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JIT compiler for a toy programming language


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// Single line comment

// classes will be described later
class Foo {}

fn types() void {
    // variable declaration and assigment.
    int i // i == 0
    float f = 3.14
    bool b = false // or "true"
    // or we can infer variable type
    auto i2 = 123

    // strings

    // we can declare string literal using double quotes
    // strings are byte arrays (not utf8) for now
    string s = "hello"

    // we can concat strings
    s = s + " world" // s == "hello world"

    // retrieve its length
    println(s.length()) // 11

    // check if string is empty
    println(s.isEmpty()) // false

    // explicitly concat
    s = s.concat("!") // s == "hello world!"

    // upper string
    s = s.toUpper() // s == "HELLO WORLD!"

    // lower string
    s = s.toLower() // s == "hello world"

    // check for substring.
    // If substring is not found then index will return -1
    auto pos = s.index("world")
    println(pos) // 6

    // check if string contains substring
    println(s.contains("world")) // true

    // check if string starts with substring
    println(s.startsWith("hello")) // true

    // check if string ends with substring
    println(s.endsWith("world")) // false

    // retrieve substring, params are int offset, int length.
    // If offset or length is invalid then empty string is returned
    println(s.substring(0, 5)) // hello

    // arrays
    // we can declare array literal using curly braces
    []int a = [1, 2, 3]

    // retrieve array length
    println(a.length()) // 3

    // check if array is empty
    println(a.isEmpty()) // false

    a[1] = 10 // set element's value by index

    println(a[1]) // get element by index

    a[] = 4 // append new element
    println(a.length()) // 4

    // we can create array of arbitrary types
    []Foo arr = [new Foo(), new Foo()]

auto qux = 123 // globals
const auto PI = 3.14 // consts

fn flow() void {
    // will print "then"
    if true {

    // will print "else"
    if false {
    } else {

    // will print "2"
    auto i = 2
    if i == 0 {
    } else if i == 1 {
    } else if i == 2 {
    } else {

    i = 0
    while true {

        if i < 5 {

        if i >= 10 {

    println(i) // 10 

    // also we can use strings and arrays as conditions
    if "hello" {
        println("string is not empty")

    auto a = [1, 2, 3]
    if a {
        println("array is not empty")

    // for construction iterates over array. On each iteration the value of current element is assigned to val.
    // Will print 1, 2, 3
    for val in a {
        // it's possible to use break and continue inside of for construction (like in while construction)

    // it's possible to specify index name. Index modification won't affect iteration.
    // Will print 0, 1, 2
    for i, val in a {

    // range construction can be used to generate sequence of numbers.
    // Signature is range(int start, int stop, int step). If only one parameter is specified, then start = 0 and step = 1.
    // If only two parameters are specified, then step = 1. All params can be negative. step = 0 will lead to panic.
    // If sequence is infinite (stop - start and step have opposite signs), then loop will exit immediately
    for i in range(3) {
        println(i) // will print 0, 1, 2

    for i in range(1, 5) { 
        println(i) // will print 1, 2, 3, 4

    for i in range(5, -5, -3) {
        println(i) // will print 5, 2, -1, -4

// function definition. Function takes two arguments and returns float.
fn bar(int a, float b) float {
    return a * b

// classes and inheritance

abstract class Animal {
    private string name

    public fn construct(string animalName) void {
        name = animalName

    public fn getName() string {
        return name

    abstract public fn makeSound() void

class Cat extends Animal {
    public fn makeSound() void {

class Dog extends Animal {
    public fn makeSound() void {

// interfaces

interface A {
    public fn foo() void

interface B {
    public fn bar() void

// multiple interface inheritance
interface C extends A, B {
    public fn baz() void

class D implements C {
    public fn foo() void {

    public fn bar() void {
    public fn baz() void {

// class can also implement multiple interfaces
class E implements A, B {
    public fn foo() void {

    public fn bar() void {

// class can extend and implement simultaneously
class F {}

class G extends F implements A {
    public fn foo() void {

// properties and methods can be static

class GlobalCounter {
    public static int value

    public static fn resetCounter() void {
        value = 0

// entry point for the program
fn main() void {
    // println outputs a line to stdout
    println("hello world")


    // we can call previously defined function like this
    auto f = bar(2, 3.14) 
    println(f) // 6.28

    // creating objects
    auto luna = new Cat("Luna")
    println(luna.getName()) // "Luna"

    // accessing static properties and methods
    GlobalCounter::value = 123
    println(GlobalCounter::value) // 123
    GlobalCounter::resetCounter() // GlobalCounter::value == 0



mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j $(nproc)




compiler for a toy programming language






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