- CUDA 10.1 + CUDNN 7
- Miniconda
- GraphViz
- OpenCV
- Conda environment
, include:- Numpy
- Pandas
- H2O
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- GraphViz Python
- SciPy
- SciKit-Learn
- Jupyter
- OpenCV python
- Scrapy
I still working on this and I will realease another (such as Keras, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or non GPU image) soon
Clone this repository
From the root directory of this repo, build the image by command below:
docker build --network=host -t cuda10-base cuda10-base/
- When image is built and attached, run a container by command below:
docker run -d --net=host --name=nvidia-dl-base -e DISPLAY -v <your-shared-dir>:/workspace --runtime=nvidia cuda10-base
- Lastly, login into container by command below:
docker exec -it nvidia-dl-base bash