Everyone can contribute to GAN Facies Modeling, and we value everyone’s contributions. There are several ways to contribute, including:
Raising issue on the Github repository
Proposing Pull requests to the Github repository
Contact me by email (valentin.goldite@gmail.com)
Create your own repository based on this one and cite it
Before proposing a PR you must follow some rule:
Code should work on Python 3.7-3.10
Code should respect PEP8
The format of the docstrings follows Numpy guidline
IMPORTANT: Before submitting a PR you should run the following command in Python 3.8+:
sh tests/basic_checks.sh
This script run all the unit tests and use the following linter: mypy
(typing checks), isort
(import order checks), pydocstyle
checks), flake8
(PEP8 checks), pylint
(style checks). If the unit tests
pass (try to keep the unit tests coverage high), the linter checks pass
and your pylint score is above the minimum score (that is 9.0), you can make
the PR (try to keep the pylint score as much high as possible!).
Commits should start with an emoji and directly followed by a descriptive and precise message that starts with a capital letter and should be written in present tense. E.g:
✨: added configuration function ❌ Bad
✨ Add function to save configuration file ✅ Good
Emojis not only look great but also makes you rethink what to add to a commit. The goal is to dedicate each single kind of change to a single commit. Make many but small commits!
Emojis of commit message follow mainly the Gitmoji guideline (the different ones start with an asterisk *). The most useful are:
Emoji | Description |
🎉 :tada: |
Initial commit |
✨ :sparkles: |
New cool feature |
➕ :heavy_plus_sign: * |
Add file and/or folder |
🔥 :fire: |
Remove some code or file |
📝 :memo: |
Add or improve readme, docstring or comments |
🎨 :art: |
Improve style, format or structure of the code |
♻️ :recycle: |
Refactor the code |
🚚 :truck: |
Rename and/or move files and folders |
🐛 :bug: OR 🪲 :beetle: * |
Fix a bug |
✏️ :pencil2: |
Fix typo |
🔧 :wrench: |
Add or update configuration files |
🍱 :bento: |
Add or update assets |
🚀 :rocket: * |
Improve performance |
⚗️ :alembic: |
Perform experiment |
🚸 :children_crossing: |
Improve user experience |
🆙 :up: * OR 🔖 :bookmark: |
Update the version/tag |
⬆️ :arrow_up: |
Upgrade dependency |
🚧 :construction: |
Work in progress |
🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: |
Merge a branch |
Check Gitmoji | OTHER |
Installing the Gitmoji VSCode extension can be useful to get the emoji you want quickly.
Version/tag numbers will be assigned according to the Semantic Versioning scheme. This means, given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, we will increment the:
- MAJOR version when we make incompatible API changes
- MINOR version when we add functionality in a backwards compatible manner
- PATCH version when we make backwards compatible bug fixes