- JobManager- Class is the User-level API to perform the processing on the time_point tasks.
- TaskPool- Class is the implementation details of how the Tasks are recorded, odered and processed.
- TimePointTask- Class is the Task Object that has a time_point attribute. This attribute will be used to order different TimePointTask Objects in the TaskQueues.
- TaskPool uses a std::set to store the incoming TimePointTasks in the increasing order of the time_point_t attribute.
- Uses std::mutex to enable exclusive locking of the set, so no two threads get concurrent access to the datastructure.
- Uses a fixed size vector of std::thread to spawn the desired number of threads to perform the Tasks.
- Operations on the data structure are serialized.
- Maylimit parallel application performance.
- Version-1 has all the same components as Version-0, except it uses a custom-built ThreadSafeOrderedList instead of std::set to record the Tasks for processing.
- ThreadSafeOrderedList uses fine-grained-locking/hand-over-hand-locking to enable exclusive access of indevidual nodes of the list, instead of the entire data-structure.
- This will allow multiple threads to Read and Write data at the same time on the same data-structure by reducing the contention for global data structure lock.
- Ex. Two Writer-Threads can insert Tasks of different time_point value to different locations of the data-structure.
Please look at the inline comments near the code for more detailed discussion of the pros and cons of multiple approaches and some fine details.
Problem-1: ThreadSafeOrderedList uses dynamic memory allocations to create new Nodes on the List. These Nodes are pop-ed(cleared) by the reader-threads. But, the concept of dynamic-memory-allocation is undeterministic and may cause run-time performance/correctness issues.
Solution-1: Its ideal to use a statically allocated fixed-block-size(or continuous) memory-pool to use/re-use as a memory reserve for the List nodes. These allocated blocks can then be used long with the placement-new operator or by building a polymorphic_allocator for use within the Data-structure. This memory-pool/free-list must be thread safe(preferably lock-free) for concurrent access from multiple threads. -
Both the versions still use locks and mutexes at different capacities. This might cause undeterministic run-time behavior in a resource constrained embedded system environment.
Solution-2: Its possible to apply advanced lock-free programming techniques to remove/reduce the locking.
>> cd v0
>> make
>> ./main
>> cd v1
>> make
>> ./main
** Note: I have used std::cout to print to the terminal.