Flutter-Redux-MVVM demo project.
This is a demo project introducing an approach to structure large scale mobile applications in Flutter build on top of REDUX state management combined with MVVM (Model View ViewModel) software architecture pattern.
MVVMs main focus is "separation of concerns". Simply put, to separate the user interface logic from the business logic or in other words, keep the UI clean so it can be easy to manage. MVVM pattern fits nicely for data-centric applications, with apps that load data from a database (CRUD) applications. Separation of concern allows us to avoid the so-called God Objects.
The following description represents the general info about this project and how to set it up and run it. For more detailed information and explanations about the project check out the wiki on this repo.
This project is build using only a set of necessary/bare-minimum utils that can be utilized for setting up a scalable app architecture. In the flutter projects pubspec.yaml
file and add the following dependencies.
sdk: '>=2.2.2 <3.0.0'
sdk: flutter
flutter_redux: ^0.5.2
redux_persist: ^0.8.2
redux_persist_flutter: ^0.8.2
flutter_redux_dev_tools: ^0.3.0
validators: ^2.0.0+1
json_serializable: ^3.2.3
build_runner: ^1.7.2
json_annotation: ^3.0.0
http: ^0.12.0+2
Note! I've upgraded the environment SDK version so we can support spread operators. If you have a more recent version than the demo you can ignore the changes!
The demo app is structured feature-based. Trying to keep each feature encapsulated into its own module. More explanation avaliable in the wiki.
--/components #General use components (e.g. AppHeader, AppFooter)
--/config #General app config files
--/models #Data clases
--/store #Contains the redux store & setup.
--/models # redux related models, used to mange data inside the store.
--/template #Used for styling and UI related data.
--/utils #To store helper functions/utils (e.g. dateUtils)