If you have any public images want to build , also can send email or issues, will deal it at my convenience, thks.
- demo
- aerospike
- alpine
- bash
- busybox
- centos
- elasticsearch
- erlang
- etcd
- filebrowser
- flink
- fluentd
- gcc
- gitlab
- golang
- grafana
- influxdb
- jenkins
- julia
- kafka
- kibana
- logstash
- mysql
- nats
- nexus3
- nginx
- node
- openjdk
- php
- postgres
- prometheus
- prometheus-gateway
- pulsar
- pyroscope
- python
- redis
- registry
- ruby
- rust
- sonarqube
- swift
- ubuntu
- zookeeper
docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]
find . -type d -d 1|grep -v '^\./\.\|scripts'|xargs -n 1 cp -v alpine/Makefile
┌── golang: golang related Dockerfile & docker-compose file
|__ latest: golang version latest image dir
|__ docker-compose.yml: docker compose file, use to create and start container
|__ docker-version.sh: version info for build and push docker image
|__ Dockerfile: define the docker image
|__ latest-upx: golang latest version with upx
|__ Makefile: use command make to build, push and run docker images for golang
|___xxx: xxx related Dockerfile & docker-compose file
|__ scripts: common scripts
|__ docker-build.sh: docker image build script
|__ docker-clean.sh: docker images clean, contains none for REPOSITORY or TAG
|__ docker-push.sh: docker image push script
|__ docker-run.sh: script for run the special version docker image
|__ .gitignore: gitignore
|__ Makefile: use command make to build and push latest docker image
alpine 3.14+
, needDocker version
Docker Desktop Version: pls watch subscription service agreement
- Pls use latest version, if install
Engine: 20.10.8+
Compose: 2.2.2
Go: 1.16.6+
sudo cp docker/* /usr/bin/
brew install docker-compose
docker-compose.yml env priority
- Compose file
- Shell environment variables(use command source enable set)
- Environment file
- Dockerfile
- Variable is not defined