean install"
- Download and unzip the file 'target/' to <machineagent install dir>/monitors
- Open monitor.xml and configure yml path
- Open config.yml and configure the zabbix details
<argument name="config-file" is-required="true" default-value=""monitors/ZabbixMonitor/config.yml" />
# Zabbix particulars
protocol: "http"
host: ""
username: ""
password: ""
jsonRpcPath: "api_jsonrpc.php"
#Include Exclude Hosts. Include takes precedence over exclude.
includeHosts: []
excludeHosts: []
#Provide either includeItems or excludeItems
#Only matched items will be included from the hosts after applying includeHosts/excludeHosts
includeItems: []
#Matched items will be excluded from the hosts after applying includeHosts/excludeHosts
excludeItems: []
#Replaces characters in metric name with the specified characters.
# "replace" takes any regular expression
# "replaceWith" takes the string to replace the matched characters
- replace: ","
replaceWith: ";"
#This will create this metric in all the tiers, under this path
#metricPathPrefix: Custom Metrics|Zabbix|
#This will create it in specific Tier/Component. Make sure to replace <COMPONENT_ID> with the appropriate one from your environment.
#To find the <COMPONENT_ID> in your environment, please follow the screenshot
metricPathPrefix: Server|Component:<COMPONENT_ID>|Custom Metrics|Zabbix|
##Metrics The following metrics are reported.
All the IT Services configured will be shown here
Metric Path |
Zabbix/ITService/{IT Service Name} |
All the historic stats gathered by zabbix will be shown here
Metric Path |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Outgoing network traffic on eth0 |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Maximum number of opened files |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Total swap space |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Number of processes |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Context switches per second |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Free swap space |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Host local time |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Zabbix queue |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Free disk space on /etc/resolv.conf |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Used disk space on /etc/Zabbix/Zabbix_agentd.d |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Free disk space on /var/lib/mysql |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Used disk space on /var/lib/mysql |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/System uptime |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Number of running processes |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Used disk space on /etc/hostname |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Total memory |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Free disk space on /etc/Zabbix/ |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Used disk space on /usr/lib/Zabbix/externalscripts |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Free disk space on /usr/lib/Zabbix/alertscripts |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Incoming network traffic on eth0 |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Checksum of /etc/passwd |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Free disk space on /etc/hostname |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Number of logged in users |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Agent ping |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Used disk space on /etc/hosts |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Zabbix queue over 10m |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Free disk space on /usr/lib/Zabbix/externalscripts |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Host boot time |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Used disk space on /etc/resolv.conf |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Interrupts per second |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Free disk space on /etc/hosts |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Used disk space on /usr/lib/Zabbix/alertscripts |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Available memory |
Zabbix/History/{Host ID}/Maximum number of processes |
Always feel free to fork and contribute any changes directly here on GitHub.
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For any questions or feature request, please contact AppDynamics Center of Excellence.