PhonePeKit is a Swift package used to communicate with the PhonePe API for Server Side Swift Apps.
PhonePeKit is heavily inspired by StripeKit, a project developed by @andrewangeta. We deeply appreciate the framework and design principles laid out in Stripe-Kit, which have guided the development of PhonePeKit for the Swift ecosystem.
To start using PhonePeKit, in your Package.swift
, add the following
.package(url: "", from: "main")
Initialize the PhonePeClient
let httpClient = HTTPClient(..)
let saltKey = "14fa5465-f8a7-443f-8477-f986b8fcfde9"
let saltIndex = "1"
let phonePe = PhonePeClient(httpClient: httpClient, saltKey: saltKey, saltIndex: saltIndex, environment: .sandbox)
And now you have access to the APIs via phonePe
The APIs you have available correspond to what's implemented.
For example, to use the Recurring Payments
API, the PhonePeClient has a property to access that API via routes.
do {
let request = CreateUserSubscriptionRequest(
merchantId: "PGTESTPAYUAT77",
merchantSubscriptionId: "MSUB123456789012345",
merchantUserId: "MU123456789",
authWorkflowType: .pennyDrop, // or .pennyDrop
amountType: .fixed, // or .variable
amount: 39900, // Sample amount in paise
frequency: .monthly, // Choose the appropriate frequency
recurringCount: 12, // Sample recurring count
subMerchantId: "DemoMerchant",
mobileNumber: "7989378465", // Sample mobile number
deviceContext: DeviceContext(phonePeVersionCode: 400922) // Sample device context
let subscriptions = try await phonePeClient.subscriptions.createSubscription(request: request)
if subscriptions.status == .succeeded {
print("New swift servers are on the way 🚀")
} else {
print("Sorry you have to use Node.js 🤢")
} catch {
// Handle error
- Check Status
- Refund
- PAY (🚧 Under Development)
- Check Status (🚧 Under Development)
- Refund (🚧 Under Development)
- VPA Validate
- Payment Options
- Health Status
- Create User Subscription
- User Subscription Status
- Fetch All Subscriptions
- Verify VPA
- Submit Auth Request (🚧 Under Development)
- Auth Request Status (🚧 Under Development)
- Recurring INIT (🚧 Under Development)
- Recurring Debit Execute (🚧 Under Development)
- Recurring Debit Execute Status (🚧 Under Development)
- Cancel Subscription (🚧 Under Development)
- Revoke Subscription (🚧 Under Development)
- Pause/UnPause Subscription (🚧 Under Development)
- Cancel Subscription (🚧 Under Development)
- Revoke Subscription (🚧 Under Development)
PhonePeKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.