A nodejs package for printing labels under Windows framework net4.0
@Authour Yang Zhou
@Mail zhouyang@datahub.top
qqprinter is a js wrapper for label printer operations such as getting printer names, setting default printer, and printing some contents discripted with JSON format.
qqprinter is able to print text, tables, images and QRcodes.
- With the developing of our ERP system, it's important access printers directly from js under the framework of NW.js. However there's not a proper library yet, so a simple but enough wrapper is written.
- A full functional binary is preprared with c#.net4.0 named as labelPrinter.exe. This binary could be used with command-line operations. With the help of childprocess module of nodejs we provide you a js wrapper called labelPrinter.js.
you can simply install the module by
npm install qqprinter --save
Examples can be found in test_get_availabel.js and test_labelPrinter.js.
get_available can let you know what printers are available on this computer.
labelPrinter let print some labels using js.