A nano project to start a Vaadin project. Here you will get a project template based on one maven module.
To start the webapp use the following maven command.
mvn clean install tomee:run
All tutorials are available under https://vaadin.com/tutorials
The target of this project is a minimal rampup time for a first hello world. Why we need one more HelloWorld? Well, the answer is quite easy. If you have to try something out, or you want to make a small POC to present something, there is no time and budget to create a demo project. You don´t want to copy paste all small things together. Here you will get a HelloWorld-Project that will give you all in a second.
Clone the repo and start editing the class VaadinApp
Nothing more.
Here we are using the Jakarta EE 8 server TomEE as Servlet-Container. http://tomee.apache.org/
The UI itself is has only a few elements. There is only a button you can click. For every click, the counter will be increased. For more information about the routing (@Route(""")), have a look at the orig documentation https://vaadin.com/docs/v10/flow/routing/tutorial-routing-annotation.html
public class VaadinApp extends Composite<Div> implements HasLogger {
private final Button btnClickMe = new Button("click me");
private final Span lbClickCount = new Span("0");
private final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(btnClickMe, lbClickCount);
private int clickcount = 0;
public VaadinApp() {
btnClickMe.addClickListener(event -> lbClickCount.setText(valueOf(++clickcount)));
//set the main Component
logger().info("setting now the main ui content..");
Happy Coding.
if you have any questions: ping me on Twitter https://twitter.com/SvenRuppert or via mail.